Showing posts with label Hawkwind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawkwind. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Buckle Up Kids - We're Going To Mars


Buckle up, kids, we're going to Mars. That's right, we're going to conquer the RED PLANET. So important, don't you think, to have a goal or purpose in life worth striving for? Joining the Reform Club, defeating the Woke Mind Virus, freeing J6 political prisoners, striving for spiritual perfection and COLONIZING MARS. Thanks, LL, for the photo of our new colony.

Space is Deep,


Tuesday, December 31, 2024



The Old Offender

Keen-eyed readers, all four of you, might remember that the Compound's motor pool took a serious hit when a 2018 F150 went badly wrong on its way to Dallas for Thanksgiving. No joke, the malfeasant rig juddered and quaked on I35's fast lane into the 'sprawl. Pull off the road, LSP, park up at a sketchy Motel 6 and... the 5.0L V8 beast wouldn't restart.

Long story short, the Waxahachie Ford House wanted to charge a whopping Merry Christmas 16k to swap out a busted long block. Huh. No. Tow the broken offender back to base and hand it over to local mechs. They duly turned up and ran a diagnostic, hoping that 1. There was an easily fixable problem, like a bad fuel pump control module, or 2. The old engine was salvageable.

Wretched Malfeasant - There's a Story Here

No to 1 and 2. A rocker had busted and fallen into the body of the engine, the timing chain had snapped and catastrophic failure ensued. Not unlike the Church of England, when you think on it. Solution? Pull out the old engine via tractor and chains, drop a new/used one in. And that's exactly what happened.

Everything back together, we took the truck for a test drive through the sylvan boulevards of pleasantly sunny rural Texas and, lo and behold, the beast purred along with its newly installed engine, which came from a vehicle with 77k on the clock. So it's a young engine, let's see how it pans out in the New Year.


Ah, but LSP, I hear you think, trenchantly, what happened to the RAPTOR? Good question, and here's the answer. If this year of our Lord, 2025 A.D., comes in golden, then a jolly old Raptor's on the cards and a Sergeant can have the refurbed One Fiddy. That's one timeline, we'll see what tomorrow brings.



Saturday, December 21, 2024

All Lit Up


All lit up and time for some Space Rock, don't you think?

Ladbrook Grove forever and, "Is there something wrong with the juke box?" I pause, "No, darling, it's just Hawkwind."



PS. Lemmy made that band, imo, feel free to disagree.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Born To Go


Maybe this utter, tin ear, deaf as a post, wrong side of history mountebank needs to think twice again. Well he should, the corrupt buffoon. As we ponder this heady equation, and its malfeasant quotient, here's USMC:

See what I'm saying? Maybe we can spare a carrier group and expeditionary force to liberate the UK from the tin-pot, corrupt, we-hate-our-people Maoists who've colonized it. Call it de-colonialization if you like.

In related news, rumors that we're taking over Canada and the UK as the 51st and 52nd states are just that, rumors. Bring it on? Well it's not as though we couldn't. Do those places even have armies?

Mind how you go,


Sunday, December 15, 2024

UFOs Everywhere


Especially in New Jersey, which is near New York. OK, nasty, but like no kidding, everywhere you look in New Jersey there's a UFO, coming outta the sea, going inna sea, hovering around subdivisions, truck stops, strip malls, military bases, you name it, there they are. UFOs, everywhere. 

Some appear to be orbs of fluid, shifting light. Others morph into various shapes, cylinders, triangles and the like.  Some appear technical, others almost organic. So what are they, drones? That's what we're being told, with the Pentagon caveat that they're not ours, not our enemies' and, in fact, don't belong to any known earthbound agency. So what are they? Aliens, obviously. Here, have a look.


Remember, punters, in the icy void of deep space no one can hear you scream.

Friday, August 30, 2024



There you are, whistling John Lennon's famous Buddhist Max-Commie pop song and what happens? You start thinking about the war in Ukraine. Oops, guaranteed to mess up your karma. So what's it all about? In the UK everything's incredibly simple. Viz:

Putler, the evil, insane, Hitlerian, psycho, transphobe AUTOCRAT launched against Rainbow Ukraine in an act of mad unprovoked Hitlerian fervor. That's the narrative, and if you don't believe it we'll LOCK YOU UP, for terrorism, in the UK. That's the UK; why are they so invested in this fight against Russia? Because Crimea 1860s? C'mon, help me out. Because US imperial plaything? Whatev, your call.

