Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Putin Bans Satanic Temple


Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, has banned the repellent Satanic Temple in Russia. In case you wondered, the Satanic Temple are a crew of US based cultural Marxists who exist to make fun of, enrage and destroy what's left of Christian civ.

Note Children

Their method? Pushing rainbow degeneracy and abortion in the name of freedom of religion, Satanic religion. Ha, ha, ha, what a larf. Just look at you, bewildered and confused trad parent while we teach your kid to pronoun zhirself prior to puberty blockers and Mengele surgery. Take that, oppressors!

They really, really want your kids

Well, Putin's banned the Satanists and power to him. On topic, the Russkie FSB raided several rainbow discos in Moscow, cracking down on gaily hued degeneracy. Good for them. You'll recall, if you're old enough, that this kind of hedonist wickedness used to be known as the "love that dare not speak its name." Now it's the love that won't bloody shut up. Except in Russia. Check it out:

Good work, FSB and Vladimirovitch. Take note punters. It's all a larf  'til you're in someone's basement in Clerkenwell and a demon's gnawing on your buddy's inner thigh. Just remember, Baphomet is trans and our rulers are 100% onboard with this. Perhaps that's part of the reason they hate Russia so much.

Good work, Vladimirovic,


Friday, December 6, 2024

Well It's All Going On


Advent, dear friends, is an apocalyptic time in which we turn our gaze to the second coming, the Second Advent, when the Man comes around in clouds of glory to judge both the quick and the dead. There it is, the culmination of the final age inaugurated by the birth of Christ. That in mind, apocalypse is in the air. A quick round-up:

The phony globalist charade of UK politics is being exposed for what it is, a money grabbing fraud at the expense of its people. Expect those paid-off shill mountebanks to double down on Net Zero insanity and arresting people for mean tweets. But that's just the UK. 

Romania had the sheer gall to elect an anti-rainbow Orthodox Christian patriot, and you'll be glad to know the highest court in their land declared the election invalid, because of TikTok. There'll be another election apparently, let's see how that goes. So much for NATO geostrat Romania.

Syria's in a spot of bother too, with rival Turkish, CIA, Pentagon, don't say Israel, funded militias bursting through Assadist territory. Spare a thought for the Christians of that country, and ask yourself who the West is backing. Hint, it's the head choppers.

Then there's good old Korea, which just had a spasm of martial law and regime change, to say nothing of an attempted color revolution in Georgia. There they were in Tblisi, surely not paid by Langley, coz that'd be unthinkable, right? Whatever, there they were, throwing mollies and all of that until the cops raided several NGOs. Then it quieted right down. A bit like BLM, when you think on it.

So, punters, it's most definitely going on. In the meanwhile, evil autocrat, Fascist, Nazi, insane aggressor Putler had the brazen temerity to outlaw the Satanic Temple in Russia. Huh. What about that do you not like?



Thursday, November 14, 2024



We are not, as in NATO GOV Establishment & Co, winning the war in Ukraine, which is really weird because we were told we were.

Russia was out of components to make weapons long ago, their economy was in tatters and their military was a total, pathetic joke. To that end, Rainbow Ukraine would steam through those peasants and hang a Trans Flag on the pinnacle of the Kremlin. Serious question, geostrat analysts, did you really think they could do this? I mean seriously.

That in mind, maybe you remember the rainbow Euro powers baying for war as DC opened up the cash spigot for Zelensky. Yes, but that was then, this is now. After a couple of years of industrial scale warfare, so obsolete except that it apparently isn't, it seems the Russkies have an advantage, namely industry.

The West? Not so much, coz we've off-shored it in joy of asset-strip profit. This means, roughly, that Russia can produce tanks, guns, shells and planes at approximately war-time scale and we can't. Our miserable proxy is suffering accordingly. See Kupiansk and everywhere else. Also, some reported 20,000 volunteers are joining  up to fight in the SMO a month. Ukraine? Not so much. Now ask yourselves this.

How much money did our beloved rulers get out of this bloodbath? How many people became even richer than they already were because we broke the Minsk Accords? Many. And all for what? In an insane grifting gamble against Russia. Like wow, come back Napoleon, all is forgiven. Anyway, let's see how this worm turns.




