Showing posts with label Russian spy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian spy. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Der Sterner


So, the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trumpissimus, got himself reelected, and with all these flagrantly Nazi policies like: A country should have a border, putting your own country first as president is a good thing, energy independence, bringing manufacturing home to the States. How very, very, very, utterly Fascist Nazi. Then there's the evil Hitler 2.0's foreign policy.

Stop fighting wars, which have nothing or little to do with American security and everything to do with the MIC. Wow. Sheer. Nazi. What about annnex Canada. That's a war of liberation from RainbowBloc tyranny, surely. Liberate England? From rape gangs? About time. And while we're at it, let's have Greenland and the Panama Canal.

Greenland and Panama are a security issue, obviously, Canada and the UK are all about spreading democracy, freedom of speech and all of that. Liberation, if you will. So very, totally, indubitably National Socialist and, probably, Putinist to boot. Perhaps you remember that. Putinism.

For four long years, 45 was under investigation for being a Russian Spy, that's right, a Nazi Russian Spy (NRS). It's almost as lame as an E8 blowing up a Tesla truck in front of Trump Tower with a bootload of fireworks in Vegas, yet here we are.

That aside, since when did a country having a border and its president wanting to put his people first become Fascist? Oh, I know. Since the people who waxed stratospherically rich from asset-stripping our country co-opted the Left. There's an axiom there, if you care to draw it.



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Off The Ballot!


Well it never seems to end, does it. 

First, Trump is an evil Russian spy in the pay of the Kremlin, a fifth columnist Putin agent who stole the election from Hillary! That didn't go too far, despite the best efforts of the Uniparty and its Stasi enforcers. Dam.

Then there was the great vote rig of 2020, which saw swing states magically swing to Biden in the depths of the night as just enough ballots were delivered to voting stations to ensure victory for the installed Old Crook. Who didn't even bother to campaign because so very 81 million popular. Huh.

And now this. Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled that Trump's name can't be on the ballot in 2024. Why? Because he's an insurectionist. Yep, 45 fomented an insurrection on January 6 2021. It was like Pearl Harbor but way, way worse, so he's in breach of the Constitution and you can't vote for him in Colorado.

Dear God, Kyrie Eleison, we're clearly living in insane clown land and I don't see how this kind of venal, transparent, deceitful, mendacious exercise in chicanery's going to sit well with the country. Like what, I can't vote for Trump because people protested at the Capitol because of an obvious vote rig and a stupid Russian spy PR campaign. What? What level of chicanery is this?

No chicanery at all, punters, this is the rule of law, the law of our rulers. So sorry, Putlerite Nazis, we rainbow rule you now, and you'd better take it unless you wanna get locked up for years without trial in the DC Gulag. Got that?

The last time Democrats did this was in 1860, when they took Lincoln off the ballot. And look what happened, an awful lot, a heinous amount of blood. Pray we do not have a repeat of such madness at the very moment we're tearing down the Statue of Reconciliation at Arlington cemetery. Reflect on that.

Ad Causam,


Monday, January 3, 2022

Bit of This a Bit of That


GWB fired up his SatPhone and fired off an encrypted message from Georgia: 

Remember when Trump focused on jobs for American workers? WHAT. A. NAZI. And he wanted to make America great, like some kind of unhinged Fascist Mussolini. And maybe you remember how he had the lowest black unemployment in US history. RACIST.


I ran the key, decoded the message and remembered. Yes, Nazi, Fascist, Racist, that was 45 and, lest we forget, he was also a RUSSIAN SPY! Like a Nazi agent in the pay of the KGB, which would make him a double agent, no! A triple agent. Huh, far out, and Putin's Chief of CHAOS.

Seriously, was there ever such garbage spewed out by the gesticulating, smug, pugnacious, wealthy, corrupt, lying, malfeasant, smug Media? The same "press" which assures us that we're all going to die unless we obey the mandates of a doddering old crook who's the most popular president in all of the nation's history. Let's go Brandon.

In related news, the Anglican Diocese of Niagara's shut its doors for fear of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. Why, we have to ask, are churches in Texas and Florida so much more immune to this deadly plague than their equivalents in Ontario. Is it because the further north you are the weaker you become, or some other thing?
