Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CIA. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Take Out The Trash


Keen-eyed readers of this shallow mind blog may recognize the headline as a veiled admonition to go to Confession, and so we should in case of grievous sin. That in mind, perhaps you've noticed news of pervert kink treason in the sacred rainbow halls of our beloved Intel Community:

 Well that's nasty, it get's worse:

Here at the Compound OPERATION CLEAN UP has moved into phase 2, and we're getting rid of the dirt. Good luck, Tulsi, on cleansing the above Augean Stable. What filth, and to think, paid for by you, the taxpayer.  They're laughing at us. No, I take that back, they really hate us.

Throw this garbage out.



PS. Long ago, back in the halcyon days of the 90s. I smashed a glass at a clergyman's house in Maryland, "Well," I exclaimed, "At least it wasn't family crystal." He looked at me, "We don't have any." Oops.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Asset Traitor

Could it be that the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church is some kind of CIA asset? What a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Here's the American Conservative:

Everyone knows that the Moscow Patriarchate is in bed with the Kremlin. Few realize that the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is deeply beholden to the United States government. 

This ignorance is surprising, given that many Greek Orthodox leaders are quite proud of the fact. In 1942, Athenagoras Spyrou—the Archbishop of America for the Greek Orthodox Church—wrote to an agent of the Office of Strategic Services. “I have three Bishops, three hundred priests, and a large and far-flung organization,” Athenagoras wrote. “Every one under my order is under yours. You may command them for any service you require. There will be no questions asked and your directions will be executed faithfully.” 

In 1947, the OSS was rechristened as the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA. One year later, Athenagoras was elected Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, the spiritual leader of Eastern Orthodoxy. 

One might point out that, when Athenagoras reached out to the OSS, his native Greece was under Nazi occupation. It is understandable that a Greek bishop in America would support the American war effort. But it was more than that. Athenagoras was a strong supporter of American exceptionalism and encouraged Washington’s militarist foreign policy. The U.S. Consul in Istanbul recounted a conversation with Athenagoras in 1951: “As usual, he talked at some length of his belief that the United States must remain in the Near East for several centuries to fulfill the mission which had been given it by God to give freedom, prosperity and happiness to all people.”

(These quotes, by the way, are pulled from a talk given by an Orthodox historian called Matthew Namee at Holy Cross Hellenic College, the Greek seminary in Boston. These are not malicious forgeries peddled by Russian propagandists—the Greek Orthodox are quite proud of their association with the American deep state.)

Athenagoras was not merely an Americanist. He was also known as a renovationist, as liberal Orthodox are known. In 1964, he met with Pope Paul VI in Jerusalem; together, they officially lift the mutual excommunications placed by their predecessors in 1054. This gesture sparked outrage across Orthodox world. Athenagoras was accused of compromising the Orthodox Faith for the sake of a paper union with Rome.

The current Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, is cut from the same cloth as Athenagoras. He is very close to Pope Francis; the two share a passion for mass immigration and environmental activism. Also like Athenagoras, Bartholomew shares a close relationship with the U.S. government—a partnership that has proven mutually beneficial.


You can read all about it here.



Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Kim Dot Com


Here's Kim, he's on a bit of a rant:

