Showing posts with label Don't Fear the Reaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Don't Fear the Reaper. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024



This one's for AJ who finds himself in China right about now. Hey, fella, we're safe here in the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone (NCTEZ). Sayn'. See you at the East India or maybe the RSC in Edinburgh.

Don't Fear The Reaper,



Sunday, July 3, 2022

Another Year Around The Sun


Here it is, another year 'round the sun and I've cheated the prophets so far, "Try and make it to 40, fella," said a friend in a Bayswater pub in the '90s, over cold-as-you-like lager. Lo and behold, against the odds, Force LSP fought through that objective and set up Ops in the New Country. And I can't complain, Texas, especially, has been good. All hail country life, to say nothing of God and Guns.

To mark this achievement, the Specialist came home with totally unaffordable steaks. We'll grill those in a bit and celebrate, asparagus wrapped in bacon and baby potatoes alongside. So there it is. But speaking of celebration, I've got a good mind to take a train journey.

You know, for several days, with a Pullman, Diner and all the rest. Traverse this land by rail, as a kind of recce perhaps. But witch way? Maybe the Dallas-Chicago-Detroit run or go West, up to Montana and then Alberta? Then again, perhaps something more... specialized?

All advice welcome and in the meanwhile, one song to rule them all.



Saturday, October 30, 2021

Best Music Review - Ever


Mia and Juliet knocked it out of the park and made the best music review ever, of Blue Oyster Cult's classic if haunting hit, Don't Fear The Reaper. They love this song, rightfully. Here, check it out:

A few takeaways: "Soothing... the music was astounding... the guitar? Beautiful... the tempo changed... wolf in sheep's clothing... once the wolf gets among the sheeps... shows his true colors... I love it... a siren... versatile... ohhhh!... it sounded so beautiful! I loved it so much, it made my night... the music was astounding... perfect." 

Yes, perfect. Mia and Juliet, you are always welcome here at the Compound and the DLC Mess, unlike the repellent Sting or Madonna, but in the meanwhile, thanks PA for the tip and as always...



Monday, October 5, 2020


Have you been scared of the virus and had to stay at home, cowering like a frightened little girl in your basement or whatever safe space came to hand? Such an awful affliction.

Here at the Compound we feel your onesie latte pain and want to help. Yes, with Blue Oyster Cult's notoriously awesome Don't Fear The Reaper.



Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Best Song Ever

Copy and archive this amazing song while you can. Before the Left bans it because they're all in favor of free-speech and tolerance.

But is anyone 1619 fooled? That'd depend on your 1488, right? Sorry, Lefties, the digits side with us and then some.



Sunday, April 19, 2020

Low Sunday 2020

Our Orthodox friends are celebrating Easter but for us in the West it's Low Sunday, and it sure started off ominously with low, dark clouds, thunder and the threat of torrential rain. I liked that, it seemed apt, celebrate the Mass in a storm. But the rain held off and the Sacrifice was offered on the church steps of Mission #1 with the people pulling up to the curb for the service. 

Good result, and I'll wager the only "public worship" being offered in this small bucolic farming community on Sunday, or any other day. Of course in England and some US states it'd be banned because it's so very much more dangerous than going to Walmart. Well, that's risky at the best of times, to be fair.

Mission #2 was a bit more advanced, we worshiped God in the car park and everyone stood by their rigs with facemasks. But I'm not sure why they did. How would wearing a facemask, when you're a sturdy 10 feet away from anyone else, protect you from the Red Death? Far more likely to infect yourself with and from the wretched mask. 

Whatever, it was a blessed event and I bellowed out the Mass and a short homily on the reality of the resurrection. Christ's victory was real and it's real for us too because he lives in us and we in him. So be firm, unshakable, rejoice and have hope because in Christ death and the grave have no power over us. DFTR, when you think about it.

Homiletics aside, the sun came out for the Domine non sum dignus (Lord I am not worthy) as I turned and faced the car park massive with the Body of Christ. In that moment, heaven shone on silver and the veil between the worlds was slim.

God bless,


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Lazarus Come Forth

Here's a short reflection on today's Gospel:

We see Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This is terrifying because it confronts us with our own mortality, like Lazarus we're destined for death. As Ash Wednesday reminds us, "Remember, O Man, that thou art dust and to dust thou shall return."

Rather than face this unsettling truth we're inclined to run from it, to pretend immortality, and the culture around us bolsters the myth. We live in a world which has pushed death to the sideline, as if by denying it we will by some strange alchemy remove its specter. "You will not surely die," says the snake, eat of the apple "and you will be as God." (Gen. 3:4-5)

Satanic deceit and DFTR aside, the recent crisis has punctured the bubble of our supposed, godlike immortality. A disease looms over us which can be fatal, we must thank God that it's not more so, and over which we have little control, there is no cure. 

No wonder, then, that society around us is panicking. Our mortality, the very thing we've imagined out of existence, stares us in the face, the bubble is burst. Today's Gospel confronts us with the reality and tragedy of the thing. Lazarus is dead, Jesus wept. But consider.

Lazarus is dead and can do nothing about it, he has no power to help himself in the grave and neither do we. Christ, however, does.  He raises his friend to life, "Lazarus, come forth!" and Lazarus returns, alive, after four days in the tomb. 

