Showing posts with label artificial intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artificial intelligence. Show all posts

Friday, March 24, 2023

Artificial Intelligence


Note incorrect salute -- oh, maybe the RSF is Navy... hmmmm

Have you heard of these new supercomputer mind brains, artificial intelligences?  If you have or haven't, they're terrifyingly there and I asked one tonight, a Chatbot, "Write a story about the British Empire's expansion to the stars, Openai Chatbot."

What a sensible request and the happy bot replied:

Once upon a time, in an alternate reality, (ahem) the British Empire was not content with its earthly conquests. Its leaders and scientists were determined to expand their empire to the stars.

In the year 1875, a team of British scientists led by Professor James Rutherford unveiled their latest invention, a spacecraft capable of traveling beyond Earth's atmosphere. The spacecraft, named the HMS Victoria, was equipped with advanced technology that allowed it to withstand the harsh conditions of space travel.

Excitement and anticipation ran high as the British Empire announced its plans to launch the HMS Victoria on a mission to explore the solar system. The ship was manned by a crew of brave and skilled astronauts, led by Captain William Anderson.

As the HMS Victoria blasted off from Earth, it marked a new era of British dominance beyond the planet's surface. The ship journeyed through the asteroid belt, passed by Jupiter and its moons, and explored the depths of the Kuiper Belt.

The crew of the HMS Victoria encountered new life forms and planets with untold resources that could fuel the British Empire's expansion further. They made contact with aliens who welcomed them with curiosity and hospitality.

The British Empire's expansion to the stars was not without its challenges, as they also encountered hostile alien races and uncharted territories that threatened their survival. However, with their advanced technology and British ingenuity, the crew was able to overcome these obstacles.

As the HMS Victoria returned to Earth, the crew were hailed as heroes, and their achievements were celebrated by the entire British Empire. The British Empire's expansion to the stars had become a reality, and it marked the beginning of a new age of exploration and expansion beyond the boundaries of Earth.

With this new frontier, the British Empire had secured its place in history as the greatest empire that ever was, spanning not only the globe but the stars as well. And they looked to the future, knowing that there were still many more worlds and civilizations to explore, conquer and exploit.


Yes, there were giants in those days

Well done, Chatbot! See you at #1 Whitehall.

Ad Astra,


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Robots To Care For UK Elderly

Artificial humanoids, or "bots," have been tasked with caring for the elderly in cash-strapped Great Britain's old folks homes.

Unable to afford the human touch, UK caregivers are increasingly turning to robots to look after the elderly and provide companionship.

“We want to explore to what extent they might prevent loneliness and isolation, improve mental health and reduce family caregiver stress,” stated Dr. Chris Papadopoulous, from the University of Bedfordshire.

The low-level bot artificial intelligences will be equipped with a tablet on their chests, enabling the frail and elderly to skype, tweet, email, play games, post to Instagram, Snapchat or even chat via Whatsapp while being reminded of when to take their medication.

What could possibly go wrong?

Vladimir Putin has been reelected to the Russian autocracy and is hailed by many as a new Constantine. 



Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tax The Robots

Bill Gates, the richest man that has ever been and the co-founder of Microsoft, has hit on a novel way to reverse the declining fortunes of the once great Church of England. Tax the robots.

The Church of England is currently plagued by automatons who robotically repeat the slogans of popular culture, leading to shrinking membership and deficit budgets.

The Mind of Synod

"The robots are killing us," stated one General Synod insider, "They won't shut up until the entire Church is gay married, or trans, or both. So normal people don't come anymore and giving is right down. With the Gates plan maybe we can turn the robots into profit centers."

The First Law of Robotics

Robots in the Church of England's General Synod recently decided that marriage wasn't confined to men and women. However, the shrinking denomination stopped short of affirming artificial intelligence marriage equality (AIME).


Rumors that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justsin Welby, is a DAARPA manufactured AI are currently unconfirmed.

God bless,


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Deep State Biden Goes Full Buffoon

Outgoing US Vice President, Joe Biden, has blasted Vladimir Putin, saying the Russian leader would upset the liberal New World Order.

DAARPA Class II Groper

Readers of this infosite know that Joe "Biden" is a buffoon. You may not know that it's a malfunctioning DAARPA designed A.I., code named "groper" by its handlers.


But now you do.

Rise of the Robots,


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rise of the Robots

Scientists are predicting that robots will soon take over many of the jobs now held by humans and the U.S. is ahead of the trend, deploying state of the art war droids to the world's troubled hot spots.


The Biden Mk.2 Teeth is currently in the Ukraine, where military strategists hope the replicant will serve as a badly needed NATO force multiplier. Teeth replaces an earlier robot, the Kerry, who was known affectionately to its controllers as Wooden Top.

Wooden Top

According to Andrew Anderson, CEO of the artificial intelligence (AI) company Celaton, robots like the Tooth and Wooden Top represent a technological breakthrough in processing power. 

Processing Power

“The artificial intelligence can read and understand the meaning of the whole documents with the help of patterns of words and phrases," stated Anderson in an interview with the Daily Mail.


Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is often referred to as a New Constantine, has responded to Wooden Top and Tooth by annexing the Crimea and sending troops to the border of the Ukraine and Russia. 

It remains unclear if a more deadly AI, the Witch, will be sent to the conflicted region.

Rumours that the Witch wants to become President of the United States are, unfortunately, true.