Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civil War. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2024

Rebel Inna Woods


Here we are, waiting on the epochal result of a General Election. Is our democratic republic at stake? Some say it is and with good cause. But whichever way it turns out, we have a history of standing up for freedom against tyranny. That's in the US DNA, I think, and to that end here's General Jeff Thompson:

When I give the word boys, let it rip, and that's exactly what they did. So get out there and vote against evil and let the die fall where it will, we'll deal with it ensuing.

Dixie Forever,


Monday, April 29, 2024

Don't Mess With Texas


Everyone's armed, so maybe some rainbow warriors outta DC are gonna take 'em away. Maybe you've seen the film, Civil War? Rock on, kids.

Stand Steady,


Saturday, January 27, 2024

#BorderCrisis Memes


Well it's all going on, eh?

And then some

Fire up the grill


And let's not forget our brave farmers

And Montana too

And on and on, but maybe the old memes are the best memes.

Pro Patria,


PS. Bonus memes:


Friday, January 12, 2024

Get Out Of My House

Wow, he's on a rip:

You may have noticed Texas has deployed the National Guard to Eagle Pass, where it's blocking the Feds from the area of operation. Reflect on the significance of this and the Border Patrol Union being all in favor. Go figure:

Shout out to Governor Abbott for enhancing Border Patrol operations! By taking control of an area where so many illegal aliens are simply surrendering, he's freeing up BP agents to patrol areas with high numbers of illegal aliens who attempt to escape arrest.


What can we say, it's all getting a little 1850s out there, and by way of diversion, we seem to have declared war on Yemen. Do you remember all the wars Orange Man Nazi got us into?



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Off The Ballot!


Well it never seems to end, does it. 

First, Trump is an evil Russian spy in the pay of the Kremlin, a fifth columnist Putin agent who stole the election from Hillary! That didn't go too far, despite the best efforts of the Uniparty and its Stasi enforcers. Dam.

Then there was the great vote rig of 2020, which saw swing states magically swing to Biden in the depths of the night as just enough ballots were delivered to voting stations to ensure victory for the installed Old Crook. Who didn't even bother to campaign because so very 81 million popular. Huh.

And now this. Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled that Trump's name can't be on the ballot in 2024. Why? Because he's an insurectionist. Yep, 45 fomented an insurrection on January 6 2021. It was like Pearl Harbor but way, way worse, so he's in breach of the Constitution and you can't vote for him in Colorado.

Dear God, Kyrie Eleison, we're clearly living in insane clown land and I don't see how this kind of venal, transparent, deceitful, mendacious exercise in chicanery's going to sit well with the country. Like what, I can't vote for Trump because people protested at the Capitol because of an obvious vote rig and a stupid Russian spy PR campaign. What? What level of chicanery is this?

No chicanery at all, punters, this is the rule of law, the law of our rulers. So sorry, Putlerite Nazis, we rainbow rule you now, and you'd better take it unless you wanna get locked up for years without trial in the DC Gulag. Got that?

The last time Democrats did this was in 1860, when they took Lincoln off the ballot. And look what happened, an awful lot, a heinous amount of blood. Pray we do not have a repeat of such madness at the very moment we're tearing down the Statue of Reconciliation at Arlington cemetery. Reflect on that.

Ad Causam,


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Watch My Tracer


Watch my tracer. When this thing goes down, and it will, behold the great fall of it. Do you think the madness of the way we live now is destined to live forever? That said, smart people are going gold/ammo/safe, and Waylon is as always awesome.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Pictures of War


And more

Verdun on left

The people driving this slaughter deserve the greatest penalty. UKR forces at Bakhmut have, apparently, been given several hours to surrender by end of play tomorrow.

That would be the first Sunday of Advent. Kyrie Eleison, Lord have mercy. And as we pray this, pray too that we don't descend into the same hell. I mean that most seriously.



Sunday, January 16, 2022



As it was then, so now, insurrection and sedition are in the air. Problem being that people don't trust their beneficent overlords in DC. The Eagle, they feel, has turned into a demon and so up with the Cross. Or something like that.

