Showing posts with label Lavrov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lavrov. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lavrov Trolls Lying Media

Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, has accused our lying, elite, corrupt, fake media of being no better than than the agitprop organs of the now defunct Soviet Union, Pravda and Isvestia.

I sometimes get the impression that many US media outlets work according to a principle which was common in the Soviet Union. Back then people used to joke that the newspaper Pravda [Truth] had no truth in it, and the Izvestia [News] paper has no news in it. I get the impression that many US media operate in the same way.

Perhaps you remember the days when we prided ourselves on a free objective press and freedom of religion. To say nothing of a fair degree of liberty from the forceful appropriation of the benefits of our labor by an all powerful State.

How things have changed. Russia has a flat tax of what, 13%? And they're allowed to pray in state-run schools, unlike us. In the meanwhile, our once objective media runs unsourced Democratic Party hit pieces on the person who had the sheer, brazen temerity to beat central state globalist Hillary, and beat her hard. That would be Trump.

In other news, what's on Huma/Weiner's laptop? 

Your Old Buddy,


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Impeach The Kremlins!

The corrupt, elite, lying, venal, mendacious mainstream media just won't let it go. They can't drop the holographic bone that is the phoney "Russians hacked the election!" pseudo-narrative. 

Now they're running like a mongrel on meth with another faked-up angle, that Trump gave state secrets to Sergei Lavrov because our President's really a Russian spy. So we have to impeach him before the evil the kremlins destroy our great democracy!

Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, summed up this errant nonsense rather neatly. Here he is:

"I spoke to him (Lavrov) today, (and) I'll be forced to issue him (Lavrov) with a reprimand because he did not share these secrets with us. Not with me, nor with representatives of Russia's intelligence services. It was very bad of him."

Putin, who's a well known sportsman, continued:

"It's hard to imagine what else these people who generate such nonsense and rubbish can dream up next. What surprises me is that they are shaking up the domestic political situation using anti-Russian slogans. Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt."

 A Typical Putin-is-Cool Palace Scene

Dangerous and corrupt? Yes indeed. In the meanwhile, why isn't the media covering the 40k+ DNC emails that Seth Richards, who wasn't Russian, sent Wikileaks before he, ahem, was murdered committed suicide?

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, December 10, 2016