Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New World Order. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

You Shouldn't Do That


Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a deeper State?  You know, they got fed up with  green trans agitprop and the Zelensky fraud.

Just putting it out there, don't say audit the Pentagon.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Taking Care Of Business


Ye Olde Meth Shack

Life at the Compound follows a rhythm, a pattern, and it all starts with a measured stroll to the Pick 'n Steal (PNS) via the Meth Shack. The shack's fallen on hard times, sadly, as you can see from the photo. Gone are the halcyon days of shirtless tweakers in filthy pajama bottoms decorating the porch. They're gone, along with much of the porch itself. Who knows, maybe the crew of Mexicans who've been, ahem, fixing the place up will achieve their goal.

We can but hope. In the meanwhile, a lone picker shuffled in the Shack's pecan grove, searching for nature's bounty. Good luck to him, may your harvest be plentiful. Ag exemption in mind I moved on to the Steal where, lo and behold, gas is only 3.59 a gallon. Get it while you can, kids.


One PNS coffee refill later and a pack of Marlboro Lights I was back at the patrol base and saying Morning Prayer. 1928 BCP version, thank you very much and you can get it online here. Then, no sooner was the Divine Office finished than a barrage of emails from lawyers and realtors came flooding in.

Upshot? Go to a notary, affidavit in hand. But the notary's shut because... who knows, it just is. Drive over to Land & Title, "How you doing!" what a cheery receptionist, "Good! How about you?" "I'm good, what can we do for ya?" Well, they couldn't notarize a document but they sure wanted to and were helpful as they could be. I thanked God for putting me in a Texan country town and headed over to Don Tutor's Bail Bonds.

Good People

"Hi, I recognize you from Bible Study at El Con! (an unreconstructed TexMex restaurant) What can we do for you?" So helpful, just notarize this document, please, and she did, free of charge. "What part of England you from?" I replied "London" and learned she wanted to go to Manchester, where she has an email friend. "Watch out," I admonished, "They call it Gunchester," and then felt bad, "Don't worry, you'll be alright." Good for her, so excited to visit England.

UK readers of this important mind blog, if there are any, take note: Many, many Americans hold the Sceptered Isle in very high regard, they really do. So don't scorn your brothers and sisters across the Atlantic, it's an unpleasant, snobbish and beastly trait. Just saying.

Bonds aside, go back to the Compound to regroup, eat a slice of bread because fasting and get blitzed by lawyers and realtors over the information superhighway. Think Russian Shock Army moving on the Karkov Front. We withstood the offensive, nice work team, and then Canada called, "Can you send some... :("  I resisted the urge to ignore this threat in the hope it'd somehow go away and instead replied, "Hold fire, I'm trying to sell a ranch. Offers coming in, good offers."


And so they were, result. Realtor O Group over, head to Walmart and this town's send money to the world desk (please, Canada, work this out online). The young woman who handled the transaction was friendly as you like but aghast at gas prices, "Just seen 4 bucks a gallon, 81 million people voted for that, what's gonna happen when it's $5 a gallon or 8?" I thought about that and looked her in the eye, which was hard because of all the piercings, "Maybe smart people have ammo, right?" She gave a dyed blonde grin and agreed, yet another friendly country person.

Then back to the Compound for Vespers. Question, is it just me or is the tenor of daily life becoming increasingly off-hook?

Stand Steady,


Friday, June 25, 2021

This And That


What's it like in Texas, apart from being like a preheating oven. Answer? It's good. Big sky, trucks, guns and all of that. Also, you get to free-range and shoot with friends on their land. It's just better than the other thing, especially when it's as well set up as JF's range.

That in mind, I drove down the road to the 200 yard line, a bit late to the party, and found young T shooting .17 HMR at a swinging gong in moderately gusting wind. The kid did well, typically scoring at 3 o'clock right at the edge of the bull. "Hold a bit further to your left at 9 '0 clock, young 'un." And he did. Boom. Dead on.

Typical Texan Truck Scene

So that was fun. I mostly spent the time spotting or going for head shots on "Jihad," a large steel silhouette, and blasting away at 25 yards with a Ruger .22 match pistol, complete with red dot. I tell you, watch that dot weave, duck and dive like a drunken man. Hmmmm. Maybe some remedial pistol practice is in order.

In other news, you'll note that America has two main enemies. Viz. The Weather, obviously, and White Supremacy. Such heinous threats, and you know what it's like. There you are, walking down the aisle of your local Walmart when Klansmen surround you. That's right, the Klan itself, and you gasp in dismay at the news of your beachfront home in Martha's Vineyard sinking beneath the waves of glacial meltdown.