LL offers some basic analysis. Bear in mind that he's a total patriot and no friend of Russian expansionism, also a realist, which is apparently a rare thing in the West. Click link for graphics and all of that:


There are many reasons why Vladimir Vladimrovich wanted to seize Ukraine for Russia. Among those were the population of ethnic Slavs who could be integrated into Great Russia, which has a severely declining population. It is a large European country with a population of 44.13 million (2020. )

As the picture (right) illustrates, it is strategically positioned on the planet. If you’re a Russian, the concern that it would join NATO makes sense.

Beyond that:

The first uranium reserves in Europe.

Second place in Europe, 10th place in the world in titanium reserves;

Second place in terms of manganese ore reserves discovered in the world (2.3 billion tonnes, i.e. 12% of the world’s reserves);

Second largest reserves of iron ore (30 billion tons);

Second place in Europe with regard to mercury ore reserves;

Third in Europe place (13. place in the world) in natural gas reserves (22 trillion cubic meters)

Seventh place in coal reserves in the world (33.9 billion tons)

The first in Europe in terms of land under cultivation;

Third place in the world (25% of the world) with regard to black barren soil (cherjoznom);

Ranked first in the world in the export of sunflower and sunflower oil;

Second place on Earth for barley production fourth place in barley for export;

Third biggest producer and 4th largest maize exporter;

Fourth largest producer of potatoes;

Fifth largest producer of rye;

Fifth largest production of honey (75,000 tons);

The eighth largest wheat exporter;

Ninth largest exporter of chicken eggs;

Sixteenth largest cheese exporter;

First in Europe in ammonia production;

Eighth largest in terms of the installed capacity of nuclear power plants;

Third largest exporter of iron

Fourth largest exporter of turbines for nuclear powerplants.

Fourth of the world largest manufacturer of rocket launchers;

Fourth larges exporter of clay;

Fourth world titanium exports;

Tenth largest producer of steel.

And the Big Guy only wanted 10% for himself…

Ukraine is losing the war. The weight of numbers is telling against them. Congress is trying to hold back the red hoard with taxpayer dollars, but the tide is turning. Russia is gaining leverage for a negotiated peace. The US Congress needs a reality check before they write another $200 billion check.

I 100% agree.


Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Over


You were going to vote Trump like a sorry fool and then that dream died. Yes, smash hit celebrity superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala, the Candidate of Joy. Wow, now all you idiot Nazis will have to change your vote from the Orange Fuhrer to La, who is not a Kackling Whore. So take that, autocrat Fascists, it's over.

In related news, Russian strongman Valdimir Putin has told the world that deep strike attacks by Western supplied and guided missiles on Russian territory would be counted as an act of war. Let that sink in, an act of war. Two questions.

1. Can we fight such a thing, given off-shored manufacturing and more seriously 2. Should we fight it at all. 

In answer to the first, I'd argue doubtful. To the second? Why should any American soldier lose his life in defense of Blackrock? Why should anyone at all die so that Larry Fink & Co can get even moar richer than they are already?

You know, because if Russia wins in the Ukraine there'll be this trans genocide and everyone in Europe will live in the Soviet Union and have to go to church and worship icons instead of going to trans bathrooms. And Blackrock and its buddies will lose a whole lotta cash.

Genius celeb Taylor Swift's socialist, private jet net worth is estimated at 1BN$. Not shabby!



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Those Stupid Ignorant Slavs


We're war experts, here at the Compound, which is why we're baying for blood and moar war against Russia. Some of you may have noticed this weird trend, namely, that going to war against Russia doesn't go well. See Der Fuhrer and Boney.

Just look at them dance. I say again, is Putin the new Constantine? Or would that be Tiberius?



Saturday, February 10, 2024

Tucker Interviews Putin


Did you  watch the historic interview between America's last journalist and Russian strong man, Vladimir Putin? I did, after Mass, and was immediately struck by one thing. Viz. Putin knows history and can speak coherently, without notes, for two hours and then some.

Can you imagine any one, any one of our 2024 presidential candidates doing such a thing? I can't. Wow, a world leader who actually knows history. Far out.  Here in the States we got rid of history a long time ago. Look at us now.

That in mind, it was good to see a journalist doing journalism and it certainly doesn't hurt to hear Putin's point of view, not least this: Russia strove for decades to find a constructive commonality with Europe and the West, only to be lied to and attacked. Feel free to disagree but I'd say he has a point.

