Showing posts with label faked up fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faked up fraud. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Enter The Mountebank


Did you watch Joe Biden's SOTU address last night? No? Don't worry, neither did anyone else much, which is weird given he's the most popular president in history. 

You'd think that the amazing figure of 81 million votes would be reflected in Joe's viewing stats, but no. They're not. A cynic might say the whole thing's a phony, faked-up, fraudulent sham.

A bit like "Trump's a Russian spy!" But regardless, Joe, popularly known as "The Corpse," got up on stage and told the world that the DC protests on January 6 were the worst assault on our democracy since the Civil War. Wow, far worse than Pearl Harbor and crazed Jihadists flying jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

What a wicked old fraud. You'd almost think multi-millionaire Joe was a mountebank cipher shill for the military industrial complex, global international banking, transnational corporate lobbyists and big pharma. But no, he's not in it for personal gain because he's a rainbow socialist.

Thank God for that. Jobs, opportunity, education can all go to Hell and the place you live in become a dying, dystopian slum, but at least you've got transgender toilets.

For the love of God,