We see that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, has power over death. He defeats it himself, dying on the Cross only to rise again, triumphant over Hell, and he will raise us up too, his friends, his faithful, as he raised Lazarus.

So, in the words of our Lord who walked over the waters to his disciples, "be not afraid." (Jn. 6:20) Have no fear, we live in Christ, we are his friends, and neither the grave nor Pit has any power over us. We share in his victory, alive in him, to  everlasting life.

Take courage and rejoice in the mystery of our salvation and may God bless, preserve and keep you all, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Here endeth the Lesson, 


Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Second Civil War

Some argue that the second American civil war, or #2cw, has already begun. A war in which the revolutionary left, backed by millionaire socialists and their agitprop media shills attempts to seize control of the heart, soul and destiny of the nation.

Here at the Compound we hope you're as heartened by the above infographic as we are.

Don't fear the reaper,


Friday, February 22, 2019

Need A New Rig

Here's the thing, readers, all five of you, I think I need to get a new rig. Don't get me wrong, this one's been great. Thanks, Ford and Oncor for an awesome vehicle.  But it's coming to that put money into it end.

So, a new rig. I want something that's able to get in and out of the mud at the range and everywhere else besides, that likes dirt roads in the rain, has the wherewithal to deal with horses and all of that. 

I'm thinking a RAPTOR would do the trick. Or maybe a fleet 4x4? OK, a Raptor would be cool, no doubt about it, but a regular work truck 4x4 would get the job done and still be cool, with far less things to go wrong. Like electric windows?

Also, a fleet 4x4 would cost appx $10/20k less, leaving plenty of room to buy a BOAT.

What's it to be, a RAPTOR or a FLEET 4x4, BOAT included?

Help, please, and don't fear the reaper,


Monday, February 11, 2019

Diocese Of Dallas Feels The Love

Do you follow Anglican church news? No? Who can blame you, but we're here to tell you that 24 gay marriages were celebrated, blessed or recognized in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas last month. So what? So a lot.

The Bishop of Dallas, George Sumner, is against gay marriage because he's a Christian but he allowed it anyway. Why? Because his gay denomination told him to, it's their law, passed at General Convention last year.

Gene Robinson and his Ex

Rather than go against his denomination's gay rules the Bishop of Dallas played along, declaring himself to be in "impaired communion" with the rainbow but in "full eucharistic fellowship with it." What does that even mean?

How are you in "impaired communion," Sumner and all the rest? You're still up for receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion from these people, so how's your communion impaired? In the mind apparently, you don't like what they're doing. 

Who can blame you, but it doesn't say much for your understanding of the communion of the church. This, apparently, has been downgraded to an affair of like and dislike, of mere relationship instead of the organic unity of the Mystical Body of Christ caused and evidenced in the Sacrament of the Altar.

Regardless, here's the advice of this mind-blog. Do. Not. Give. An. Inch. Instead, take the fight to the enemy. After all, they're doing the same to you. Just look at Bishop Love. But look, Communion Partners, don't fear the reaper.

Your Friend,


Monday, January 14, 2019

Wireless Wave Energy

Imagine there was a source of free electricity, drawn from the earth itself and then transmitted around the world wirelessly. Nikola Tesla famously thought it could be done and so does Viziv Technologies, formerly Texzon.

Viziv believes this can be done via a Zenneck wave, an electromagnetic wave which uses the surface of the earth as a waveguide, carrying communications signals and power efficiently across the globe, all without wires.

Here's a helpful infovid on the concept:

Will Viziv in cooperation with Baylor Research and associated investors deliver on their promise of free wireless energy, fulfilling the great Tesla's vision? And will all that free energy end up free for you, the end user?

Good question, in the meanwhile Viziv's built a large Tesla Tower  or "transmitter probe" not too far from the Compound, and should be testing the Zenneck wave now. I've got a good mind to drive over and check it out.

Any similarity between Nikola Tesla and the man featured on the sleeve art of the classic hit Don't Fear The Reaper is entirely coincidental.

Power to the People,


Saturday, December 29, 2018

Go For A Shoot

It's important to get the young 'uns shooting, so we loaded up the rig with guns and headed for the range. A CZ 20 SxS, an AR15, a Chicom SKS and a Ruger American .22. 

First things first, try out the shotgun against the clays. Sling 'em up and shoot 'em, at least that's the theory,  the initial praxis? Pathetic. But we warmed up and got on target well enough and I have to say, I'm a total convert to 20s. Swift, easy on the shoulder and guess what, they work. 

Some call them "girl guns" because they don't have the roar and weight of a 12. This misguided opinion is an error.

Next up, the SKS. Big fun to shoot and a proper little blaster; metal plates took a beating from this workmanlike tool of the revolution. Plenty of power behind that stubby little 7.62x39 round, designed in 1943.

But the AR15 seems light and nimble compared. This one made quick work of soda cans and steel plates. Its Primary Arms red dot was on, apparently, nice.

We finished up with some .22 plinking which seemed tame in comparison, but don't scoff. Rounds down range are rounds down range, and these connected against steel with great satisfaction.

Then it was time to head for home in the setting Texan sun, a good job well completed.

Don't fear the reaper,