That aside, in another timeline NATO provokes Russia into a proxy war in which NATO countries gambled onna fast victory and then got surprised when the thing went industrial and they... didn't have any industry, oops, because all off-shored to China. And guess what?

The same industrial behemoth you've sent all your factories to, you know, like steel and stuff, is a RUSSIAN ALLY. Well far out. Good thing the Ivy League's in power, right? All hail Duke and Princeton. Bow down before the Harvard Genius Patrol. And thank Gaia this result is in an alt timeline.

Your old Battle Buddy,


Thursday, August 29, 2024

You're Living In A Vacuum

We're living in a void. So says Paul Kingsworth, and he has a point. Is the dominant culture pagan, secular or even atheist? Hardly, it's nothing at all, a void or vacuum in which Christianity is taken-for-granted-rejected and thus the West itself. Call it intellectual and cultural suicide if you like, call it nihilism, call it blasphemy LARPING as lib project freedom. Anyway, here's a snapshot:

In the West today, that means that we have to live in a culture without faith. Without faith in the Christian God, obviously, but without faith in anything else either. We are not pagans because pagans, like Christians, believe in something. We believe in nothing. Most significantly, we are now even ceasing to believe in the ideas which arose to replace all religions in the age of ‘Enlightenment.’ Reason, progress, liberalism, freedom of speech, democracy, the enlightened rational individual, the scientific process as a means of determining truth: everywhere, these ‘secular’ beliefs, which were supposed to replace religion worldwide, are either under fire or have already fallen too.

Is this an atheist age, then? In one obvious sense, yes. We are perhaps the first godless culture in human history. Religious cosmologies have differed vastly across time and space, but no society has ever existed without one. Ours has tried to, for a brief, violent and explosive time. I don’t think that time has long to run. So yes, we are living in an atheist age - and yet, at the same time, that’s not quite the full picture either.

Atheism, like religion, implies some sort of confidence; some sort of actual stance. A-theism is a position. It states: there is no God, and it can state that because it has a set of alternative beliefs, usually those which emerged from the European ‘age of reason’: the ability of science to demonstrate universal truth; the objectivity of rational thought; the knowability of reality. Atheism often also refuses religion on moral grounds: religions, it is said, are archaic, irrational, unjust and oppressive. Some version of ‘humanism’ is a better and fairer fit for the modern world.

All of these are positions. They are statements of faith in the world working in a certain way, and in the way that it should work, and should be arranged. Atheism can even amount to a quasi-religious system itself. Orthodox convert Seraphim Rose, formerly a committed atheist himself, once wrote that ‘atheism, true “existential” atheism burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God, is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God.’

 Does our age believe this? Hardly. These days even Richard Dawkins publicly regrets the results of the ignorant anti-Christian fatwa he helped to lead. They say they are no atheists in foxholes; I wonder how many of them there are in post-religious societies. What happens when the dedicated rationalist realises that his destruction of religious faith has not led to the triumph of reason but to its long sleep, which is producing, now, increasingly terrible monsters? So no, this is not an atheist age either. It is not, I would say, any kind of ‘age’ at all. It has no shape. It has no centre. Nobody sits on its throne. It is, taken in the round, simply a vacuum. There is nothing here at all.


You can read the whole thing here, and you should. In the meanwhile, we have to ask, what will fill the vacuum nature abhors? A renewed Faith and/or Satan? At the moment it's most definitely the latter, but we know how this clash ends. Curiously enough, at the Colosseum.

God Bless,


Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Wonder at the Offertory, here's Farrer:

THE alms for which your generosity is asked are nothing exterior to the sacrament, but a part of it.  If you were living in the days of the ancient church, you would be bringing not money, but cakes of bread and flasks of wine.  All would be placed upon the altar; part would be consecrated for the eucharist, the remainder would be given to the sick and poor.  Now you bring money.  But your money is still presented along with the bread and wine, and it still means the same thing.  The offering is your offering; it is you yourselves who are laid on the altar to be consecrated, and to be made the body of Christ.  Your gift is a token of yourself.  I break the bread for the death of Christ, and we are all sacrificed to God in Christ's death, dying in him to our own will, and receiving Christ our true life in communion. is you yourselves who are laid on the altar to be consecrated, and to be made the body of Christ. Reflect on that, dear readers, all three of you, as you approach the altar with altar with joy and gladness, to say nothing of fear and trembling before the living presence of God.

If you think, in your vain, worldly conceit that you can somehow ignore this and come out smiling like a gilded loon at the other end you are sadly mistaken. I'll put it another way. God will not be mocked, not least by the risible Rainbow Cult which is a mockery in itself. Homily over and mind how you go.



