Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shout The Battle Cry Of Freedom


Maybe you're sick of being ruled by the unelected Eagle. You know, concentrated State power, maybe you don't like that so much. Neither did the South, which fought against the Northern mercenary hordes, only to lose.

Just For Kix

Flash forward to the Denton Country Club in the early '90s. "I think," boomed my dad, he was loud!, that "I'm gonna vote Democrat." You could've heard a pin drop, respect to the old terrorist, but my, how that worm's turned. 

Sharp guy, my dad, RIP,


Friday, February 2, 2024

I'm Confused And May They Rest In Peace


Well duh, LSP, we know you're confused, but hear me out. Why are Army Reserve soldiers being deployed to far-flung corners of the American Empire, like Tower 22 on the Jordanian/Syrian DMZ? Shouldn't that be a job for regular++ troops, and why are we in Syria anyway? 

Serious and perplexing questions. Regardless, three reservists lost their lives in a drone attack on Sunday and many more were injured. According to

The soldiers who lost their lives were Sgt. William Rivers, 46; Spc. Kennedy Sanders, 24; and Spc. Breonna Moffett, 23. They were assigned to the 718 Engineer Company, an Army Reserve unit based out of Fort Moore, Georgia, according to Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, who briefed reporters on the incident Monday.


Fort Moore is in fact Fort Benning, and despite the stultifyingly boring DEI name change POCs are getting killed in the Middle East; for what noble and imperative cause were their lives lost? I don't get it, I'm confused, perhaps you can help me and their families out.

On topic, why have we been in a constant state of war, whether indirect or direct, since the most popular president in the history of history was anointed to power. I mean to say, aren't Democrats the Rainbow Party of Peace?

Again, this is confusing. The evil Nazi Orange Man was going to plunge us into deranged wars and yet... and yet... here we are getting into it with B1s against the existential threat to our freedom which is Iran. 

Let's pray those aircrews make it home safe, unlike the poor soldiers who died in Jordan. Pray too that our enemies are too stupid to think they could cross our southern border with impunity. In the meanwhile, may Sgt. Rivers, Spc. Sanders and Spc. Moffett rest in peace and rise in glory.



Thursday, June 26, 2014

Iraq Disaster?

Perhaps you're wondering if the U.S. is backing the ISIL savages who are busy beheading and crucifying their way through Iraq and Syria. Maybe you're questioning the strange silence of our Administration in the face of Jihad terrorists taking over a swathe of the same country, Iraq, that we fought a war in to save from, (latterly) Jihad terrorists. 


Could it be that an army of terrorists funded and supported by our allies, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey might have at least tacit approval from the U.S.?

I'd say that's well possible. But what if the rise of ISIL is just a pet monster that got out of control, like OBL (Osama Bin Laden) or the Taliban. Or, in other words, a monumental screw-up? Remember, readers, who is in charge. We have:


Wooden Top.

The Poor Witch.

And O-Tard himself.

What could go wrong?

Remember, the Government is your friend and our Libyan ambassador was killed because of a youtube video.

God bless,