Just a Couple of Millionaire Socialist Frauds

Such a threat. That's why the Klan set US cities alight last summer.  Remember Lafayette Square, Baltimore, Portland, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Chicago, New York and on. All that looting, burning and mayhem? Sure you do, and all of it caused by The Weather and extremely dangerous white supremacists.

A Typical Chimp-Out

Said no one ever, apart from our Millionaire Socialist overlords and their willing dupe-shill, NYT reading, Berkley educated, snerk, puppets. What will these clowns do when the revolution turns around and there they are, living on tofu, old New Yorker covers, wearing  a mask and not allowed to leave the country?

Oh, we're already there.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

RIP Mr. McAfee


The infamous, yacht sailing, run from the Feds, multimillionaire tech libertarian is dead, suicided today in a Spanish prison cell following a court approving his extradition to the US for tax fraud. 

Did McAfee kill himself en lieu of spending the rest of his life in solitary supermax? Or did someone reach out and end him, Epstein style? Who knows, but the onetime tech mogul is famously on record saying he would kill himself. He even got a tattoo to prove it:

So what's the deal. Did McAfee owe too much cash to the wrong people or did he have damning evidence that'd come out in a US trial, "discovery," or both? For that matter, who else is involved, the Epstein Island flight list, the Clintons themselves? Surely not our intel agencies, that'd be unthinkable.

Hey, I don't know, being a humble serf of the New World Order, but isn't this the second suicide in so many months? Maybe you remember the guy who reported on Loretta Lynch's  meeting with Kill Clinton on the tarmac. Oops. Time to die. Go against our beneficent Millionaire Socialist rulers at your peril. 

Such Utter Racism

As we ponder this timely message, spare a thought and a prayer for John McAfee. OK, he helped author an annoying software program but made up for it by sailing around the world,  and defying it and its masters. 

I like that. He boosted the Peoples Currency too, and I like that as well.

God bless,


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday Sermon


Cardinal Vigano, who is a hero of the Faith, wrote this a little while ago. Via Adrienne:


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As devout Christians and faithful citizens of the United States of America, you have intense and heartfelt concern for the fate of your beloved country while the final results of the Presidential election are still uncertain.

News of electoral fraud is multiplying, despite the shameful attempts of the mainstream media to censor the truth of the facts in order to give their candidate the advantage. There are states in which the number of votes is greater than the number of voters; others in which the mail-in vote seems to be exclusively in favor of Joe Biden; others in which the counting of ballots has been suspended for no reason or where sensational tampering has been discovered: always and only against President Donald J. Trump, always and only in favor of Biden.

In truth, for months now we have been witnessing a continuous trickle of staggered news, of manipulated or censored information, of crimes that have been silenced or covered up in the face of striking evidence and irrefutable testimony. We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness. In this battle, you have not failed, as is your sacred duty, to make your own contribution by taking the side of the Good. Others, enslaved by vices or blinded by infernal hatred against Our Lord, have taken the side of Evil.

Do not think that the children of darkness act with honesty, and do not be scandalized if they operate with deception. Do you perhaps believe that Satan’s followers are honest, sincere, and loyal? The Lord has warned us against the Devil: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn 8:44).

In these hours, while the gates of Hell seem to prevail, allow me to address myself to you with an appeal, which I trust that you will respond to promptly and with generosity. I ask you to make an act of trust in God, an act of humility and filial devotion to The Lord of Armies. I ask that all of you pray the Holy Rosary, if possible in your families or with your dear ones, your friends, your brothers and sisters, your colleagues, your fellow soldiers. Pray with the abandonment of children who know how to have recourse to their Most Holy Mother to ask her to intercede before the throne of the Divine Majesty. Pray with a sincere soul, with a pure heart, in the certainty of being heard and answered. Ask her – she who is the Help of Christians, Auxilium Christianorum – to defeat the forces of the Enemy; ask her – she who is terrible as an army set in battle array (Song 6:10) – to grant the victory to the forces of Good and to inflict a humiliating defeat on the forces of Evil.

Have your children pray, using the holy words that you have taught them: those confident prayers will rise to God and will not remain unheard. Have the elderly and sick pray, so that they may offer their sufferings in union with the sufferings that Our Lord suffered on the Cross when he shed His Precious Blood for Our Redemption. Have young ladies and women pray, so that they turn to her who is the model of purity and motherhood. And you, men, must also pray: your courage, your honor and your boldness will be refreshed and strengthened. All of you, take up this spiritual weapon, before which Satan and his minions retreat furiously, because they fear the Most Holy Virgin, she who is Almighty by Grace, even more than Almighty God.

