Showing posts with label Megan Fox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Megan Fox. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Have you noticed how, in the new normal, the serf peasant underclass untermensch have to wear masks but our Elite Rulers don't? It's almost as though there's one rule for the rich and another for the poor. Megan Fox, obvs, doesn't have to wear a slave mask because she's immune to the deadly virus because beauty. And money.

Look at This Slave!

But Megan's servants do have to mask because they're not immune to the virus because no beauty and no money. That's why they're mask slaves to our MillSoc Rainbow Socialist Elite (MRSE). You'd think they'd rise up, tear off their slave muzzles and cry freedom, but no, they'd lose their miserable jobs if they did. Bye bye $10 ph.

Wear That Visor Slave

Moving on, we see this Elite/Serf, Owner/Peasant paradigm cascade out into everyday life, it's not just for Hollywood beauties like Megan. No. Go to any Walmart, peasant, and note that there's a class inferior even to you, the muzzled staff. There you are, elite style, maskless, and there they are at the cash register, all masked up and servile.

Slave, Behold Your Masters And Wear Your Gloves Lest You Touch Us

Or restaurants. You walk in, sit down like a lord and a masked slave approaches the table, "The special for today is..." mumble through mask. "Excuse me, say again?" you utter, Imperator style, "I'll have double braised leftist hypocrite and seared cultural Marxism, and a side of fried Spartacus. Chop, chop."

Seriously, what is this nightmare that everyone so willingly lives in? 

Just say no and keep walking.

Your Friend,


Friday, September 20, 2019

All The News That's Fit To Print

What a blizzard of news. Where to begin? Let's start with a superstar celebrity actor who identifies as female, millionaire socialist Megan Fox.

She's dismayed that her son's being bullied at school, which is why she persists in sending him there dressed as a girl. Smart or what, Megan, but that's not all. Canada's Premiere has been exposed as a serial blackfacer. 

Will Justin "Minstrel" Trudeau be dethroned from the Great White North's rainbow dais only to become Governor of Virginia? Time will tell.

Further afield, the US Navy, in a rare moment of candor, has admitted that three videos of UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) are real. Like no joke, here are these craft the Navy can't explain performing gymnastics in front of fighter pilots, and it's real. 

So where are they from? Good question, as is this. Will the comet that's approaching our solar system slow down when it gets here? If it does we might be glad of a powerful Space Force.

All this to say nothing of millions of children being taken out of school across the globe to have breakdowns about The Weather. Some call it child abuse, others wonder why the organizers love abortion, just think of the children. But here at the Compound we wonder how many weather strikers are boys, miserably forced to wear frocks by their witch mothers.

But not to worry, Biden's interests in the Ukraine are safe as leaking houses, the Wall's being built, and there's a rumor of rain in Texas.

Please, God, let this last thing be true.

Your Old Friend,