We can wax larger on an evil, corrupt managerial mandarin class losing it's grip as it comes to the end of an age and desperately clings to power, and on. But let's get down to brass tacks, to the meat of the thing. Who has the power?

The people with bullets, obviously. Let's hear it again, the people with bullets, and that'd be the Army. You can see, readers, all three of you, why previous Admins purged Command. Whatever, let's get down to it preppers and associated friends, here's the deal.

"Put a Bradley on the fkn street and go brrrrrrr," said the young 'un, and he's not wrong. Point being, we have to have the Army. The Left knows and fears this, and the troops hate them. They scorn the Marxist snake.

Make of this parable what you will.

Rise Up,


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Vive La France

It's the habit of the English to mock the French, but I don't mock this, an open letter signed by senior officers of the the French Army, Air Force and Navy. The French Army Chief of Staff has threatenned the officers with court martial. Here's the letter, via TGP:

Dear Mr. President,

Dear Members of Parliament and Government,

The situation is serious. France is in danger. She faces many mortal perils.

We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the current circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.

Our red, white and blue flag is not just a piece of cloth. It symbolizes the tradition, handed down through the ages, of those who, whatever their skin color or faith, have served France and given their lives for it.

On this flag we find in gold letters the words, “Honor and Country”. Today, our honor today lies in calling out the destruction of our country.

This destruction, under the guise of so-called anti-racism, follows a single aim: To foster unrest in our land, even hatred between communities.

There is much talk today of “racism”, “white supremacy” and “decolonization”. But what these hateful and fanatic activists actually want is race war.

They despise our country, its traditions and its culture. They want to see it destroyed by robbing it of its past and its history.

When they attack our statues, they are actually attacking our glorious military and civilian past, a heritage passed down in words that are centuries old.

This destructive attack, together with Islamism and the criminal hordes in the ghettos, is dividing our nation with dogmas that are contrary to our constitution.

Every Frenchman, whatever his faith or lack thereof, is at home everywhere in France. There cannot and must not exist any city or district where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

This destructive attack causes hatred to outweigh our bonds of brotherhood.

The government pits the police, as their proxies and scapegoats, against our citizens expressing their despair in Yellow Vests.

Meanwhile, masked and hooded radicals ransack businesses and threaten these same police officers, who are only trying to obey the sometimes contradictory orders given by you, the government.

The danger is mounting. The violence is increasing day by day. Who would have predicted ten years ago that a teacher would one day be beheaded on the street in broad daylight in France, on his way home from school?

We, as servants of our Nation, who have always been ready to stick our necks out for our country, as is a soldier’s duty, cannot remain passive in the face of such danger any longer.

It is imperative that those who run our country find the courage to eradicate these dangers.

To achieve this, it is often enough to merely start enforcing existing laws without weakness.

Remember that, like us, a large majority of our fellow citizens are baffled by your hand-wringing and shameful silence.

As Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, said: “When prudence is everywhere, courage is nowhere.”

So, ladies and gentlemen, you have dawdled enough. The hour is grave, the task is huge.

Do not waste any more time and know that we are ready to support those policies which will safeguard the nation.

If nothing is done, lawlessness will inexorably continue to spread in our society, ultimately leading to an explosion and the intervention of our active military in the dangerous task of protecting our civilizational values, and safeguarding our fellow citizens in our country.

There is no more time to waste. Otherwise, tomorrow civil war will put an end to this growing chaos.

The deaths, which will number in the thousands, will be on your hands.


Lieutenant-general Christian PIQUEMAL (Foreign Legion), Major-General Gilles BARRIE (Infantry), Maj.-Gen. François GAUBERT (former Military Governor of Lille), Maj.-Gen. Emmanuel de RICHOUFFTZ (Infantry), Maj.-Gen. Michel JOSLIN DE NORAY (Marines), Brigadier General  André COUSTOU (Infantry), Brigadier General Philippe DESROUSSEAUX de MEDRANO (Train), Brig.-Gen. Antoine MARTINEZ (Air Force), Brig.-Gen. Daniel GROSMAIRE (Air Force), Brig.-Gen. Robert JEANNEROD (Cavalry), Brig.-Gen. Pierre Dominique AIGUEPERSE (Infantry), Brig.-Gen. Roland DUBOIS (Transmissions), Brig.-Gen. Dominique DELAWARDE (Infantry), Brig.-Gen. Jean Claude GROLIER (Artillery), Brig.-Gen. Norbert de CACQUERAY (Armaments), Brig.-Gen. Roger PRIGEN T (ALAT), Brig.-Gen. Alfred LEBRETON (CAT), Surgeon General Guy DURAND (Health Service), Rear Admiral Gérard BALASTRE (Navy).

Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen replied to the letter thus:

Gentlemen, Generals, Officers, Representatives of all armies and all branches, you have signed an open letter calling “for our leaders  to return to honor.”

Your initiative, rare in the military, testifies to the level of concern you have in the face of the worrisome deterioration of the situation in our country. Your outspoken but fair observation, made in very strong terms, constitutes a public challenge that no one can ignore, given your reputation.

With the courage of those who have dedicated their lives to their country, you criticize our leaders very directly, questioning their responsibility quite legitimately, urging them to regain the ability to act and restore “our honor”.

As a citizen and as a politician, I agree with your analysis and share your concerns. Like you, I believe it is the duty of all French patriots, wherever they’re from, to stand up for the restoration and even the salvation of our country.

However, I believe that an open letter will not be enough to persuade our failing leadership to change its shameful ways.

The recent pronouncements by the President of France on his project to “deconstruct the history of France” indeed show us these harmful tendencies are not the result of a moment of confusion, but from a political agenda powered by fundamentally destructive ideology.

The concerns you so bravely express cannot remain a mere expression off outrage, however. In a democracy, we must look for a political solution which must materialize through a process of dialogue which must be validated by French voters.

This is the motivation for my political agenda, and of my candidacy for the French Presidency, with the objective of forming a government that will unify the nation.

Many senior officials and leading figures of society have rallied to our cause. I invite you to join us in the struggle which is beginning, a peaceful and political struggle, which is above all the struggle for France.

Marine Le Pen

This has nothing whatsoever, in any shape, form or substance to do with anything at all that's occurring in the United States. At all. Or the UK. Nothing. At. All. (Must you be so sarcastic? Ed.)



Thursday, April 29, 2021

Enter The Mountebank


Did you watch Joe Biden's SOTU address last night? No? Don't worry, neither did anyone else much, which is weird given he's the most popular president in history. 

You'd think that the amazing figure of 81 million votes would be reflected in Joe's viewing stats, but no. They're not. A cynic might say the whole thing's a phony, faked-up, fraudulent sham.

A bit like "Trump's a Russian spy!" But regardless, Joe, popularly known as "The Corpse," got up on stage and told the world that the DC protests on January 6 were the worst assault on our democracy since the Civil War. Wow, far worse than Pearl Harbor and crazed Jihadists flying jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

What a wicked old fraud. You'd almost think multi-millionaire Joe was a mountebank cipher shill for the military industrial complex, global international banking, transnational corporate lobbyists and big pharma. But no, he's not in it for personal gain because he's a rainbow socialist.

Thank God for that. Jobs, opportunity, education can all go to Hell and the place you live in become a dying, dystopian slum, but at least you've got transgender toilets.

For the love of God,


Friday, March 12, 2021

General Lee


A pal sent this in, from Georgia;

"I don't want to forget, we made a good fight for our rights, and I'm glad and proud to have been in it. But as for bearing any malice against the men who whipped us, not I. The war ended. I would just as soon have shaken hands with General Sherman (I wouldn't) as with Joe Johnston."

"Or with Grant as with Robert E. Lee ?"

"No, for I would have knelt to Lee."


Friday, January 8, 2021

A Gentle Reflection


Well here we are. Twitter's banned the President of the US, the GOP's baying for the blood of the anarchists(?) who got into the Capitol and stole Pelosi's laptop, and the FBI are working round the clock to bring the perps to justice. Election fraud on an industrial scale obviously wasn't worth the time, eh? But where to from here.

