Showing posts with label Assad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assad. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

What's With Syria?


OK, it's the second Sunday of Advent and you're probably reflecting on John the Baptist's voice in the wilderness crying out, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord." In other words, repent. Speaking of which, what's with Syria?

It seems Assad's regime has fallen with barely a fight. Some kind of deal between Turkey, Russia, the US and Israel or what? I'm at a loss. All of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, a resurgent ISIS/Al Qaeda rises from the sands and topples Assad without, apparently, any real opposition. So what's it all about. Help me out here, punters.

War Pigs,


Sunday, July 2, 2023



Imagine there's no countries beyond the reach of GRU, nothing to kill or die for, no religions too, thank you SMERSH. Imagine all the people, living life in peace, yoo hoo. As Assad/Putinist sleeper cells kick off in La Belle France.

Dam, behold the Kadyrov Jihad in the beautiful garden that was once France. But this is ridiculous, the Garden did it all to itself. Or did it? Pan to Spetsnaz and guess what? Our erstwhile President was a Kremlin spy. So.

Seriously, if you were Russkie would you let this opportunity go to waste?



Sunday, May 29, 2022

Saturday, September 8, 2018


It's weird, but every time Western backed proxy Jihad militias in Syria are on the verge of losing yet another battle, the Syrian government launches a chemical attack against their civilians, prompting the West to attack Assad forces.

We're gearing up for this deadly spectacle again as the Russian and Iranian backed Syrian army launches a full scale assault on Al-Quaeda affiliates in Idlib province. Well ahead of the offensive on one of the last remaining terrorist strongholds, Russia warned of a false flag chemical attack. 

Western response has been predictable, threatening Assad with swift and vigorous action if chemical weapons are used. Fair enough, but who stands to benefit if they are?

A Syrian government on the edge of victory, which has everything to lose by drawing down potentially catastrophic fire on its own position, or the Islamist terrorists who have everything to gain from massive intervention on the part of the US and allies.

Put simply, Assad stands to lose everything if he uses chemical weapons, the reverse applies to the Islamist terrorists.

So if and when heart wrenching reports of men, women and children being killed by poison gas in Idlib, along with stirring humanitarian videos of the Mother Theresa inspired White Helmets providing humanitarian aid start to surface, who's the culprit?

Assad or some other thing?

By the way, Youtube's not only banned Alex Jones but the Syrian government too. Surely a coincidence. 

And since we're visiting, some 300,000 people have died in Syria since the Saudi/Qatari/US backed LNG war against Assad started.

Imagine, just for a moment, that we were Syria and had lost so many people. Then add Iraq's 500,000 dead and ask yourself how you'd feel about our foreign policy if you were on the receiving end

Out demons out,


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

No Gas Says Fisk And Where Are The Missiles?

Via ZeroHedge:

Robert Fisk's bombshell first-hand account for the UK Independent runs contrary to nearly every claim circulating in major international press concerning what happened just over week ago on April 7th in an embattled suburb outside Damascus: not only has the veteran British journalist found no evidence of a mass chemical attack, but he's encountered multiple local eyewitnesses who experienced the chaos of that night, but who say the gas attack never happened.

According to Fisk and a doctor he interviewed in Douma, the video of people suffering from gas was in fact brought on by a dust storm and Syrian army shelling, then compounded by a false gas alarm, which caused people to douse themselves with water. You can read the whole thing here if you haven't already.

Then there's missiles, an awful lot of them, fired at just three targets. Joe Quin, writing at SOTT, offers a counter narrative, based on Russian radar reports and analysis of the target sites. He smells a rat:

But this then posed another problem. How to distribute the 100+ missiles among only 3 locations? Should they divide them equally, 33 (or so) at the HIAST buildings and 33 each at the two Homs locations? But would the visible damage tally with the reported number of missiles? The two locations outside Homs were problematic because they were in open farmland and the buildings were far too small to plausibly cover up the missing impact craters. There was only one thing for it: the HIAST target, with its 3 sizable towerblocks, would have to take the lion's share of the missing missiles. The outrageous number of 76, to be exact.

You can read the whole thing here.

Perhaps Fisk's a shill, Quin's a conspiracy theorist, Russian, Assadite dupe and we should take the Pentagon's report at face value. But if we do, let's not forget the old adage, War's a Racket.



Friday, April 7, 2017

Bombs Away, ISIS Laughs

In the wake of America's attack on a Syrian government airfield, Russia has declared that relations with the US are "crippled."

So too are the chances of a US/Russian alliance against Islamic terror. Rather than join forces against the head choppers, it seems that America and its President have opted to support Saudi Arabia and Qatar in their push to remove Assad, via the use of mercenary Jihadists. And US missile power.

Oh no, can't do that!

If we succeed in toppling the Assad regime then our friends in Riyadh and Doha can, at long last, drive a pipeline through Syria and break Russia's hold over European oil and gas.

Of course that comes with a price, yet more Jihad savagery, yet another country ruined by US foreign policy and the chance of war with Russia. Still, at least no one can accuse Trump of being a Russian spy, unless they work for one of our lying, mendacious, venal, corrupt, elite media outlets, like CNN.

In related news, a Mohammedan rammed a truck into a crowd of people in Stockholm. You'd think we'd team up with Russia to put a stop to this disease.

Apparently that's beyond us.

ISIS laughs,


Thursday, April 6, 2017

World War Three? Buy a Sofa.

As everyone knows, President Assad's been accused, yet again, of using chemical weapons in Syria and the US is being urged to go to war in Syria to put an end to such atrocity. Or to put it another way, we're supposed to go to war with Russia which obstinately persists in backing Assad to the frustration of Saudi and Qatari oil and gas concerns.

How odd that a new example of heinous Russian perfidy emerges just as the faked-up hacking narrative seems to have died a death due to a near total lack of any evidence whatsoever. Except for evidence, that is, of Democratic Party wiretapping.

Regardless, some think the chemical weapons incident is a false flag:

Just five days before the attack, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, “The longer-term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,” implying a definite shift in U.S. foreign policy away from regime change in Syria.
Why would Assad put such assurances in jeopardy by launching a horrific chemical attack, allowing establishment news outlets like CNN to once against use children as props to push for yet another massive war in the Middle East?

Others smell a rat and offer helpful analysis here. Others again suggest that it's not logical to kill civilians in a town you're trying to liberate.

To escape from this foreign policy maelstrom, I drove to far, far North Dallas and bought a sofa. More on that exciting story as it develops.

God bless,


Saturday, December 10, 2016