Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Those Stupid Ignorant Slavs


We're war experts, here at the Compound, which is why we're baying for blood and moar war against Russia. Some of you may have noticed this weird trend, namely, that going to war against Russia doesn't go well. See Der Fuhrer and Boney.

Just look at them dance. I say again, is Putin the new Constantine? Or would that be Tiberius?




BadFrog said...

Personally I'd say he's more like the new Tiberius but YMMV.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Sadly I can't come up with anything profound. We, IMO, should mind our own business.

Mike_C said...

Can those beastly Slavs EVER be punished enough? Of course not. Except for the Germans, Slavs are the worst possible talking beasts in the shape of a human being. Unless they are Ukrainians, in which case they are all brave, heroic, and wise.

You want proof of Ukrainian wisdom? The Ukrainians peacefully and democratically selected Zelenskyy to be their leader. (There was absolutely no dirty tricks involved in the process. None, zero, zip, rien, nada.) Slavs have historically always prospered under the benign and enlightened rule of Zelenskyys.

LSP said...

I added Tiberius, BF, but think the Constantinian thing's closer. For example, can you imagine Putin getting up to it on Capri? That doesn't seem his style, at least to me. But he is an autocrat who's worked to build up or resurrect the first Christian Emperor's synthesis of Church and State.

We can argue, as per Constantine, as to whether he's a good, bad or fake Christian, but he's certainly operating in the late Roman/Byzantine and Russian style. Is that a good thing?

Good question, and I'm wary of the Heavenly City becoming too intertwined with the earthly metropolis. Just look what's happened to the venerable if apostate and shrinking Church of England. Then again, a State which is Christian, at least in theory and in its outward and visible backing of the Church, seems good to me.

Of course if I was an atheist, comsymp, rainbow waving neo-Marxist I might think differently.


LSP said...

WSF, I'm in the same boat, so not to worry.

LSP said...

Yes, Mike_C, and that's one of the many reasons I support our Beloved Rulers. Their support of Zelensky doesn't come cheap and neither should it. After all, those mansions on Martha's Vineyard aren't going to build themselves!

I read, somewhere, that the cocaine dwarf comedian was elected on a peace ticket, back in the day. Just look how that turned out.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Trump was called the new Constantine