Do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by the deceptions of the Enemy, even more so in this terrible hour in which the impudence of lying and fraud dares to challenge Heaven. Our adversaries’ hours are numbered if you will pray, if we will all pray with Faith and with the true ardor of Charity. May the Lord grant that one single devout and faithful voice rise from your homes, your churches, and your streets! This voice will not remain unheard, because it will be the voice of a people that cries out, in the moment when the storm rages most fiercely, “Save us, Lord, we are perishing!” (Mt 8:25).

The days that await us are a precious occasion for all of you, and for those who unite themselves spiritually to you from every part of the world. You have the honor and privilege of being able to participate in the victory of this spiritual battle, to wield the powerful weapon of the Holy Rosary as our fathers did at Lepanto to repel the enemy armies.

Pray with the certainty of Our Lord’s promise: “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you” (Lk 11:9). The King of Kings, from whom you ask the salvation of your Nation, will reward your Faith. Your testimony, remember this, will touch the heart of Our Lord, multiplying the heavenly Graces which are, more than ever, indispensable in order to achieve victory.

May my appeal, which I address to you and to all people who recognize the Lordship of God, find you to be generous apostles and courageous witnesses of the spiritual rebirth of your beloved country, and with it the entire world. Non praevalebunt.

God bless and protect the United States of America!

One Nation under God

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

Non praevalebunt. 


Monday, September 21, 2020

Elder Abuse and a Short Sermon

This is Joe Biden campaigning in Wisconsin today. His mask is upside down and inside out. As we reflect on this unsettling parable of elder abuse, here's Kim Klacik's latest:

Wow, you cared about black lives more than our own Democrat leaders. People like Joe, Hillary, Obama and the grand author of the welfare plantation himself, LBJ. To say nothing of their GOP partners in crime. 

Picture the massive sums of money they've made at the expense of the people they pretended and still pretend to serve; the mansions, jets, servants, the sheer power of the thing. 

With this in mind, do you remember the words of Christ? 

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 


The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 

Good luck Kim,

Your Friend,


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dove Hunt Fail - Rule of 666

The plan was elegant in its simplicity. Load up the rig with a CZ SxS 20, ammo and decoys, then head out to the country, set up in a tree line and shoot dove. What a good plan, but it fell apart when a storm blew in from the East.

Wind and ferocious rain put an end to today's pleasant vision of avian acrobats falling under a flak barrage of birdshot and ending up as jalapeno poppers on the grill, so I took refuge in Walmart. A lesser thing, for sure, but interesting nonetheless. Why?

Because around a quarter of the shoppers weren't wearing masks. They weren't into them at all and strolled around the store without a seeming care in the world. This seemed pleasant to me, so I took off my stupid election mask of fear and bought some steak and wine, MAGA style.

All good, unlike Great Britain which has just told everyone that gatherings of more than six people are illegal as of Monday. Offenders will be fined and possibly arrested, who knows, perhaps they'll be sent to special camps. Churches, pubs and restaurants are exempt though, and it's a fair bet that mass gatherings of  BLM, dinghies full of POCs and Extinction Rebellion art commies are too.

What's this all about? Here in the US Democrat virus panic's understandable, after all, it's an election year and the disloyal opposition want to ride the pandemic to a win they wouldn't achieve normally. Mail in voting, stopping Trump rallies, crashing the economy and all of that. OK, fine, but what's in it for the UK's so-called Conservative government? A government with a massive 80 seat majority in the Commons.

Good question and I don't have an answer. It's almost as though some strange force is driving BoJo to set himself up as the most unpopular Prime Minister in the history of ever. Is he being blackmailed, is he a puppet shill of the sinister New World Order, are evil spirits involved? Who knows, but he looked demented in today's bizarre "Rule of 666" broadcast.

We must hope it has nothing to do with demons.



Monday, July 22, 2019

Turn Of The Screw

Turn of the screw, as in Epstein starts giving up Clinton state secrets and Comey sings under that good old Horowitz method? We wish, but no, it was all about driving to Waco to get staples out and x-rays on the hip to make sure everything was Trump Train according to plan.

Apparently it was, "Nothing crazy down there," observed an attractive radiologist before sending me upstairs to the staple shop. I grinned back, she was reassuring, and headed out to the next date with destiny.

