Showing posts with label BRICS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BRICS. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024



There you are, whistling John Lennon's famous Buddhist Max-Commie pop song and what happens? You start thinking about the war in Ukraine. Oops, guaranteed to mess up your karma. So what's it all about? In the UK everything's incredibly simple. Viz:

Putler, the evil, insane, Hitlerian, psycho, transphobe AUTOCRAT launched against Rainbow Ukraine in an act of mad unprovoked Hitlerian fervor. That's the narrative, and if you don't believe it we'll LOCK YOU UP, for terrorism, in the UK. That's the UK; why are they so invested in this fight against Russia? Because Crimea 1860s? C'mon, help me out. Because US imperial plaything? Whatev, your call.

That aside, in another timeline NATO provokes Russia into a proxy war in which NATO countries gambled onna fast victory and then got surprised when the thing went industrial and they... didn't have any industry, oops, because all off-shored to China. And guess what?

The same industrial behemoth you've sent all your factories to, you know, like steel and stuff, is a RUSSIAN ALLY. Well far out. Good thing the Ivy League's in power, right? All hail Duke and Princeton. Bow down before the Harvard Genius Patrol. And thank Gaia this result is in an alt timeline.

Your old Battle Buddy,