Showing posts with label UFOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFOs. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2024

UFOs Everywhere


Especially in New Jersey, which is near New York. OK, nasty, but like no kidding, everywhere you look in New Jersey there's a UFO, coming outta the sea, going inna sea, hovering around subdivisions, truck stops, strip malls, military bases, you name it, there they are. UFOs, everywhere. 

Some appear to be orbs of fluid, shifting light. Others morph into various shapes, cylinders, triangles and the like.  Some appear technical, others almost organic. So what are they, drones? That's what we're being told, with the Pentagon caveat that they're not ours, not our enemies' and, in fact, don't belong to any known earthbound agency. So what are they? Aliens, obviously. Here, have a look.


Remember, punters, in the icy void of deep space no one can hear you scream.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

CIA Goes For UFOs


According to the UK's Daily Mail a top secret CIA office (Office Of Global Access or OGA) has been collecting crashed UFO debris since 2003 and even took possession of two intact craft.

Unnamed sources told the Mail:

There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones, it has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.


Wow, but we have to ask, if extraterrestrials are so technologically advanced that they were able to cross the icy void of interstellar space to visit earth, why would they crash, much less allow the CIA to get hold of their tech. It seems unlikely, which hints at a coverup, an inside job if you will.

Here at the Compound, we believe USGOV along with its secret police and espionage agencies have been infiltrated and possibly controlled by Off World interests for many years. Much like, if you pause to reflect, the Church of England (COE), the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and the tellingly named TEC (The Episcopal Church).

So of course the OGA took possession of downed space alien craft, they're on the same team. Terrifying, isn't it. And perhaps you think this is some kind of weird conspiracy theory, think again.

Ad Astra,


Sunday, July 30, 2023

Non-Human Biologics


There's a lot going on right now, all of it important, the worship of God on Sunday, a major war in Eastern Europe, a coup in Niger, room temp semiconductor's and the ongoing Hunter Biden corruption Clown Op. Yes, all of that and more, but have you noticed the UFO thing?


Several former military whistle blowers have testified before Congress to the effect that USGOV has recovered "non-human biologics" from space alien craft. Said one observer:

There was a gasp

"There was definitely a gasp and everyone was definitely a little bit shocked," he said, "when Grusch was talking about non-human biologics." There was a similar response when Grusch later touched on the personal retaliation he suffered, according to the man.

Trailer Trash Grifter

Non-human "biologics." We have those here, apparently, but will we take any action to remove this off-world threat, root and branch? That, punters, remains to be seen.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Aliens Among Us


Well, at least recovered space alien tech. According to senior Air Force whistleblower David Grusch, the US has some 12 extraterrestrial craft in its possession, including one 30' saucer which distorted space and time, leaving an investigator staggering, disoriented and nauseous.

"They had a guy go into it,"  stated Grusch, "He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside. He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later. There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion."

Stanford prof Dr. Garry Nolan believes off-world tech is the tip of a dark deep state iceberg, and that actual space creatures are alive and living among us. “I think you can go a step further — it hasn’t just visited, it’s been here a long time, and it’s still here,” said Nolan to a break-out session at the Salt iConnections conference in Manhattan last week.

Bold call. Space aliens, off-worlders living in our midst undetected, apparently human but not, a hidden threat to humanity. Or maybe not so hidden. Do you feel nauseous, disoriented and somehow staggering?

Quod Erat Demonstrandum,


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What About The UFOs?


OK. Here we are, and things are pretty weird. You're a rayciss if you think that the color of someone's skin doesn't determine their worth as a human being. You're threatening the very health of our nation if you don't get a vax which doesn't stop you getting the flu. So you wear a made in China mask which comes from a box explicitly saying its masks don't protect you from viruses.

Off-world insane? Yes, and that's just CRT and Covid. Let's not forget a persyn, who didn't even bother to campaign, becoming the President of the US by an epochal efflorescence of votes; more than any other candidate's had in history. So much for democratic process in our constitutional republic. And the people who dared protest the doddering old crook and the power he represents are in DC Gitmo.

Nice little American gulag, and no wonder the Left doesn't object. But that and more aside, what about UFOs? Seriously, the Navy and Pentagon admit they're there. UFOs, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon, all running around and pulling aerial stunts which can't be accounted for by present tech. Media response? So what or ridicule.

You'd think video footage of inexplicable flying craft was pretty big news, backed up as it is by trustworthy sources, gun cams and pilots. But no, evidently not. Who cares if we're being visited by creatures from a different world or dimension. Like, "how ridiculous."

Except that it's not, it's there for all to see. And we have ask ask, who are they, what do they want, and how many of them are walking amongst us, unknown.Terrifying question, eh?

Ad Astra,


Friday, June 18, 2021



Here in Lspland we take UFOs seriously and so does the Pentagon itself, which is why the Department of Defense is briefing Congress later this month on some 120 UAP (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) incidents going back several decades. Why the sudden interest?

Because of a series of Pentagon verified videos from Navy pilots, showing unidentified craft maneuver with capability that's seemingly far beyond our own. Such as the famous Tic-Tac, Sphere and Acorn, as well as the Metallic Blimp and a random flying pyramid.


