Friday, November 10, 2023

Be All You Can Be


I'm confused, why are there no trannies in this recruitment vid? And here's another, check it out.

This is weird. Yet again, not a tranny in sight, just some white guys jumping out of a plane like soldiers. What does this mean, are we actually going to war or is the Army bizarrely trying to recruit from its natural demographic. 

On topic, would you fight and die for the rainbow?

Your call,



RHT447 said...

From a comment over at "Splendid Isolation"--

"I was at Walter Reed Medical Center a while back and saw a couple of active duty AA Army soldiers in line at the BX. They had black fingernail polish on. I asked them what that was all about and they said it was in support of BLM. I then asked, “is your 1st Sgt OK with that?” Response: “F**k the 1st Sgt.”"

Fight? Yes. For? No.

Operative phrase to keep in mind, "Under color of authority".

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Talking with my grandson, a 5th generation soldier, says he may stay in the Guard but has no interest in the regular Army. He is neither racist or homophobic but has no use for snowflakes or slackers. Told me they were coddled and carried through basic training.

Selfish me is so glad he has a job firmly in the rear with the gear.

Anonymous said...

Weirdly enough, the next video that came up after the Jump vid was “Here’s the TRUTH about the Israeli-Palestinian…” by Ben Shapiro. I’m sure that was purely a coincidence. Only a horrible cynic and anti-Semite would think there was some connection.

Wild, wild west said...

Black fingernail polish and f*k the first sergeant. Oh man, if the first shirt is allowing that kinda stuff right out in the open it's worse than I thought.

By the way, Happy Veterans Day y'all and "thank you for your service"

Now get out there and get your free SMALL coffee and donut down at Duncan Donuts.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, definitely 'interesting'...

Johnnyreb said...

I've seen a long thread that started with the parachute video. Nearly all the responses were some version of nope, send the trannies or nope, not dying for Israel.

Adrienne said...

I was ready to sign up until the guy jumped out of the plane and acrophobia caused my chest to seize up with terror and fear. It will take at least an hour for it to unclench.

LSP said...

Well that's a disturbing story, RHT. Haven't seen anything like that at Fort Hood, thank God.

LSP said...

I totally get the selfish thing, WSF. My kid's Basic at Benning seemed pretty rigorous but they apparently made things way easier during the covid idiocy. Huh.

LSP said...

That is curious, Mike.

LSP said...

Happy Veterans Day, Wild. It's Remembrance Day/Sunday here Leafland and not bad for all that, reminded me of home.

LSP said...

It sure is, NFO.

LSP said...

There's a few of those threads out there, J.

LSP said...

Sorry, Adrienne!