Here's another thing. Granted our beloved Inside-The-Beltway rulers have millions, perhaps billions of dollars invested in the Ukraine adventure,  what was in it for BoJo? What did Boris Johnson stand to gain by derailing the Istanbul peace accord? For that matter, what did he stand to lose by not doing so.

Regardless, the floppy haired ex-Prime Minister's accused Tucker of "treason." Huh. Perhaps BoJo will send what's left of the Royal Navy to seize Mr. Carlson and carry him off to the Tower for due punishment. Watch out, Tucker, like no fooling. And note, Putin's an accelerationist with a belief in soul.



Saturday, September 23, 2023

Oh Really?


"What is also striking about recent findings is that pro-Russian sympathies are not merely emerging in the countries of southeast Europe - Orthodox Christian and traditionally more sympathetic to Russia, including non-EU Serbia - but in the historically Catholic West Slavic countries as well, like the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And perhaps Croatia, with Croatian president, Zoran Milanović, having previously criticised Western nations for supplying Ukraine. That is before we get to nearby Hungary."

"It is worth remembering that a cultural Iron Curtain very much divides the EU and Europe between a liberal West and a conservative East. Hard as it may seem to accept in the West, for many in Central and Eastern Europe, Moscow represents a bulwark against what many see as a Godless and permissive Western world. For good or ill, this is likely informing attitudes towards the war."

Huh, who'd have thought it,


Monday, July 31, 2023

The War Was Provoked?


The US/UK ultranarrative screams "Mad autocrat Putin invaded freedom loving Ukraine in an insane dictator power-play landgrab. So we have to stop him before he conquers the Rainbow Garden zhirself!" Or someting like that; long story short, unprovoked aggression. 

Jeffrey Sachs disagrees:

George Orwell wrote in 1984 that "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." Governments work relentlessly to distort public perceptions of the past. Regarding the Ukraine War, the Biden administration has repeatedly and falsely claimed that the Ukraine War started with an unprovoked attack by Russia on Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In fact, the war was provoked by the U.S. in ways that leading U.S. diplomats anticipated for decades in the lead-up to the war, meaning that the war could have been avoided and should now be stopped through negotiations.

Recognizing that the war was provoked helps us to understand how to stop it. It doesn’t justify Russia’s invasion. A far better approach for Russia might have been to step up diplomacy with Europe and with the non-Western world to explain and oppose U.S. militarism and unilateralism. In fact, the relentless U.S. push to expand NATO is widely opposed throughout the world, so Russian diplomacy rather than war would likely have been effective.

The Biden team uses the word “unprovoked” incessantly, most recently in Biden’s major speech on the first-year anniversary of the war, in a recent NATO statement, and in the most recent G7 statement. Mainstream media friendly to Biden simply parrot the White House. The New York Times is the lead culprit, describing the invasion as “unprovoked” no fewer than 26 times, in five editorials, 14 opinion columns by NYT writers, and seven guest op-eds!

There were in fact two main U.S. provocations. The first was the U.S. intention to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia in order to surround Russia in the Black Sea region by NATO countries (Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Georgia, in counterclockwise order). The second was the U.S. role in installing a Russophobic regime in Ukraine by the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian President, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014. The shooting war in Ukraine began with Yanukovych’s overthrow nine years ago, not in February 2022 as the U.S. government, NATO, and the G7 leaders would have us believe.

The key to peace in Ukraine is through negotiations based on Ukraine’s neutrality and NATO non-enlargement.

Biden and his foreign policy team refuse to discuss these roots of the war. To recognize them would undermine the administration in three ways. First, it would expose the fact that the war could have been avoided, or stopped early, sparing Ukraine its current devastation and the U.S. more than $100 billion in outlays to date. Second, it would expose President Biden’s personal role in the war as a participant in the overthrow of Yanukovych, and before that as a staunch backer of the military-industrial complex and very early advocate of NATO enlargement. Third, it would push Biden to the negotiating table, undermining the administration’s continued push for NATO expansion.

The archives show irrefutably that the U.S. and German governments repeatedly promised to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move “one inch eastward” when the Soviet Union disbanded the Warsaw Pact military alliance. Nonetheless, U.S. planning for NATO expansion began early in the 1990s, well before Vladimir Putin was Russia’s president. In 1997, national security expert Zbigniew Brzezinski spelled out the NATO expansion timeline with remarkable precision.