A bored staple mechanic asked me to "stand over there," so I hopped over to a naugahyde examining couch and stood there, wondering what to do. "Look, I can't take them out if your shorts are in the way." I sorted that out, she set to with a handy pair of pliers and out they popped.

Then another medical professional swung by and gave me the run down. Nothing crazy down there, just three enormous screws holding my bone together. Start putting weight on the leg, exercise the muscles but listen to your body and sure, you can ride again if you're stupid. Do the screws go away? "No, you've bought them, they're yours."

I liked her for that and cleverly didn't say, "Yes, Ma'am, but aren't they a gift from Baylor to the Church?" And that was that. The Recruit wheeled me out of there and taxied us back to the Compound. 

And no, we didn't stop at Waco's fabled Silos. Why? Because they're overpriced rubbish. On a different and happier theme, the youngster ships out to Benning late August.

And that was troublesome to me, hurry up Army! But it's turned out for the best, as it goes. 

Stand firm against Satan's New World Order,


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Stand Off Sunday

It was a good morning at the Missions, no doubt about it, not a liturgical dancer in sight, no one calling the Holy Spirit "she," not one single priestess for miles around. I know this shocks you, but how very awesome and we returned to the Compound in high spirits, only to find a stand-off.

That's right, a stand-off between Blue Territorial and a Cat. The Cat was taking it easy, relaxing in the shade of the porch, and this fascinated the ferocious dog. He wanted to get at the Cat but couldn't, because of a leash. 

So he settled down and stared at the invader, who didn't seem to care in the slightest. You know dogs, maybe if I look at it long enough I'll get it, but he didn't and that seemed exciting to him. He sat and stared, got up and grinned, tried to speak to the Cat and failed, not having vocal cords, and sat back down again to stare at the kitty.

Who got bored of the performance when the sun hit her perch and ran off, leaving Blue Destitute devoid of cat company. And that was that. I enjoy having animals around and who knows, perhaps the Cat will be back. She can stay on the porch and no further.

In other exciting news, President Trump's been busy making peace with the Norks, much to the disgust of the warmongering Left. How did that happen? Do you remember how the Left used to be all about peace? But now they're all about war, Russia, Korea, Iran, you name it, let's bomb it.

Not dissimilar, when you think about it, to Obama who was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for keeping America in a state of constant war. Not that he was a mindless drone of the New World Order hivemind or anything like that.



Saturday, March 23, 2019

Satan Does Not Tolerate Failure

I'd say Tucker pretty much nails it, we've been lied to for a good two years and the lie was as big as it was preposterous, that's right, Trump's a Russian agent in the pay of the Kremlin. 

But why the lie? To cover up Hillary Clinton's massive failure in 2016. How?

1. Undermine his legitimacy before he even takes office.
2. Accuse him of what Hillary actually did: collude with Russians and Ukrainians to effect the outcome of the election.
3. Paralyze Trump on his foreign policy desires to scale back the Empire.
4. Give aid and comfort to hurting progressives and radicalize them further undermining our political system.
5. Polarize the electorate over the false choice of Trump’s guilt.
6. Paralyze the Dept. of Justice and Congress so that they would not uncover the massive corruption in the intelligence agencies in the U.S. and the U.K.
7. Isolate Trump and take away every ally or potential ally he could have by turning them against him through prosecutor overreach.

But the plan didn't work, like Hillary's shot at becoming President it was a monumental failure. There wasn't any Russian collusion, and lo and behold, Trump isn't a Kremlin spy installed in the Oval Office by Putin, Head of Spectre.

That makes two really big, epic failures, 2016 and now this. Think of all the money and vested interests wasted and thwarted by the doubleplusbig loss. Given that Satan doesn't tolerate failure, heads must inevitably roll. The question is, whose?

In the meanwhile, per Tucker, let's see a pardon for Roger Stone.


Saturday, February 9, 2019

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Celine Dion Goes Devil Witch

When you think "Celine Dion," if you ever do, you probably don't think satanic devil witch but maybe you should. 

The famous popstar's launched a line of gender neutral kid's clothes, NuNuNu packaged as Celinununu, because children obviously need to be freed from oppressive binary gender stereotypes.

Here's a few snapshots from Celinununu's promovid.

The singer walks into a maternity ward and doesn't like what she sees, boys and girls separated according to biological gender. Poor infants! So she changes this soul crushing injustice by blowing magic dust around and makes everything better. See for yourself.