Sunday, April 7, 2024



This town has gone full eclipse,  right at the time we're going to London for a Club shoot out. Stay tuned. Airport tomorrow.


Sunday, January 14, 2024

We Live Vicariously


Well, sometimes. An old friend's busy doing some sound magicke at London's famous RAK studios and sent me this:

Caption, "Look who lives on the wall here." Hey, let's hear it for Lemmy. Dam straight.

Your Pal,


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Driving Into The Sun


It was like some kind of Golden Void on the way down 22 to Mass this evening and no complaints from me on that score, all hail the countryside. Then, ite missa est, it was time to head back to the Compound, except it wasn't.

No, a young couple asked me to bless their marriage. It was an heterosexual marriage, so I did. Well done kids, long may you reign in this dark and barbarous age. Then, no sooner Texas said than done, the Compound opened its storied doors and there it was, home.

Result, but immediately a call, "What's up, son?" a pause, "Hey dad, I'm in town." Well done you, and a few minutes later in came a soldier storming through with a Whataburger and a Green to Gold packet. Good work, kid.

Seriously, it'd be a grand thing if the erstwhile Cadet became an actual Cadet. Let's see how this goes.



Friday, December 22, 2023

Wymxn And Guns


Many wymxn are against guns because so violent. Get rid of gunz, they argue, and no one will shoot anyone because no gunz. Hey, it's not a bad argument, and wymxn use it all the time. 

Ban guns and there'll be less of them around, the wymxn say, and welcome to the new green rainbow gunless utopia! Unless, of course you're a criminal, in which case you've got a couple of Ukrainian AKs, an NLAW and far moar besides.

Old but Gold

That in mind, flash back to Ludlow October '22, where my friend, what a good woman, was not only against firearms but lamented the lack of police in her tiny little hamlet. No cops for miles around, no budget for that, and thank Gaia, no guns either.

"But tell me," quizzed the Colonel of the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irreg.), "What happens when some roughs out of Birmingham turn up at your door stop with a baseball bat, will you call the cops who won't be there? Yet another argument for the Second Amendment." Quite.

She frowned, stoically, and didn't press the point, being a gentlewoman, and neither did I, but let's be honest, slaves can't defend themselves and free-men can. True, eh?

Ludlow observation aside, and what a lovely town it is, things could get right rough in the next few years, if you can bear to do the math and face reality however grim. That in mind, smart people are taking note and planning accordingly. Don't say ammo and precious metal, and DOGE$, obvs.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cher - Time To Leave


Smash hit super celebrity pop icon Cher, 77, has threatened to finally leave America if Donald Trump is reelected. That's right, no more Cher if El Senor gets back in the Oval Office and Melania's once more in charge of White House aesthetics.

According to Breitbart, the aging singer "almost got an ulcer" when Trump defeated Hillary in 2016 and if he returns Cher will "leave":

“I almost got an ulcer the last time [Trump was elected],” Cher told the Guardian in an interview published Wednesday, adding, “If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave [the country].”

Megastar Cher famously supported Joe Biden in his hugely successful run for President in 2020 and even reworked a song for his campaign, the mass hit, "Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe."  However, even though Old Joe won the Presidency, Cher still wasn't happy.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, massively popular Cher rode the doomsday clock, declaring that  SCOTUS would be “responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American women.” Yes, a veritable female slaughterhouse because biological women wouldn't be killed in the womb.

Unsurprisingly, the talented singer songwriter of classics like the Shoop Shoop Song and Heart of Stone was outraged by Texas' recent pro-life legislation, shouting on social media, “WOMEN WILL DIE” and “DEMOCRACY WILL WITHER & DIE, & DICTATORS WILL THRIVE.”

Is Cher a Moloch worshiping, Illuminati Devil Witch with a whopping socialist net worth of $380 million or a simple pop genius with a social conscience? Either which way, she's out if 45 becomes 47. 

Here at the Compound and by way of serious analysis, we wonder if this isn't reason enough to vote for El Senor. Not that voting actually seems to matter much, but still.

Time you left, Cher.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Warrior - On The Edge Of Time


Looking kinda close, eh. Assault and battery? Wager the dam monkey on it. Still, and in parting, footprints in the sands of time, what?

Your Old Pal and Space Rock forever,


Tuesday, September 5, 2023



Well, kind of. Two big branches fell from two big pecan trees into the back yard of the Compound, doubtless the victims of climate change and or global warming. I looked at them, hanging and lying on the parched, cracked earth of this part of North Central Texas.

