Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Well What Have We Here


Well what have we here. Just the Vicar of Christ on earth inviting a busload of tranny whores to the Vatican. I know, a facsim of Christ welcoming sinners, well done, but where's the admonition to "sin no more"? Stunningly absent.

Then there's Cosmo advertising Satanic ritual abortion, the Rainbow Bridge at Niagra has been targeted by Leaf extremists, a senior Pentagon official's been arrested for "pandering" in a sex sting, and Tucker's busy sending rounds into the X-Ring on social media. Here he is:

A little long and maybe get a voice coach but wow, right there over the target. Tell the truth, kids.




Well Seasoned Fool said...

I have friends who are devout Catholics who attend Mass in spite of how the clergy act. One told me they are committed to Christ, not the church, but are torn by what the church has become.

Wild, wild west said...

Surgical: "If something bad is about to happen, everybody gets jumpy, and everybody is jumpy right now."

Ya think?

Mike_C said...

I say, Parson! I must object to your use of the term “whore”. It’s entirely possible the individuals in question give it away for free.


Ed Bonderenka said...

I left the catholics after the priest came on to me in the confessional.
Found Jesus a few years later.
I didn't find much intersection between the two.
Happy Thanksgiving, LSP.

LSP said...

Mr. WSF, we must salute the uniform, if not the man.

LSP said...

Wild, I reckon he was right on the money.

LSP said...

MC, I know.


LSP said...

Ed, really sorry to hear about that bad priest

Bless you, brother.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

Not to mention the mostly peaceful rioting in Dublin last night. So an immigrant stabs five people, the Irish cannot find housing as the government has given it all away to the "migrants" and their police commissioner and PM blame "right wing ideology" for the riots.

Apparently some mostly peaceful protests are more equal than others.

LSP said...

Well yes, Infidel, far right extremists are an existential threat to Ireland, and America, and England, and France and the Netherlands and Argentina and the world itself.

That's why we have to take their homes and give them to POCs.

Anonymous said...

Via the Babylon Bee:
men pretending to be women go to lunch with man pretending to be Catholic.!

Anonymous said...

Extraordinary, where indeed is the admonition against sin and the call to repentance and healing for these imperilled souls who hate and fear their own God given bodies? And next week, will the make-up will be deployed again for a group of black and white minstrels too, perhaps ?