Look, just a typical scene at the Compound. And you'll forgive repetition. I feel life bears it, perhaps you agree, punters.
It's a busy life in the DLC motor pool, by the way.
Look, just a typical scene at the Compound. And you'll forgive repetition. I feel life bears it, perhaps you agree, punters.
It's a busy life in the DLC motor pool, by the way.
All the world knows Petit Prince Macron has promised French troops to Ukraine to fight against evil Putler Bear. Far-sighted readers will remember France has an ill-fated habit of attacking Russia. Perhaps it'll work out differently this time, eh?
What do you think. Do you think the entire French Army could defeat the Ukrainian Army or even the Polish Army? Perhaps it could handle the Romanian armed forces with the help of the British. Or not.
Serious point. What is NATO but a US Protectorate? And what happens when the money dries up, at 30++ TN USD$ and counting. Gold standard, anyone?
Advance to Contact,
Listen up, all ye heathen, Marine Le Pen's on fire:
Ask yourselves, since when did being a patriot, and a country having borders equate with Fascism?
Follow the money to the root of the issue, our beloved, transnational, elite, insatiable great replacement rulers. Hint, dear readers, who benefits from massive immigration? Labor, or its private island owning boss. Ponder that, reflect on it, rainbow unicorn style.
In related news, Germany's donated 20,000 HE artillery shells to the Ukraine out of its stock of, ahem, 20,000 shells, but at least they have 15 nukes. Does this mean European defense policy is equivalent to some guy walking around unarmed with a dynamite vest? You get the issue.
Regardless, and as always, your call,
Imagine there's no countries beyond the reach of GRU, nothing to kill or die for, no religions too, thank you SMERSH. Imagine all the people, living life in peace, yoo hoo. As Assad/Putinist sleeper cells kick off in La Belle France.
Dam, behold the Kadyrov Jihad in the beautiful garden that was once France. But this is ridiculous, the Garden did it all to itself. Or did it? Pan to Spetsnaz and guess what? Our erstwhile President was a Kremlin spy. So.
Seriously, if you were Russkie would you let this opportunity go to waste?
I'd say this is as relevant now as it's ever been, which is very. Sainte Jeanne revenez nous sauver, transmettre votre courage, votre Foi au peuple, le Corps de l'Eglise.
Never surrender,
— Daneel Olivaw (@cuervocagada) June 30, 2023
Right in the X-Ring, eh? And good luck, La Belle France, and all the rest of us. Smart people are loading mags and cleaning weapons, even as last year's furniture goes on the fire. Weird scenes indeed.
Your Pal,
He is trying to do a pirouette to land back on his feet but we can see that he isn’t sincere, that it’s all smoke and mirrors,” said Jean-Marc, a car mechanic as a gathering of some 150 Yellow Vests in the southern town of Le Boulou.
“It’s just window dressing, for the media, some trivial measures, it almost seems like a provocation,” said Thierry, 55, a bicycle mechanic.
“All this is cinema, it doesn’t tackle the problems of substance. “We’re really wound up, we’re going back to battle,” he told AFP before taking part in blocking the Boulou turnpike on the French-Spanish border.
“Maybe if Macron had made this speech three weeks ago, it would have calmed the movement, but now it’s too late. For us, this speech is nonsense,” said Gaetan, 34, one of the “Rennes Lapins Jaunes” (Yellow Rabbits of Rennes).
The idea of the Citizen is that his individual human nature shall be constantly and creatively active in altering the State. The Germans are right in regarding the idea as dangerously revolutionary. Every Citizen is a revolution. That is, he destroys, devours and adapts his environment to the extent of his own thought or conscience.