Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Are These People Mentally Ill?


Are these people mentally ill, driven insane by Satan? 

Just asking,



Beans said...

Yes. To all questions. Possibly possessed by demons too.

Seamus1962 said...

A quick cure would involve a field trip to that garden spot…

Well Seasoned Fool said...

X 2

The Night Wind said...

Israel is the only country in the Middle East that allows (and even encourages) their kind of 'lifestyle.' I doubt that Israel would still be among the global 'Gay Hotspots' if Hamas was in charge.

Wild, wild west said...

The banner says "queer action collective"

I shudder to think what it is they might collect. Nothing sanitary, for sure.

drjim said...

I don't think the word "insanity" even begins to describe these "people".

Dad of Six said...

Yes to all of your questions. One wonders what would happen if they were splashed with Holy Water. They also must be blissfully ignorant of the throwing homosexuals off buildings in Muslim nations.

LSP said...

I think they are, Beans, it's just too nutty/vicious to be anything else.

LSP said...

Yes indeed, Seamus. Simple, practical solution.

LSP said...

We're of one accord, WSF.

LSP said...

Now that, NW, is a very good point.

LSP said...

Hideous thought, Wild!

LSP said...

Right off the charts, drjim.

LSP said...

It's weird, DOS, I guess they are, but how and why? Have they been blinded, by Satan?

Ritchie said...

Once again the Master of the Trick Question slips one under the guard. Dear onlookers, seek to quiet your furious neurons. Zoom out, and see if you can sense the Principalities and Powers. If their puppets' strings are cut, their menace is reduced to that of the legendary tripping hazard.

LSP said...

Exactly, Ritchie.