Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Putin Bans Satanic Temple


Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, has banned the repellent Satanic Temple in Russia. In case you wondered, the Satanic Temple are a crew of US based cultural Marxists who exist to make fun of, enrage and destroy what's left of Christian civ.

Note Children

Their method? Pushing rainbow degeneracy and abortion in the name of freedom of religion, Satanic religion. Ha, ha, ha, what a larf. Just look at you, bewildered and confused trad parent while we teach your kid to pronoun zhirself prior to puberty blockers and Mengele surgery. Take that, oppressors!

They really, really want your kids

Well, Putin's banned the Satanists and power to him. On topic, the Russkie FSB raided several rainbow discos in Moscow, cracking down on gaily hued degeneracy. Good for them. You'll recall, if you're old enough, that this kind of hedonist wickedness used to be known as the "love that dare not speak its name." Now it's the love that won't bloody shut up. Except in Russia. Check it out:

Good work, FSB and Vladimirovitch. Take note punters. It's all a larf  'til you're in someone's basement in Clerkenwell and a demon's gnawing on your buddy's inner thigh. Just remember, Baphomet is trans and our rulers are 100% onboard with this. Perhaps that's part of the reason they hate Russia so much.

Good work, Vladimirovic,


Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Unicorn Strikes


The Rainbow Unicorn has struck again, viciously goring a Canadian man who dared to call his 15 year old daughter a girl, even though she thinks she's a boy. The father was arrested on March 16 after a BC judge found him guilty of refusing to use his daughter's preferred pronouns. Via the New York Post:

The man — whose identity is reportedly under a publication ban by a British Columbia Court of Appeals to protect his child — was found in contempt of court and arrested Tuesday for calling the teen his daughter and publicly referring to him with the pronouns “she” and “her,” according to The Post Millennial.


This, according to Canada's Rainbow Stasi, constitutes "family violence." and must be punished to "protect the child." What, protect the child? How about protecting kids from chemical and surgical sterilization and a lifetime of drug dependency. Don't say Big Pharma profit.

The child's mother, a psychologist, supports her daughter's attempt to become a blasphemous parody of a man. And here at the Compound we call it child abuse, to say nothing of demonic insanity. The future? A rainbow wellington boot stamping on a human face, forever.

Follow the Science

In related news, a judge has been arrested on 7 counts of child porn. He was the President of Cream City Foundation which was a sponsor of Milwaukee's Drag Queen Story Hour. Shocked? Neither am I.

If you meet the unicorn on the road, kill it.

That is all,


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Typical Trans Texas Street Scene

Here we are on the streets of Texas, God is in his heaven and we're down on earth as the sun shines in a hazy blue sky, X-Rays of the screwed together femur report positive and, what's this? Let's zoom in.

A child riding on a gaily maned, pink-hoofed unicorn! You scratch your head in wonder, is this rural Texas or San Francisco, maybe Austin? Then you remember that a Dallas court just ruled against a man who tried to stop his estranged wife giving his 7 year old son a sex-change.

That's right, the kid liked some Disney cartoon flick called Frozen, featuring Elsa the Snow Queen, so his mother decided he was a girl and now the little guy's looking forward to enriching Big Pharma and riding the rainbow for the rest of his life. If he survives, many don't.

Remember, unicorns may look cute and harmless but the frolicksome beasts have a notoriously sharp horn, to say nothing of fiercely thudding hooves. And since when was a 7 year old qualified to make decisions about anything, much less a g*dammed sex change?

Sounds like the Devil's work, to say nothing of insanity. Perhaps the two go hand in hand, according to the infernal logic of the Pit.

Your Friend,


Friday, September 20, 2019

All The News That's Fit To Print

What a blizzard of news. Where to begin? Let's start with a superstar celebrity actor who identifies as female, millionaire socialist Megan Fox.

She's dismayed that her son's being bullied at school, which is why she persists in sending him there dressed as a girl. Smart or what, Megan, but that's not all. Canada's Premiere has been exposed as a serial blackfacer. 

Will Justin "Minstrel" Trudeau be dethroned from the Great White North's rainbow dais only to become Governor of Virginia? Time will tell.

Further afield, the US Navy, in a rare moment of candor, has admitted that three videos of UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) are real. Like no joke, here are these craft the Navy can't explain performing gymnastics in front of fighter pilots, and it's real. 

So where are they from? Good question, as is this. Will the comet that's approaching our solar system slow down when it gets here? If it does we might be glad of a powerful Space Force.

All this to say nothing of millions of children being taken out of school across the globe to have breakdowns about The Weather. Some call it child abuse, others wonder why the organizers love abortion, just think of the children. But here at the Compound we wonder how many weather strikers are boys, miserably forced to wear frocks by their witch mothers.

But not to worry, Biden's interests in the Ukraine are safe as leaking houses, the Wall's being built, and there's a rumor of rain in Texas.

Please, God, let this last thing be true.

Your Old Friend,


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pedogate, The Stench of Satan?

Did you know that 11 mayors have been accused of pedophilia since 2016? No? Perhaps that's because our media's too busy whipping itself into a statue frenzy to notice crimes perpetrated by our political elites against children. 

Statues aside, Seattle's Democrat Mayor, Ed Murray, is the latest political pedophile to be brought down in the non-reported Pedogate scandal.

Murray, who resigned on Wednesday, has been accused by five men of child molestation. He joins: 

New York Mayor Rick Nelson, Dale Kenyon; former mayor of Clayton, New York, Dwayne Schutt; the 61-year old mayor of Randolph, Nebraska; former Ohio mayor, Richard Keenan; Anthony Silva, former mayor of Stockton, California; Kenneth Lewis Barrett, former mayor of Winston, Oregon; Christopher Wright, a former Georgia mayor; former Rockdale, Texas mayor, Darral Gene Walker; former Millbrook, New York mayor, Donald H. Briggs.

It's quite a list and that's just the mayors. How many senators, congressmen, judges and media celebrities are caught up  in child sex and trafficking rings? For that matter, how many of the very rich? People like Jeffrey Epstein, famous for his "Lolita Express."

Perhaps we'll find out as Interpol, the FBI and assorted agencies widen the net and drag these beasts in to face their victims in court. Maybe, who knows, our friends in the lying, corrupt, venal media will even begin to take notice and cover the story. And note this.

Child abuse, extending to sacrifice, is a satanic hallmark.

Out, demons, out.