U.S. diplomats and Ukraine’s own leaders knew well that NATO enlargement could lead to war. The great US scholar-statesman George Kennan called NATO enlargement a “fateful error,” writing in the New York Times that, “Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.”

President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense William Perry considered resigning in protest against NATO enlargement. In reminiscing about this crucial moment in the mid-1990s, Perry said the following in 2016: “Our first action that really set us off in a bad direction was when NATO started to expand, bringing in eastern European nations, some of them bordering Russia. At that time, we were working closely with Russia and they were beginning to get used to the idea that NATO could be a friend rather than an enemy ... but they were very uncomfortable about having NATO right up on their border and they made a strong appeal for us not to go ahead with that.”

In 2008, then U.S. Ambassador to Russia, and now CIA Director, William Burns, sent a cable to Washington warning at length of grave risks of NATO enlargement: “Ukraine and Georgia's NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia's influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests. Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

Ukraine’s leaders knew clearly that pressing for NATO enlargement to Ukraine would mean war. Former Zelensky advisor Oleksiy Arestovych declared in a 2019 interview “that our price for joining NATO is a big war with Russia.”

During 2010-2013, Yanukovych pushed neutrality, in line with Ukrainian public opinion. The U.S. worked covertly to overthrow Yanukovych, as captured vividly in the tape of then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt planning the post-Yanukovych government weeks before the violent overthrow of Yanukovych. Nuland makes clear on the call that she was coordinating closely with then Vice President Biden and his national security advisor Jake Sullivan, the same Biden-Nuland-Sullivan team now at the center of U.S. policy vis-à-vis Ukraine.

After Yanukovych’s overthrow, the war broke out in the Donbas, while Russia claimed Crimea. The new Ukrainian government appealed for NATO membership, and the U.S. armed and helped restructure the Ukrainian army to make it interoperable with NATO. In 2021, NATO and the Biden Administration strongly recommitted to Ukraine’s future in NATO.

In the immediate lead-up to Russia’s invasion, NATO enlargement was center stage. Putin’s draft US-Russia Treaty (December 17, 2021) called for a halt to NATO enlargement. Russia’s leaders put NATO enlargement as the cause of war in Russia’s National Security Council meeting on February 21, 2022. In his address to the nation that day, Putin declared NATO enlargement to be a central reason for the invasion.

Historian Geoffrey Roberts recently wrote: “Could war have been prevented by a Russian-Western deal that halted NATO expansion and neutralised Ukraine in return for solid guarantees of Ukrainian independence and sovereignty? Quite possibly.” In March 2022, Russia and Ukraine reported progress towards a quick negotiated end to the war based on Ukraine’s neutrality. According to Naftali Bennett, former Prime Minister of Israel, who was a mediator, an agreement was close to being reached before the U.S., U.K., and France blocked it.

While the Biden administration declares Russia’s invasion to be unprovoked, Russia pursued diplomatic options in 2021 to avoid war, while Biden rejected diplomacy, insisting that Russia had no say whatsoever on the question of NATO enlargement. And Russia pushed diplomacy in March 2022, while the Biden team again blocked a diplomatic end to the war.

By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Russia will escalate as necessary to prevent NATO enlargement to Ukraine. The key to peace in Ukraine is through negotiations based on Ukraine’s neutrality and NATO non-enlargement. The Biden administration’s insistence on NATO enlargement to Ukraine has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations. It’s time for the provocations to stop, and for negotiations to restore peace to Ukraine.

RFK Jr. comments on social media, "Brilliant synopsis of the historical context for the Ukraine War. Can anyone read this and still maintain, as the Biden administration does incessantly, that the invasion was 'unprovoked”?

I'm with RFK on this but feel free to disagree.

Pax et Bonum,


Sunday, July 2, 2023



Imagine there's no countries beyond the reach of GRU, nothing to kill or die for, no religions too, thank you SMERSH. Imagine all the people, living life in peace, yoo hoo. As Assad/Putinist sleeper cells kick off in La Belle France.

