Showing posts with label Trump Dynasty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump Dynasty. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Rolling To Civil War?

"Gotta say, LSP, mebbe it's lookin' like Civil War," said a rancher I was riding with back in the days of the Great Rhetor, Barack Stilted Delivery Hussein Obama. He had a point, way back then. Fast forward to today.

Two fundamentally opposed points of view are facing off in America. The one, a rainbow hued neo-pagan expression of the radical liberal project, with total personal autonomy as its end goal, see transsexualism. And the other, God, Guns, Church and Country Life in Texas, and beyond. 

The radicals, rightly, see abortion and getting a sex-change as a sacramental, an outward sign of something inward and spiritual. In their case, the promethean or luciferian desire to create themselves in their own image. To be, as the Good Book puts it, "as Gods."

Red State America, however imperfectly, says no. You're not a God and guess what, if you're a man you can't use the woman's restroom. And by the way, a country has borders or it's not a country and don't kill your babies, that's sick and evil. 

Now, granted all of the above and more, how can these two states of mind, heart and soul exist in peace? Impossible and we're seeing the clash right now in Congress. But picture this.

45 will doubtless survive the Democrat attack on him and the Constitution, but will nonetheless leave office in 2024. What then. Who knows, perhaps there'll be a Trump Dynasty and Ivanka will become the first woman president, yes please.

Well Done, Aberystwyth

Or the globalist elite deep state will snap right back and resume Federal control. If that happens, expect resistance, real resistance, and here's the thing. If Washington DC bans your guns or tells your kid's school to set up trans bathrooms and Texas says no, what are they going to do, send in the troops?

I tell you this, the Army won't fire, and states will ignore federal laws they don't like, it's happening already. The result? The balkanisatoin of America and hopefully an unbloody civil war. But hey, perhaps we'll all come together under Ivanka.

In the meanwhile, is anyone taking the impeachment farce seriously?