Showing posts with label UAPs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UAPs. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Aliens Among Us


Well, at least recovered space alien tech. According to senior Air Force whistleblower David Grusch, the US has some 12 extraterrestrial craft in its possession, including one 30' saucer which distorted space and time, leaving an investigator staggering, disoriented and nauseous.

"They had a guy go into it,"  stated Grusch, "He got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so disoriented because it was so gigantic inside. He staggered back out after being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later. There was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion."

Stanford prof Dr. Garry Nolan believes off-world tech is the tip of a dark deep state iceberg, and that actual space creatures are alive and living among us. “I think you can go a step further — it hasn’t just visited, it’s been here a long time, and it’s still here,” said Nolan to a break-out session at the Salt iConnections conference in Manhattan last week.

Bold call. Space aliens, off-worlders living in our midst undetected, apparently human but not, a hidden threat to humanity. Or maybe not so hidden. Do you feel nauseous, disoriented and somehow staggering?

Quod Erat Demonstrandum,


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What About The UFOs?


OK. Here we are, and things are pretty weird. You're a rayciss if you think that the color of someone's skin doesn't determine their worth as a human being. You're threatening the very health of our nation if you don't get a vax which doesn't stop you getting the flu. So you wear a made in China mask which comes from a box explicitly saying its masks don't protect you from viruses.

Off-world insane? Yes, and that's just CRT and Covid. Let's not forget a persyn, who didn't even bother to campaign, becoming the President of the US by an epochal efflorescence of votes; more than any other candidate's had in history. So much for democratic process in our constitutional republic. And the people who dared protest the doddering old crook and the power he represents are in DC Gitmo.

Nice little American gulag, and no wonder the Left doesn't object. But that and more aside, what about UFOs? Seriously, the Navy and Pentagon admit they're there. UFOs, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon, all running around and pulling aerial stunts which can't be accounted for by present tech. Media response? So what or ridicule.

You'd think video footage of inexplicable flying craft was pretty big news, backed up as it is by trustworthy sources, gun cams and pilots. But no, evidently not. Who cares if we're being visited by creatures from a different world or dimension. Like, "how ridiculous."

Except that it's not, it's there for all to see. And we have ask ask, who are they, what do they want, and how many of them are walking amongst us, unknown.Terrifying question, eh?

Ad Astra,