Dam, behold the Kadyrov Jihad in the beautiful garden that was once France. But this is ridiculous, the Garden did it all to itself. Or did it? Pan to Spetsnaz and guess what? Our erstwhile President was a Kremlin spy. So.

Seriously, if you were Russkie would you let this opportunity go to waste?



Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Army Arrived


Well at least a part of it, and left all its kit in the Anteroom; got to go somewhere, in fairness, and why not lay down on a Moslem rug? That in mind, what do young soldiers do to pass the time? Many things, not least playing computer games with their pals around the world, in which they slay digital enemies.

So that's all good and, speaking of which, have we just witnessed the shortest ever civil war in Russian history? A 24 hour, ahem, coup, in which Prigozhin  gets a dacha in Belarus, WAGNER PMC folds into the Russian Army and 5th columnists and traitors get rounded up and killed while Putin consolidates his power base as rubbish generals are fired?

Possibly, but who knows. perhaps Prigozhin got ferociously drunk, drove most of the way to Moscow with his crew, sobered up, apologized, and made friends. Now he must go to Belarus, because that's so obviously not a potential second front.

I tell you, what a strange 24 hour evolution it's been. Regardless, our plan is this. Worship God in the morning at the Masses and then grill steak. Yes, steak, we can still afford meat here, if only just.

Your Old Pal,


Monday, May 8, 2023



Now imagine that was the Metroplex. Of course such a thing could never, ever, ever, ever happen here. So go on, load up the .50s and count yourself a lucky fella.

Your Best Pal,


Monday, March 7, 2022



Western media, that standard of probity and truth, scorns Putin's stated war aim to denazify the Ukraine. What laughable, risible, nonsensical, warmongering propaganda, says the Press if they say anything at all. But hold on, what about the AZOV Brigade and their friends, don't say Right Sector; have a look at these champions of rainbow tolerance.

OK, I get it, just some boys having a larf. Hey, maybe they'd been drinking Death's Head Schnapps, high spirits, right? As in this morale boosting poster.

Alright, so there's a few bad apples in the mix, doesn't make the whole batch bad, right? That's why AZOV and associates are an integral part of the Ukrainian army. Have a look.

Note the wolf and the rune. Elements of WOLFSANGEL are holding Mariupol now and, according to the Russians aren't letting civilians out of the city. Let's hope that changes. In the meanwhile, where did these Ukrainians, which we support with increasingly hysterical fervor, get their insignia from?

Well that's easy, SS Division Das Reich. And to the point, I'd have thought we'd be against this kind of thing. Apparently not, we support it, arm it and fund it. Not to excuse Russian strongman Putin, but do you think we've been lied to somewhere along the line?



Friday, March 4, 2022

Nothing To See Here


Imagine, if you can, the threat of a hostile power setting up bioweapons labs on our border with, say, Mexico. Would you feel worried, threatened, outraged? I would and I'd want to see them gone. That in mind, the US is or was apparently doing just that, running biolabs in the Ukraine, at least 11 of them.


They go under the aegis of the US Department of Defense's Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and the US Embassy in Ukraine makes no bones about it. They're there to "consolidate and secure," but if benign why, on February 26, did the embassy purge documents from its website detailing the labs?


Regardless, and despite the US Embassy's healthcare euphemisms, see Planned Parenthood, would any of us for a split second expect our government to put up with this at the very least potential threat on our borders. I don't think so. Why, then, should we expect Russia to.

Kyrie Eleison, a TikTok Witch

That in mind, it's no small thing for Putin to roll into Ukraine with all the risk that entails. So why invade? Of course he could be an unhinged, warmongering tyrant, a new Hitler if you like. 

On the other hand, perhaps he recognized a serious existential threat and moved to neutralize it, biolabs and all. Feel free to disagree, but I'm not so sure Warmongering Tyrant Hitler (WTH) describes Putin. 

Your call,


Thursday, February 24, 2022



Seems like war's on. But consider the religious aspect. Read this, it's important:

As Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the ROC, explained in early 2019, “Ukraine is not on the periphery of our church. We call Kiev ‘the mother of all Russian cities.’ For us Kiev is what Jerusalem is for many. Russian Orthodoxy began there, so under no circumstances can we abandon this historical and spiritual relationship. The whole unity of our Local Church is based on these spiritual ties.”

