Showing posts with label stand steady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stand steady. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025



Perhaps some of you will remember or know this. I do.  

We may be irregular but we're steadfast with it.

DLC Forever,


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Well What Have We Here


Well what have we here. Just the Vicar of Christ on earth inviting a busload of tranny whores to the Vatican. I know, a facsim of Christ welcoming sinners, well done, but where's the admonition to "sin no more"? Stunningly absent.

Then there's Cosmo advertising Satanic ritual abortion, the Rainbow Bridge at Niagra has been targeted by Leaf extremists, a senior Pentagon official's been arrested for "pandering" in a sex sting, and Tucker's busy sending rounds into the X-Ring on social media. Here he is:

A little long and maybe get a voice coach but wow, right there over the target. Tell the truth, kids.



Friday, August 11, 2023

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Center Cannot Hold


Imagine, if you can, the field of ruins stretching out from the Palatine Hill in Rome around the middle of the 7th century A.D. It was a city which had declined from over a million inhabitants to less than 30,000 persons in something like 150 years, maybe less.

The center, my friends, of the mighty Western Roman Empire most certainly didn't hold. Why? For many reasons, not least an increasing rottenness of currency manifesting in huge inflation and the ineluctable transfer of power to major landowners.

Put simply, a very few very wealthy people controlled everything and with that the state, Res Publica, was fractured. To put it another way, the center was bust. Fast forward to today. Here we are in the midst of American Imperium and guess what?

Our money's worthless, it's a note of debt at interest which can never be repaid, ever. And as it was in the days of ancient Rome, more and more power subsumes into the hands of a very few select men. You'll notice our ongoing presidential contest is an affair of wealthy plutocrats jousting for position. 

We have, if you care to step back and reflect, already Balkanized, and the process will continue; the center has not held and the Beast slouches towards Nazareth in all its degeneracy. Our task, gentle readers, is to stand steady and keep the Faith.

Your Old Friend,


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Taking Care Of Business


Ye Olde Meth Shack

Life at the Compound follows a rhythm, a pattern, and it all starts with a measured stroll to the Pick 'n Steal (PNS) via the Meth Shack. The shack's fallen on hard times, sadly, as you can see from the photo. Gone are the halcyon days of shirtless tweakers in filthy pajama bottoms decorating the porch. They're gone, along with much of the porch itself. Who knows, maybe the crew of Mexicans who've been, ahem, fixing the place up will achieve their goal.

We can but hope. In the meanwhile, a lone picker shuffled in the Shack's pecan grove, searching for nature's bounty. Good luck to him, may your harvest be plentiful. Ag exemption in mind I moved on to the Steal where, lo and behold, gas is only 3.59 a gallon. Get it while you can, kids.


One PNS coffee refill later and a pack of Marlboro Lights I was back at the patrol base and saying Morning Prayer. 1928 BCP version, thank you very much and you can get it online here. Then, no sooner was the Divine Office finished than a barrage of emails from lawyers and realtors came flooding in.

Upshot? Go to a notary, affidavit in hand. But the notary's shut because... who knows, it just is. Drive over to Land & Title, "How you doing!" what a cheery receptionist, "Good! How about you?" "I'm good, what can we do for ya?" Well, they couldn't notarize a document but they sure wanted to and were helpful as they could be. I thanked God for putting me in a Texan country town and headed over to Don Tutor's Bail Bonds.

Good People

"Hi, I recognize you from Bible Study at El Con! (an unreconstructed TexMex restaurant) What can we do for you?" So helpful, just notarize this document, please, and she did, free of charge. "What part of England you from?" I replied "London" and learned she wanted to go to Manchester, where she has an email friend. "Watch out," I admonished, "They call it Gunchester," and then felt bad, "Don't worry, you'll be alright." Good for her, so excited to visit England.

UK readers of this important mind blog, if there are any, take note: Many, many Americans hold the Sceptered Isle in very high regard, they really do. So don't scorn your brothers and sisters across the Atlantic, it's an unpleasant, snobbish and beastly trait. Just saying.

