Showing posts with label limo lib. Show all posts
Showing posts with label limo lib. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Over


You were going to vote Trump like a sorry fool and then that dream died. Yes, smash hit celebrity superstar Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala, the Candidate of Joy. Wow, now all you idiot Nazis will have to change your vote from the Orange Fuhrer to La, who is not a Kackling Whore. So take that, autocrat Fascists, it's over.

In related news, Russian strongman Valdimir Putin has told the world that deep strike attacks by Western supplied and guided missiles on Russian territory would be counted as an act of war. Let that sink in, an act of war. Two questions.

1. Can we fight such a thing, given off-shored manufacturing and more seriously 2. Should we fight it at all. 

In answer to the first, I'd argue doubtful. To the second? Why should any American soldier lose his life in defense of Blackrock? Why should anyone at all die so that Larry Fink & Co can get even moar richer than they are already?

You know, because if Russia wins in the Ukraine there'll be this trans genocide and everyone in Europe will live in the Soviet Union and have to go to church and worship icons instead of going to trans bathrooms. And Blackrock and its buddies will lose a whole lotta cash.

Genius celeb Taylor Swift's socialist, private jet net worth is estimated at 1BN$. Not shabby!