Some politicians, like Senator "Rat Claw" Rubio, believe the UAPs  are a threat, "The facts are that there are things flying over our military installations. They don’t belong to us. They seem to evidence some technological advancement that we don’t have and have never seen. That would be one heck of a technological leap and a huge strategic surprise, so we have to know what this stuff is."

You might be forgiven for thinking that Rat Claw's beating up some kind of war drum hysteria with his vicious little hands. That uncomfortable image aside, what is this "stuff"? Secret US, ChiCom or Russian tech, visitors from another time or dimension? Literal space aliens? Who knows, maybe it's Space Nazis operating Tesla drive craft, Aryan Vimanas?, out of the center of our hollow earth. Or demons, some people think they're behind the mysterious UAPs.

The Blimp

For what it's worth, I'm inclined towards the US tech point of view, who knows what we've got going on out there on the far reaches of dark money and arcane science. And for goodness sake, the scamdemic's nearly over, so it's high time for another crisis to keep the serfs in order and the profits flowing. 

But the problem with this is that the Pentagon's UAP record goes back a long time, to well before our current microchip utopia, much less hypersonic, gravity defying flyers. Sure, capitalize on the phenomenon and lock the people down forever, but the things which were flying in the '70s and before can't have been ours, surely. Or the ChiCom's or the Russians'. The tech just wasn't there.

A Typical Space Nazi

So maybe it's demons except that why would evil spirits who can move at the speed of thought bother to use a Metallic Blimp for transport, or a Tic-Tac? No, not demons. Then there's Space Nazis, from Hollow Earth. Tempting. Still, we know the Fourth Reich is all about blitzkreig and conquest, and the UAPs haven't done this, fortunately.

That leaves extra dimensional visitors, time travelers or space aliens. So what's the score?

Your Call,


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Archbishop of Canterbury Levitates In Mexico!

A Mexican star gazer, Salvador Guerrero, got more than he bargained for when he climbed onto his roof in Colonia Agricola Oriental for an evening's UFO spotting. 

Looking out over the night sky, Guerrero saw a floating object that defied belief, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

Zooming in on the humanoid figure with his video camera, Guerrero witnessed the Archbishop inexplicably hovering in midair.

"The Archbishop had no wings, no parachute, no engine, he just floated, bobbing up and down," stated the shocked UFO spotter, "He was spinning slowly, arms outstretched, then he disappeared behind a house."

The Archbishop's destination is currently unknown.

Ad Astra,


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Time Traveler Exposes Grey Aliens!

A mysterious time traveler from 2030 has made the shocking claim that space aliens from another planet are living here on earth.

Wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, the time traveler, named Roman, told Apex TV that the aliens are called Greys and are typically tall, with bad eyesight, high foreheads and receding hair. 

And while some are already living on earth, Roman says more will come in the near future:

As I said, in your time there are already Greys inhabiting Earth, and whenever they see that it is peaceful for them, they decided to come here in multitudes.
At first we thought it was an alien invasion. We thought it was an attack on planet Earth.

While skeptics dismiss Roman's claims,  truth might be stranger than fiction, with Grey aliens hiding in plain sight.

Lambeth Palace declined to comment.

Ad Astra,


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Government Insider Reveals Anglican Warp Technology!

Ex-Pentagon expert, Alan Delgarde, has made astonishing claims about the technology which keeps the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC) in the air.

According to Delgarde, WANC is still flying because of "energy" and the "ability to warp space-time" and a single, mysterious technology.

"We believe it has to do with a high amount of energy and the ability to warp space-time, not by a lot, but by a little. We do believe all these observables we've been seeing, sudden and extreme acceleration, hypersonic velocities, low observability, trans medium travel, and last but not least, positive lift, anti-gravity – is really the manifestation of a single technology," said Delgarde in an interview with Compound News.

Others aren't convinced: “Are UFOs chasing our jet fighters, as recent secret documents suggest?" opined space boffin, self-described Michio Kaku, “Maybe they are experimental hypersonic drones. Or maybe aliens from outer space? I keep an open mind.”

So what is the Worldwide Anglican Communion, a spacetime warping, anti-gravity vessel from another dimension or just another hypersonic drone?

You be the judge,


Monday, January 16, 2017

Anglican Instruments of Communion Flash Past Space Station!

UFO enthusiasts were stunned when live footage from the International Space Station (ISS) revealed the Anglican Instruments of Communion flashing past the spaceship like bright lights.

In live footage uploaded by ET experts, mysterious glowing lights can be seen moving across the backdrop of planet Earth. However, when the strange Instruments of Communion get too close for comfort, an astronaut appears to block the camera's view.

The Instruments of Communion

This has led some experts to speculate that the long lost Instruments of Communion do, in fact, exist. However, conspiracy theorists claim that the lights are part of an elaborate "cover up."

"These are some incredible clips, I've never seen any of them. How could anyone possibly debunk these?" said one UFO pundit, while a conspiracy theorist stated, "No one's fooled. It's an elaborate cover up by Lambeth Palace, they don't want us [to] know that the Instruments are lost in space."

Cover Up?

The enigmatic Anglican Instruments of Communion are: The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lambeth Conference, the Primates Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council. 

A Space Alien

These were reported missing in the 1970s when the Episcopal Church (TEC) ordained women clergypersons and have been sporadically sighted over the last 40 years.

Justin Welby's Tailor

Archbishop Justin Welby was unavailable for comment.

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