Showing posts with label War of Northern Aggression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War of Northern Aggression. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shout The Battle Cry Of Freedom


Maybe you're sick of being ruled by the unelected Eagle. You know, concentrated State power, maybe you don't like that so much. Neither did the South, which fought against the Northern mercenary hordes, only to lose.

Just For Kix

Flash forward to the Denton Country Club in the early '90s. "I think," boomed my dad, he was loud!, that "I'm gonna vote Democrat." You could've heard a pin drop, respect to the old terrorist, but my, how that worm's turned. 

Sharp guy, my dad, RIP,


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Is Nikki Haley A Satan Witch?


Haley, apparently, ordered the Confederate flag to be removed from South Carolina's state capitol. What a total traitor. Now look at her, does she look like a human being or someone possessed by an unclean neocon spirit? 

Is Nikki a Satan Witch? You be the judge.

Out Demons Out,


Monday, November 4, 2024

Rebel Inna Woods


Here we are, waiting on the epochal result of a General Election. Is our democratic republic at stake? Some say it is and with good cause. But whichever way it turns out, we have a history of standing up for freedom against tyranny. That's in the US DNA, I think, and to that end here's General Jeff Thompson:

When I give the word boys, let it rip, and that's exactly what they did. So get out there and vote against evil and let the die fall where it will, we'll deal with it ensuing.

Dixie Forever,


Friday, October 28, 2022

Just Some Tunes


A rambunctious soldier's just strolled in on a weekend pass, and that's all good. We're watching patriotic tunes, and that's good too. As is the DOGE$ rally, wen Lambo?

States Rights and Dixie Forever,


Friday, March 12, 2021

General Lee


A pal sent this in, from Georgia;

"I don't want to forget, we made a good fight for our rights, and I'm glad and proud to have been in it. But as for bearing any malice against the men who whipped us, not I. The war ended. I would just as soon have shaken hands with General Sherman (I wouldn't) as with Joe Johnston."

"Or with Grant as with Robert E. Lee ?"

"No, for I would have knelt to Lee."


Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Confederate Speaks

You will notice the General speaks in similar tones, albeit colonial, as the Queen. Therein lies an edifying sermon, but listen to this man who fought in the War of Northern Aggression. 

Note "probably fortunate, maybe unfortunate... we charged them." And "right in the midst of the sermon..." and more. Now think of this. When Julius was a boy, his Grandparents most certainly remembered 1776.

Here's the thing, State's Rights. For some of us that may well be a Communist dictatorship. Michigan, apparently, is of that kind. CW2?

Your Old Friend,


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Southern Ground

This one's for gL. Bury  me in southern ground? Yes indeed and maybe you think I'm joking. Error.

Your Pal,


PS. "Southern" also includes southern England, obviously.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War

Everyone's asking the question, are we heading for civil war? And you can see why, the country's aggressively polarized, partly thanks to the descendants of the 19th century radicals, today's cultural Marxists who press hard to destroy the societal values of the West.

"We will make the West so corrupt it stinks," declaimed Munzenberg, and the long march through the institutions has done just that. Religion, family, once-given codes of right and wrong, ethics, have been eroded and attacked to the point at which we now think that a mother killing her child in the womb is somehow normal, or that a chemically altered man is a woman.

Past generations would have been appalled and were. They overthrew the 1919 Marxist rebellion in Hungary, not least because Catholics objected to Lukacs' radical sex-ed. Likewise Spain, which didn't want to be ruled by a murderous crew of god-hating Anarcho-Marxists. 

Russia herself, epicenter of the revolution, finally had enough and kicked their red rulers out of power, now they're building 1000 and more churches a year. Action led to reaction, which brings us to now.

People are starting to wake up and say no; trans bathroom privileges, catering to 0.6% of the population at best, aren't the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," thank you, Biden. 

And neither are hundreds of thousands of immigrants somehow helpful to the American working class. Abortion at the point of birth isn't healthcare, more like murdercare, and people get it.

This leads to fightback. On the one hand, revolutionary nihilists working to destroy a culture they despise and hate, and on the other, people who believe in the values and ethics of Western civilization. Like, mothers, don't kill your babies.

So conflict's inevitable and we're seeing it now, but civil war? A shooting war between right and left, between trads and revolutionaries? 

The rhetoric's there, for sure, so are diametrically opposed ideologies and all the fervor therein. But actual fighting? Good question and who'd do it, Antifa v. Proud Boys? Hardly. A grass roots leftist ghetto rebellion? Try not to laugh. But what about this.

USGOV runs out of money because it's TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and then, lo and behold, it can't pay the Army. What happens then. 

See 5th Century Rome.

Your Buddy,


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Frontier Justice

My Great, Great Grandmother was driving through Midland, Texas, sometime in the 1920s and stopped her car at an intersection. It was the oil boom and some 60 years off the War of Northern Aggression.

A man appeared at the door and demanded she give him her money. She reached inside the glove compartment of her vehicle and produced a revolver, which she pointed directly at that man's face. He ran.

They were made of stern stuff, those women.

I file this narrative under "frontier justice" in '20s Texas.

Your Old Friend,