Good question, will our cold civil war become hot? It might, given current levels of anger and dehumanization, to say nothing of the fact that everyone's armed to the teeth. No epiphany there, though perhaps the utter lack of spine on the part of the GOP is an eyeopener, or not. 

Regardless, the future beckons and what does it hold? For me, working to build up two Texan country missions, simple as that. One of the Wardens, who used to head up Dallas SWAT, asked, "If they try a lockdown, what'll you do?" I thought for a second, "I'll ignore that order." He looked me right in the eye, "Me too."


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Army & Navy

There's a lot of talk right now about secession and civil war, which is understandable given two utterly opposed ideologies grinding it out in our polity. Democrats and their Republican friends in what amounts to a globalist, deep state, neocon Uniparty, hiding under a smokescreen of LGBTQ+1 agitprop and... people who dare to believe in the Republic of the Founding Fathers.

Utterly opposed. Note how the Uniparty slams the foundation of our country as 1619 racist oppressive while they take money from their totalitarian ChiCom overlords. Hypocrisy ain't in it. But that aside, for a civil war to occur there have to be two sides capable of offensive and defensive military action. Obviously.

Now, ask yourself how long 1000 or 10,000 radical Anarcho-Marxists or for that matter, Proud Boys, would last in a gunfight with what? a platoon of infantry with overwatch? You know, I know. About maybe less than a minute, give or take.

That in mind, consider 45's entrance into the Army & Navy game and ask yourself, which side are those boys on? 

Ad Astra,


Sunday, November 22, 2020

So What Next?


OK, we've all had a good morning celebrating the sovereignty of Christ, well done, and fresh from that we look to the future. Dangerous, I know, because it hasn't happened yet. Still, and with all gospel charity, what's the score? Here's a couple of scenarios:

If Trump's legal team is right and can prove their case, then the lid's blown off the electoral crime of the century, we move into 12th Amendment territory and the election goes to 45. Deep State Uniparty corruption is exposed and fights back with shrieks of rage, Dem cities explode. Minneapolis-style but on a far bigger scale. That's one timeline, and the second's like unto it.

If the lower courts and SCOTUS brush off Trump's allegations and Biden's sworn in as 46 in a fit of establishment elite skulduggery, then all the millions of people who feel cheated of their vote don't accept the result. Patriots, backed into a corner, go hot when pushed. By, say, yet more lockdowns, hated taxation, BLM/Antifa shenanigans or a gun grab. Then there's a third way.

Everyone just rolls over and dies in the face of either party winning. You know, hey, just get over it and get on with life as best you can, like an obedient serf.

For what it's worth, I don't see option three playing out, people are too politicized and the stakes, at this point, are too high. The evil, corrupt, cheating, deceitful, elitist donkeys can't lose or they hang. 45's people, I don't say the GOP, can't lose either. If they do, there goes the Republic they say they love.

Where does this leave us, with civil war? Possibly, but perhaps naively I don't see the Forces or LE getting into an internicene gunfight. Like what, Hell on Wheels is going to go against Big Red One? No. 

That said, we can imagine balkanization. Wayne County, Detroit, sets up on its own along with Philly and other centers of excellence. Same on the other side. The Union and Federal power breaks down.

If that plays out we begin to enter the world of Late Antiquity. The center cannot hold and rival millionaires and their armies vie for power.

But what do I know, just a simple country parson.



Friday, January 10, 2020


I was moved by this, via Borepatch:

For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o’clock on that July afternoon in 1863, the brigades are in position behind the rail fence, the guns are laid and ready in the woods and the furled flags are already loosened to break out and Pickett himself with his long oiled ringlets and his hat in one hand probably and his sword in the other looking up the hill waiting for Longstreet to give the word and it’s all in the balance, it hasn’t happened yet, it hasn’t even begun yet, it not only hasn’t begun yet but there is still time for it not to begin ...
                                  William Faulkner, Intruder In The Dust

Let's hope; deputization in the Old Dominion.

#2A Sic Semper,


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rolling To Civil War?