What spurred Patriarch Kirill to make that statement was the separation of much of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from Russia in early 2019 with the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, with go-ahead from the Ecumenical Patriarch in Constantinople (i.e., Istanbul: who is the not-a-pope of world Orthodoxy, where national churches are self-governing). This involved the transfer of thousands of parishes and millions of believers from the long-existing Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, which has been under the ROC since the seventeenth century, to the brand-new OCU. The UOC-MP is self-governing under Moscow and there wasn’t much spiritual demand in Ukraine for independence from Russia, what Orthodox term autocephaly.

However, the pressures of the not-quite-frozen conflict with Russia after 2015 made church issues a political football, and Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko made autocephaly his pet project, with backing from Ukrainian nationalists, who found it offensive that the UOC remained under Moscow, where the church is a vehicle for Putinism, Russian nationalism, and anti-Ukrainian aggression. Advocates of the new OCU had a valid point there, and they were also correct that, since autocephaly is the norm in the Orthodox world, why didn’t Ukraine have its own, fully independent national church?

The answer there, that Orthodoxy tends to move on “Orthodox time” which appears glacially slow to secular minds, thinking more in terms of centuries than years or even decades, was unedifying to advocates of the OCU, who got their wish in early January 2019, when the Ecumenical Patriarch granted autocephaly to Ukraine’s new national church. What followed was predictably messy and politicized, with fights across Ukraine over parishes and clergy. This issue is neither simple nor clear-cut: the OCU is considered broadly nationalist (with exceptions) while the UOC, despite its Russian connections, has many laypeople who are Ukrainian patriots who don’t feel they belong to a “foreign” church. Moreover, this issue birthed a schism in global Orthodoxy that has reverberated on several continents, most recently in Africa. The OCU-UOC split has even caused heartburn among American Orthodox believers.

Above all, the schism rendered Moscow white-hot with rage. The ROC viewed this as a direct attack on its “canonical territory” and on world Orthodoxy itself. The Kremlin, too, made no effort to conceal its outrage here. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov quickly denounced the Ecumenical Patriarch as Washington’s puppet: “His mission, obviously, is being prepared by the Americans and they do not hide that they are actively cooperating with him, using the slogan of ‘freedom of religion and belief’…Bartholomew’s mission, obviously, is to bury the influence of Orthodoxy in the modern world.” A few weeks later, Lavrov added fuel to the fire by castigating the OCU as “this travesty of history, and pursuing the objective of sowing discord between Russia and Ukraine in addition to preventing our peoples from being friends are essentially a crime [by the current Ukrainian regime] against their citizens.” A few months after that, Lavrov reiterated that this tragedy was all America’s fault: the ROC “is currently under tremendous pressure from a number of Western countries, primarily the United States, which set itself the goal of destroying the unity of world Orthodox Christianity.”

It’s an article of faith in the Kremlin that the creation of the OCU is an American project designed to destroy world Orthodoxy and harm Russia. It’s painful for me to state this but the Russians have good reason to think this. Unlike absurd Kremlin propaganda lines about “Ukrainian Nazis” perpetrating “genocide” against Russians, the idea that Washington wanted the split of Orthodoxy in Ukraine is a reasonable inference upon examination of recent U.S. Government conduct. What’s the evidence?

Our Kyiv embassy congratulated the OCU for its birth and the selection of its first primate, then the State Department in Washington amplified the same. Celebrating Constantinople’s grant of autocephaly, then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo hailed it as a “historic achievement for Ukraine” which represented America’s “strong support for religious freedom.” Pompeo’s statement left no doubt about America’s backing the OCU against the UOC. Pompeo’s position in the worldwide Orthodox schism was made clear by his subsequent meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch, whom the Secretary of State hailed as “a key partner as we continue to champion religious freedom around the globe.” Neither was this a partisan project, since the position of the Biden administration on this issue is identical to its predecessor’s. Four months ago, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also met with the Ecumenical Patriarch, reaffirming U.S. commitment to religious freedom, which in Moscow unsurprisingly looked like support for the OCU.

Since very few Americans, and functionally no non-Orthodox ones, noticed any of this, it’s worth asking why the State Department felt compelled to take a public position on any of this. Does Foggy Bottom side with Sunni or Shia? What about Lutheranism versus Methodism? Who in Washington thought it was a good idea to throw its weight behind the OCU, since anybody who knew anything about Putinism and its religious-civilizational mission had to be aware that such statements were guaranteed to raise Moscow’s ire.