The 2014 coup with the help of Nazis and CIA snipers, endless propaganda and lies, breaches of the Minsk accords, murder of 15,000+ ethnic Russians in Donbas, provoking war with Russia via NATO expansion with plans to station nuclear capable missiles 400km from Moscow, arrogantly ignoring Russias warning to back off, acting surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”, blowing up the NordStream pipelines in an act of international terrorism, unleashing thousands of sanctions against Russia to force “regime change” (unsuccessfully), bankrupting Ukraine with loans and by wrecking the Ukrainian economy, ripping off the US tax base and paying the Military Industrial Complex for sending old and ineffective arms stockpiles to Ukraine, causing millions of Ukrainians to flee to Europe, falsely promising Ukraine “unwavering support for as long as it takes”, preventing a peace agreement with Russia, causing 600,000+ Ukrainians to die in a US proxy war, losing 20% of Ukrainian territory and $10+ trillion of proven natural resources to Russia, controlling western mainstream media and lying to the world by falsely claiming that Ukraine is winning and that Russia is about to fold, using EU politicians as puppets who sold out and will never win re-election, de-industrialization of Europe and luring Gas dependent Industries with unfair subsidies to the US, costing EU taxpayers 120+ billion for funding a US proxy war and causing trillions in future economic losses for the EU, getting Germany to send tanks to kill Russians after the Soviets sacrificed 27 million people in WW2 to stop Adolf Hitler, getting Putin charged for war crimes by the western funded International Criminal Court and then backing an actual genocide by Israel against Palestinian civilians, blaming Ukraine for the failed counter-offensive instead of admitting that Pentagon war simulations are garbage, preventing diplomacy because peace and a neutral Ukraine would be a victory for Russia and destroying Biden’s re-election chances, laundering money via Ukraine to US and Ukrainian politicians, the list goes on and on.

Don’t even get me started about the millions of people the US Govt killed by funding the creation of Covid-19 and unsafe vaccines.

Are you supporting the United States Govt and the US Deep State which controls politicians in all parties, the judiciary and big tech?

Are you supporting the Pentagon propaganda media, the US censorship machine and the 5 Eyes mass surveillance regime that constantly collects every bit of data about you?

Are you supporting the US led NATO war machine, chaos by design, global deception and mass murder?

Did you know that the US Govt has killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2? That doesn’t include deaths by sanctions and Covid-19.

Is your nation and are your politicians backing endless US wars, theft and crimes against humanity?

What happened in Ukraine is your wake-up call. This may be your last chance to rise against the evildoers and their corrupt system. Soon @X and @elonmusk  will be forced to comply with censorship or be destroyed and you will have to look for posts like this in the anonymous corners of the Internet.

If you fail to act World War 3 is more likely than not and 99% of humanity would vanish. This isn’t fear-mongering. You need to understand why the US started the proxy war with Russia:

If the US Govt can’t stop the growing multipolar order spearheaded by Russia and China or the de-dollarization in international trade the US will simply collapse because it will no longer be able to print money on the backs of other nations which use the US dollar as a reserve currency.

Printing trillions of dollars was the only way for the US Govt to stay afloat, turning the markets into a Ponzi scheme and managing an unsustainable and rapidly increasing debt-burden. Those days are numbered.


Make of this what you will,


Thursday, November 30, 2023

CIA Goes For UFOs


According to the UK's Daily Mail a top secret CIA office (Office Of Global Access or OGA) has been collecting crashed UFO debris since 2003 and even took possession of two intact craft.

Unnamed sources told the Mail:

There's at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones, it has to do with the physical condition they're in. If it crashes, there's a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.


Wow, but we have to ask, if extraterrestrials are so technologically advanced that they were able to cross the icy void of interstellar space to visit earth, why would they crash, much less allow the CIA to get hold of their tech. It seems unlikely, which hints at a coverup, an inside job if you will.

Here at the Compound, we believe USGOV along with its secret police and espionage agencies have been infiltrated and possibly controlled by Off World interests for many years. Much like, if you pause to reflect, the Church of England (COE), the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and the tellingly named TEC (The Episcopal Church).

So of course the OGA took possession of downed space alien craft, they're on the same team. Terrifying, isn't it. And perhaps you think this is some kind of weird conspiracy theory, think again.

Ad Astra,


Sunday, January 14, 2018

So Just Who Is Moby?

So who is "Moby", the elusive vegan Millionaire Socialist behind the CIA's attempt to bring down President Trump?

Gwen, center, holding Moby

Moby is a pop genius superstar worth a paltry $32 million. He once appeared alongside Gwen Steffani and went to the Southside, which was pretty MAGA.

Then he went anti-MAGA and produced a pop video about rainbow colored bears. Was that before, during or after his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency? 

Is Moby a schizophrenic? Or just a pencil neck beta cuck?

You, the reader, be the judge.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Suicidal Robots

Via Zerohedge: "We were promised flying cars, instead we got suicidal robots."