If only we'd paid more tax and made our Illuminati NWO Vizier Satraps even wealthier than they are already. Why then, none of this ecological catastrophe would've happened. As it is, we'll have to get in there with carbon guzzling chainsaws and sort that pecan wood out, maybe tomorrow.

Speaking of Satraps, did you know that in late antiquity the Byzantine authority set up on the Palatine Hill in Rome, in the very palaces of the Emperors. Imagine them, looking out from decayed imperial grandeur on the vast ruin field of what had been a city of a million inhabitants.

Reflecting on this, along with Gregory the Great, Pantheon bronze and the Phocian Column, to say nothing of Justinian and Belisarius, I walked the dog to the Pick 'n Steal through a golden Texan sunset. Beautiful, and I thanked God for it, Providence is quite a thing.

That in mind, hope everyone had a great Labor Day and sang the Internationale unceasingly.


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Boys In The Hood


Well, not so much Hood as Cavasos because changing names and removing statues will do so much to raise the fortunes of virtue signalling hypocrite Democrats poverty stricken POCs everywhere. Except that it won't. Regardless, General Cavasos seems to have been the real deal and I enjoyed a brief tour of the post this afternoon.

The place always strikes me as well put together, unlike Killeen, and it was fun to drive around 1 Cav's enormous motor pools. Look at that, tanks! And the new JLTV (Joint Light Tactical Vehicle) which is replacing ancient HMMVs. 

It comes in 2 and 4 seat variants and features a V8 power plant, advanced networking capability, scalable armor and can be fitted with an array of weaponry: light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, anti-tank missiles and more. You can read about this demonstrably badass vehicle here.

Tour over, we stopped at the PX for food, which meant something called a "Philly Cheesesteak," which is a kind of sandwich thing, for the boy and a small order of fries for me. Was it cheap? No, it was not cheap. It was expensive. Very expensive. Maybe I will apply for bankruptcy.

That's as maybe. Perhaps you remember when fast food was a quick, inexpensive variant to real food? Those days are well gone, my friends. But the kid liked it, so. And you know what? He's proud of the US Army and his post. I like that a lot.

Then it was back to 57 Signal, a fond farewell, and a drive back to the bucolic farming community that is LSPland. And all was good, with I35 strangely easy and to the West a massive Texan sun sank to the horizon, filling the air with golden light.

God Bless,


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Wolf Man - Vril


I am the Wolfman?  No. That would be LL, under skies heavy with snows my eyes are convex lenses of ebony embedded in amber. 

Well, damme, someone's got to do it, what? Then there's the long-haired Vril. Seriously, Maria, Sigrun, Taut et al believed their beautiful long hair served as an antenna for aliens from Aldebaran, Tau Ceti. That's right, star children. 

Child of God? Are you sure, as opposed to Child of Satan? Guinea on the monkey and twice as fast. Joni, we all warned you

OK, translate the above as you will. But what about Vril power and the coming race?

Maria Orsic forever,


PS. Remember, punters, Jack Parsons, JPL, was a protege of Aleisteir Crowley. Like no kidding.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Just Taking It Easy


Huh, relaxing. Then there's Hawkwind

Hall of the Mountain Grill, or something like that. Here at the Compound we're whistling Dixie. Just taking it easy, until the next time.

"The time has come for you to choose, better get it right." 

Your old Pal,


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Something Wrong With The Jukebox?


Yes, it's our old favorite, Lords of Light. Rock on, right? But you know the old story, on come the Hawks and your youngest sister turns and says, "Something wrong with the jukebox?"

That in mind, how long would the UK last in a peer-to-peer firefight?  Asking for a friend. Maybe 24 hours, if that? Bets on. I'll lay a Guinea down UKLF, insomuch as it even exists today, folds. Your call, and money on the monkey.

Play Deep,


Thursday, May 4, 2023

Space Reich?


A Space Reich, Nazis on the Moon, Leni Reistenthal and Hanna Reitsch. "What about that, darling, do you not love?" I asked an old and liberal friend of the family who religiously follows the science of NPR. "You do realize, old girl, that they were women, courageous women, perhaps you know that with your background in film."

She paused, "Yes," but perhaps, I suggested, "you scorn these women because they're somehow... right wing?" Uh huh, exactly. And my friend would gladly throw real women off the bus and onto the tracks of trans inclusivity.

Readers, they have eyes, notoriously, but do not see. Leni became an underwater photographer and Hanna went on, I think, to command the Ghanaian airforce. Respect.

Ultima Thule,