That ire has now taken the form of air strikes, missile barrages, and advancing tank battalions. Just last month, Lavrov restated his government’s position that the United States stands behind the “current crisis in Orthodoxy.” As he explained without any word-mincing, Washington caused “the most serious dispute in the entire Orthodox world,” adding, “The United States of America had an immediate hand in the current crisis in Orthodoxy. They created a special mechanism, a special agency for the freedom of religious confession, which actually is not dealing with freedom but most actively set up and financed Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew so that he conducted a device for schism, particularly in Ukraine, in the first place, for creating there the schismatic, uncanonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine.”

We should not indulge Muscovite conspiracy theories nor countenance Russian aggression. However, the facts are plain enough. Simply put, by recognizing the OCU and hailing its creation, Washington changed the Kremlin’s game in Ukraine, making Putin’s long-term plans for his neighbor untenable. Without a united Orthodox Church across the former lands of Rus, answering to Moscow, the “Russian World” concept falls apart. Every secular geostrategic challenge cited as a reason for Putin’s aggression – NATO expansion, Western military moves, oil and gas politics – existed in 2014, yet Putin then chose to limit his attacks on Ukraine to Crimea and the Southeast. What’s changed since then that makes his effort to subdue all Ukraine seem like a good idea in the Kremlin? The creation of an autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine in 2019, with official American backing, is the difference, and Moscow believes this was all a nefarious U.S. plot to divide world Orthodoxy at Russia’s expense. Clearly Putin has decided that reclaiming Ukraine and its capital, “the mother of Russian cities,” for Russian Orthodoxy is worth a major war. Make no mistake, this is a religious war, even if almost nobody in the West realizes it.

 Make no mistake, this is a religious war, even if almost nobody in the West realizes it. Good call.

Your Pal,



Wednesday, February 23, 2022



Situation developing. Stand by,


Tuesday, February 22, 2022



"Dad, are we on the right side?" A second of forever, "Son, if things get weird, head WEST, maybe to Poland." Gentlemen and women, stand against the NWO Oligarchy and its Illuminati snake. Crush its heel underfoot and enrage the Left. 


Monday, February 21, 2022

It's President's Day


Leaving aside the thorny question of do we have one, it's President's Day, and what a day it's been. Canada's Crime Minister's been asking Parliament to approve his martial law powers on an "ongoing" basis. Who knows, the truck insurgents might return, threatening the life, livelihood, prosperity and democratic principles of Canada itself. 

Devil SinBad

Canada's Traitor Parliament is set to vote on this very thing tonight. We're not betting men, but the Compound wagers a guinea Trudeau's EA remains in place along with its loathsome Chrystia Freeland steal all your money adjunct, and that protests will continue. Bets on, gentlemen and women! But that's not all.

New Constantine

Russian strongman and former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin signed treaties today with Donbass and Lugansk, acknowledging the territories as sovereign states and assuring their security in the face of Ukrainian aggression. Russian troops are moving into the region at the time of writing. 

Take Note

Will the Western Power, America, go to war over this and if we did, to what benefit? The stakes are high, World War III, and we have to ask. Is a single drop of American blood worth shedding over Eastern Ukrainian sovereignty.

Perhaps that depends on how much vested 10% interest the Big Guy's got in the region, to say nothing of Nancy Pelosi's son, John Wooden Top Kerry's son, Mittens Romney's son, the Clintons and all the rest. So bets on.

The Compound wagers two guineas on Putin's bluff, what? Devil take the hindmost.

Your Call,


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Monkey Business


Here at the Compound we try to keep on top of monkey stories and keen-eyed readers will recall that a crazed simian escaped into the frozen wasteland of Pennsylvania. Government authority wasn't slow to react, do not "approach, attempt to catch, or come in contact with the monkey."

Apparently some unfortunate person did and now exhibits symptoms of the common cold/covid, but with pink eye. RAGE, anyone? Let's hope not. In related news, we're cleverly sending a USMC task force into the Black Sea, where they won't be vulnerable, at all. But not to worry, a full 8,500 troops are on standby to fight the Russian bear. Wow, that'll stop a Siberian Shock Army if it decides to roll. 