You can read all about the suicidal Knightsbridge K5 security bot over at Zero and while you're at it, ponder the glorious future we were promised.

Leisure and prosperity for all.

A bit like the priestess movement. 

That was going to fill the pews.

But didn't.

In other news, Mr. Trump has told the CIA to stop giving guns and ammo to the Jihad. About bloody time.

Santiago Matamoros,


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kim Jong-Un Space Alien!

Thanks to a Sunday Sport exclusive via a well known art philosopher, we now know that North Korea's plump dictator is, in fact, a space alien.

The startling news came after NASA scientists ran sophisticated analysis on Kim Jong-Un's appearance and eating habits. This revealed the oriental despot's space hair, tongue and extraterrestrial fondness for cheese. All hallmarks of ET origin.

According to experts, Kim was sent to earth to destabilize the planet prior to invasion by an intergalactic battle fleet of aliens.

"Kim - or whatever his space name is - was sent to earth to destabilize things," stated Keith Lockward, Professor of Space Security at the University of West Lancashire.

You can read all about it here at the world's best tabloid.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Train Hard, Think Positive, Fight Easy

What do you do when you're a recruit in the the DLC (Dallas Light Cavalry, Irreg.) and you're looking to join the Mess? 

You get running.

Attention to detail,


Monday, April 11, 2016

Snake Hunt!

What do you need to go on a snake hunt? A knife might come in handy, so take one. Take a hat, too, to keep the scorching April sun off your head. Wear boots, as an extra layer of protection against the sharp fangs of the snakes and vicious Texan thorns. But what about a gun?

A Hat

Yes, you'll need one. I chose a battered Mossberg 12 gauge pump. OK, it's not a fancy-pants, Ivy League, boarding school, Illuminati elite, Country Club double, but so what? It gets the job done.

Spot the Space Junk

Now that you're loaded for snake, set off and check out the serpentzone. I poked around in a pile of space junk that I knew a rattlesnake was fond of. How did I know? Because I saw it there the other day, with GWB. No luck. Next, peer down into a small ravine and gaze at the clear water of its creek. Tranquil, that's for sure, but still no snake.

So Where's the Snake?

Don't give up, like a beaten army, scout along a treeline and observe various animal bones while looking for Indian artifacts, maybe there'll be a snake. No, there wasn't; there were plenty of wild flowers, most attractive, but still no snake. Perhaps the snakes will be at the Beach, I thought, after all, they love water. Especially Water Moccasins. 

The Beach. Watch out for Snakes

Alright, go to the beach and look in wonder at the height of the water, chances are there'll be a snake. They do, in fact, like to congregate in places like the Beach, so if you're thinking of using this snake hunt as a guide, be careful when knocking about the shorelines of snaky tanks, I was. Regardless, the serpents were hiding, unlike the frogs which were in abundance.

Snake Territory

I called it a day after the Beach and counted it a successful armed stroll through the Texan countryside. And there's nothing wrong with that. At all.

As I write this serpentine wisdom, big lightning fills the eastern night sky like an artillery barrage, but it's silent so far.

Your Pal,


Monday, May 2, 2011


One minute it's the Royal wedding and the next it's OBL has been killed by U.S. operators in Pakistan. So much, I suppose, for the 'new Saladin.'

Referring to OBL's attack on the World Trade center, the U.K.'s Guardian had this to say, back in 2001:

"A brilliantly orchestrated feat of planning, coordination and execution backed by formidable religious convictions, the attack on New York and Washington exemplifies something that has come to characterise the modern world: the union of the symbolic with the actual, the mythical with the material, in a single act of destruction shown live on television. It is a perfect example of what extremists of an earlier generation termed the 'propaganda of the deed'".
"Mythical with the material"? All very philisophic. The Guardian seemed to think at the time that OBL had checkmated America; now their mastermind is dead.

Not that I'm a whining, comsymp, multiculturalist, Gaia-worshiping pacifist, or that I don't think that OBL had it coming - he did - but I'd like to see an end to the last decade's bout of killing.

I fear that's probably wishful thinking.