Now boys and girls are gone, they're plus signs in a colorless black and white world because that's so liberating. And not just for the kids, look at all the black demons sitting up in the cribs. They've been freed from the Pit to play with the babies. Here's one, look how happy it is.

This baby's wearing a black skull beanie because putting death symbols on your infants is entirely appropriate when they're genderless drones of the New Order.

But don't forget this isn't really Celine's work, she's just endorsing NuNuNu, which has this totally unsuggestive photo on its web site. And here's another one, expressing the innocent joy of childhood.

In case you're wondering, NuNuNu's Instagram account's pretty instructive too and not even remotely satanic.

Hollywood and Devil Witch Celine Dion love NuNuNu, a clothing line which obviously loves children. 



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Deep State Biden Goes Full Buffoon

Outgoing US Vice President, Joe Biden, has blasted Vladimir Putin, saying the Russian leader would upset the liberal New World Order.

DAARPA Class II Groper

Readers of this infosite know that Joe "Biden" is a buffoon. You may not know that it's a malfunctioning DAARPA designed A.I., code named "groper" by its handlers.


But now you do.

Rise of the Robots,


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Morissey, New World Order Shill

Remember the famous Pop Star, Morrissey? Sure you do, he was the frontperson for the awesome boy band, The Smiths. Everyone loved their tunes; they were like the Pet Shop Boys, or the Communtards, only more thoughtful.

But now Morrisey has lashed out at his lame duck, NWO superior, President Obama, accusing the architect of Hope and Change of being white like Shaun King or Rachel Dolezal, and implying that Obama is a member of the Klan.

“This is ludicrous," stated the world renowned pop star, Morrissey, "because the so-called security forces are the Ku Klux Klan to most black Americans. It seems evident to me that black males are being deliberately murdered throughout America as a closing message to Obama, telling him that his presidency has meant nothing and that the division of color is now bigger than ever."

The crazed vegetarian singer songwriter continued, "The final point about Obama is that he doesn’t look overly African black. He’s as close to soft, whiteness as someone who isn’t white could get, and I often wonder if he would have been elected if he had a stronger, more African-black face? It’s a point.”

Piers Morgan, Illuminati Also Ran

Morrissey is a well-known member of the New World Order, although he ranks below Piers Morgan. Here's some of Morrissey's great lyrics:

I'd like to drop my trousers to the world
I am a man of means (of slender means)
each household appliance
is like a new science in my town
and if the day came when I felt a
natural emotion
I'd get such a shock I'd probably jump
in the ocean
and when a train goes by
it's such a sad sound

White people running around in black-face has been in the news lately. Apparently the once-famous Illuminati lead singer for the Smiths thinks that's a bad thing.

Morrissey has been forbidden by the State Department from giving further interviews.

Your Pal,


Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Axe And The Train

I went shopping for an axe, and found one, it was rusty and beat up. 

The Local Shops

"How much does it cost?" I asked the owner of the shop. "That's the most expensive thing I've got here," he replied. "I can see that," I answered, and we both stared at the axe for a long moment. Then the owner caught my eye.

Put the Emails on the Train!

"You can have it for five bucks. No tax."
"Cash is King. Go ask Hillary, she dumped all her emails on some Nazi train in Poland. That's why I want this axe, to be prepared."
"Smart. Give my love to Huma."
"Yeah I will. Here's your money."

Nazi Train

I left the store and drove to the Compound, where I cleaned up the axe and sharpened its blade.

The Axe

They want 10% to open up the train, maybe I'll offer 9.

Art of the deal.


Friday, July 10, 2015

Easy There, Cowboy! Tortillas?

You don't have to eat all of your delicious Mexican breakfast of Huevos Rancheros, although it's hard not to. No, sometimes you can leave the tortillas and take them home for later, which is what we did this morning.

I was looking forward to those tortillas, so imagine my surprise to find the elder, and supposedly more responsible, recruit stretched out on his rack with  a Kindle Fire and a white, polystyrene box.


"Did you eat all the tortillas?" I asked quietly, with a certain degree of menace, while looking at the white box. "Er, yes."
"Tell me, if you're living with other people, is it better to be more considerate, or less considerate?"
"More considerate."
"So. Is it more, or less considerate, to eat the house supply of tortillas?"
"Less considerate."
"Correct. I'm relieved to find your logic circuits still working, despite their momentary lapse."

Go On, Drink Some Water

Sheepish tortilla grins over and forgiveness issued, I discovered the youngest recruit hunting for squirrels in the back yard, with a Daisy. Maybe he'll beat the opposition and we can eat some squirrel.

Rounds down range,