Which shows up the empty posturing of The Crook, The Whore and... and the what? A midget or dwarf, perhaps. Imagine the novel or TV series, The Crook The Whore And The Midget. And there you have it, punters, we're now officially in clownworld. Write the fiction and discover that truth flies ahead of you.

But seriously, what's with the Ukraine and our urgent, pressing, necessary, all consuming need to go to war? Could it be that Raytheon and Lockheed Martin need to make money, a Trillion$ defense budget needs justification, and our rulers are bipartisan coining it outta the former Eastern Bloc nation, think gas.

Hey, it's all in the sons, Pelosi's, Romney's, Biden's, et al but don't forget 10% to the Big Guy. Some animals are more equal than others.

Your Best Pal,


Monday, January 3, 2022

Bit of This a Bit of That


GWB fired up his SatPhone and fired off an encrypted message from Georgia: 

Remember when Trump focused on jobs for American workers? WHAT. A. NAZI. And he wanted to make America great, like some kind of unhinged Fascist Mussolini. And maybe you remember how he had the lowest black unemployment in US history. RACIST.


I ran the key, decoded the message and remembered. Yes, Nazi, Fascist, Racist, that was 45 and, lest we forget, he was also a RUSSIAN SPY! Like a Nazi agent in the pay of the KGB, which would make him a double agent, no! A triple agent. Huh, far out, and Putin's Chief of CHAOS.

Seriously, was there ever such garbage spewed out by the gesticulating, smug, pugnacious, wealthy, corrupt, lying, malfeasant, smug Media? The same "press" which assures us that we're all going to die unless we obey the mandates of a doddering old crook who's the most popular president in all of the nation's history. Let's go Brandon.

In related news, the Anglican Diocese of Niagara's shut its doors for fear of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Why, we have to ask, are churches in Texas and Florida so much more immune to this deadly plague than their equivalents in Ontario. Is it because the further north you are the weaker you become, or some other thing?



Monday, October 25, 2021

Putin Nails It - New Constantine


Russian strongman and former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin hits this one out of the ballpark, quietly slamming the West as little more than captured by insane Bolshevik radicals, the same crew of possessed thieves which tortured his country from 1917 to beyond. Here's a snapshot of his Valdai speech, worth the length, imo:

The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags as we say, go right ahead. The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones – all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.

This, I believe, should call to mind some of what we are witnessing now. Looking at what is happening in a number of Western countries, we are amazed to see the domestic practices, which we, fortunately, have left, I hope, in the distant past. The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, when the works of the great authors of the past – such as Shakespeare – are no longer taught at schools or universities, because their ideas are believed to be backward. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race. In Hollywood memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what colour or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.


He goes on, as if a New Constantine:

In a number of Western countries, the debate over men’s and women’s rights has turned into a perfect phantasmagoria. Look, beware of going where the Bolsheviks once planned to go – not only communalising chickens, but also communalising women. One more step and you will be there.

Zealots of these new approaches even go so far as to want to abolish these concepts altogether. Anyone who dares mention that men and women actually exist, which is a biological fact, risk being ostracised. “Parent number one” and “parent number two,” “'birthing parent” instead of “mother,” and “human milk” replacing “breastmilk” because it might upset the people who are unsure about their own gender. I repeat, this is nothing new; in the 1920s, the so-called Soviet Kulturtraegers also invented some newspeak believing they were creating a new consciousness and changing values that way. And, as I have already said, they made such a mess it still makes one shudder at times.

Not to mention some truly monstrous things when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. That is, the teachers actually impose on them a choice we all supposedly have. They do so while shutting the parents out of the process and forcing the child to make decisions that can upend their entire life. They do not even bother to consult with child psychologists – is a child at this age even capable of making a decision of this kind? Calling a spade a spade, this verges on a crime against humanity, and it is being done in the name and under the banner of progress.


I repeat, this is nothing new. Right in the X-Ring, Mr. Putin, and again, "the monstrous things when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa."

Is there any other world leader who's standing up to Bolshevik tyranny, cultural or whatever, however sponsored, than Putin? The same Putin who is, curiously, a Mass going catholic Christian. 

How ironic it'd be if the former SovBloc and Islam converted to become the twin drivers of a new evangelism. It'd be... divine logic.