"Gotta say, LSP, mebbe it's lookin' like Civil War," said a rancher I was riding with back in the days of the Great Rhetor, Barack Stilted Delivery Hussein Obama. He had a point, way back then. Fast forward to today.

Two fundamentally opposed points of view are facing off in America. The one, a rainbow hued neo-pagan expression of the radical liberal project, with total personal autonomy as its end goal, see transsexualism. And the other, God, Guns, Church and Country Life in Texas, and beyond. 

The radicals, rightly, see abortion and getting a sex-change as a sacramental, an outward sign of something inward and spiritual. In their case, the promethean or luciferian desire to create themselves in their own image. To be, as the Good Book puts it, "as Gods."

Red State America, however imperfectly, says no. You're not a God and guess what, if you're a man you can't use the woman's restroom. And by the way, a country has borders or it's not a country and don't kill your babies, that's sick and evil. 

Now, granted all of the above and more, how can these two states of mind, heart and soul exist in peace? Impossible and we're seeing the clash right now in Congress. But picture this.

45 will doubtless survive the Democrat attack on him and the Constitution, but will nonetheless leave office in 2024. What then. Who knows, perhaps there'll be a Trump Dynasty and Ivanka will become the first woman president, yes please.

Well Done, Aberystwyth

Or the globalist elite deep state will snap right back and resume Federal control. If that happens, expect resistance, real resistance, and here's the thing. If Washington DC bans your guns or tells your kid's school to set up trans bathrooms and Texas says no, what are they going to do, send in the troops?

I tell you this, the Army won't fire, and states will ignore federal laws they don't like, it's happening already. The result? The balkanisatoin of America and hopefully an unbloody civil war. But hey, perhaps we'll all come together under Ivanka.

In the meanwhile, is anyone taking the impeachment farce seriously?


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Gun Confiscation

Everyone's on the Left's howling for gun confiscation, again, and that's because some crazy shot up Odessa, Texas. Walmart's even announced it won't be selling pistol and "assault rifle ammunition" at its stores. I won't comment, but check out Tucker. I'd say he's right in the X Ring.

Disclaimer. I don't watch Fox or any other network, why pay for propaganda to be piped directly into your home to make you a better serf? Still, I'd say Carlson's value on this. Your call.

Gun rights,


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War

Everyone's asking the question, are we heading for civil war? And you can see why, the country's aggressively polarized, partly thanks to the descendants of the 19th century radicals, today's cultural Marxists who press hard to destroy the societal values of the West.

"We will make the West so corrupt it stinks," declaimed Munzenberg, and the long march through the institutions has done just that. Religion, family, once-given codes of right and wrong, ethics, have been eroded and attacked to the point at which we now think that a mother killing her child in the womb is somehow normal, or that a chemically altered man is a woman.

Past generations would have been appalled and were. They overthrew the 1919 Marxist rebellion in Hungary, not least because Catholics objected to Lukacs' radical sex-ed. Likewise Spain, which didn't want to be ruled by a murderous crew of god-hating Anarcho-Marxists. 

Russia herself, epicenter of the revolution, finally had enough and kicked their red rulers out of power, now they're building 1000 and more churches a year. Action led to reaction, which brings us to now.

People are starting to wake up and say no; trans bathroom privileges, catering to 0.6% of the population at best, aren't the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," thank you, Biden. 

And neither are hundreds of thousands of immigrants somehow helpful to the American working class. Abortion at the point of birth isn't healthcare, more like murdercare, and people get it.

This leads to fightback. On the one hand, revolutionary nihilists working to destroy a culture they despise and hate, and on the other, people who believe in the values and ethics of Western civilization. Like, mothers, don't kill your babies.

So conflict's inevitable and we're seeing it now, but civil war? A shooting war between right and left, between trads and revolutionaries? 

The rhetoric's there, for sure, so are diametrically opposed ideologies and all the fervor therein. But actual fighting? Good question and who'd do it, Antifa v. Proud Boys? Hardly. A grass roots leftist ghetto rebellion? Try not to laugh. But what about this.

USGOV runs out of money because it's TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and then, lo and behold, it can't pay the Army. What happens then. 

See 5th Century Rome.

Your Buddy,