Bonds aside, go back to the Compound to regroup, eat a slice of bread because fasting and get blitzed by lawyers and realtors over the information superhighway. Think Russian Shock Army moving on the Karkov Front. We withstood the offensive, nice work team, and then Canada called, "Can you send some... :("  I resisted the urge to ignore this threat in the hope it'd somehow go away and instead replied, "Hold fire, I'm trying to sell a ranch. Offers coming in, good offers."


And so they were, result. Realtor O Group over, head to Walmart and this town's send money to the world desk (please, Canada, work this out online). The young woman who handled the transaction was friendly as you like but aghast at gas prices, "Just seen 4 bucks a gallon, 81 million people voted for that, what's gonna happen when it's $5 a gallon or 8?" I thought about that and looked her in the eye, which was hard because of all the piercings, "Maybe smart people have ammo, right?" She gave a dyed blonde grin and agreed, yet another friendly country person.

Then back to the Compound for Vespers. Question, is it just me or is the tenor of daily life becoming increasingly off-hook?

Stand Steady,


Monday, January 24, 2022

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Shakedown Street - State of the Republic


What are we, a constitutional republic, or something else, a banana republic nation run by a gang of self-serving, millionaire thieves? Like hey, go ahead and vote and then we'll shake you down.

Have you noticed how hundreds of thousands of votes miraculously appeared for the worst presidential candidate in living memory after polling stations closed? Forgive the rhetoric, of course you have. Wow, what a miracle. Biden, who couldn't draw crowds of more than 12 people suddenly becomes the most popular candidate in history. 

We knew it would happen, the Bolsheviks and their corporate paymasters even advertised it, but when you behold the shakedown unfolding in real time it's like a gut punch. 

Why did we send kids out to Iraq and everywhere else to supposedly fight for freedom and democracy only to have a fraudulent, thieving, spit in your face crew of crooks steal our vote?

My eldest called in from Korea last night and asked, "These people are writing my checks, it makes me feel sick." I told him, "You're serving the real America," and, "Salute the flag, not the man behind it." He got that. As LL puts it, don't desert your shield.



Wednesday, March 18, 2020

High On A Mountain

Uplifting, what? Wager the monkey on Ms. Lynn; Devil take the hindmost and twice as fast.

Stand Steady,


Sunday, August 12, 2018

Bikers For Trump

Donald Trump, our President, met with bikers at some golf club he built in New Jersey. Members of the lying, slick, venal, mendacious mainstream media were there too and got a telling off. 

Apparently they're ganging together or "colluding" to bring the the President down. Media leftists don't want a president who puts America first.

They hate that, they think it's Nazi. A bit like borders which, if left open, have the potential to give them millions of votes.  Nice, right? Imagine this scenario.

Anyone can come to the United States but, and here's the kicker, they can't claim benefits!

Oh my, what an electoral disaster.

Your best friend,


Friday, August 3, 2018

Anglo-Catholic As The Day Is Long

Keen-eyed readers of this popular mind blog might recall the oddity that is Anglo-Catholicism.

That's right, a movement that asserts catholicity for the Church of England and its various branches around the world. It started a while ago, with Pusey, Keble and Newman in Oxford, and spread.

Then in the '70s it went bust with the ordination of women. How could Anglicanism claim sacramental authenticity with the innovation? Not easy and its supporters didn't even try, it was all a matter of equal rights for a disenfranchised, oppressed "minority," women. 

Women are oppressed, runs the logic, because they can't have all the jobs men have. So hurry up, Nazis, and make them priests. The Anglican Church  in the West fell beneath the irresistible force of this powerful algorithm. And who can blame it. 

A creature of the state since Henry VIII, why should Anglicanism suddenly mutiny when its overlords start riding the rainbow?

For the most part it didn't, it embraced the rainbow, lovingly. But Anglo-Catholics held the line, protesting against all the odds that their denomination isn't a denomination at all but part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Christ to be the Ark of Salvation.

We're at it today and you have to ask, is it a wasted effort? No, it's not. It's one small strike, to be sure, in the fight against evil and that's never a waste. On the contrary, it's a Gospel imperative.

 So, give up or hold the line? Ask Charles Martel.