Showing posts with label John Lennon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Lennon. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025



Imagine, if you can, that you were in a Club whose members didn't give, and give generously, to the Staff Christmas fund. They don't get tips, you see. So what would you do to those miscreant malfeasants who scrooged out on loyal retainers? I leave you with the sheer, total genius of Yoko.

Out Demons, Out, what?


Friday, August 30, 2024



There you are, whistling John Lennon's famous Buddhist Max-Commie pop song and what happens? You start thinking about the war in Ukraine. Oops, guaranteed to mess up your karma. So what's it all about? In the UK everything's incredibly simple. Viz:

Putler, the evil, insane, Hitlerian, psycho, transphobe AUTOCRAT launched against Rainbow Ukraine in an act of mad unprovoked Hitlerian fervor. That's the narrative, and if you don't believe it we'll LOCK YOU UP, for terrorism, in the UK. That's the UK; why are they so invested in this fight against Russia? Because Crimea 1860s? C'mon, help me out. Because US imperial plaything? Whatev, your call.

That aside, in another timeline NATO provokes Russia into a proxy war in which NATO countries gambled onna fast victory and then got surprised when the thing went industrial and they... didn't have any industry, oops, because all off-shored to China. And guess what?

The same industrial behemoth you've sent all your factories to, you know, like steel and stuff, is a RUSSIAN ALLY. Well far out. Good thing the Ivy League's in power, right? All hail Duke and Princeton. Bow down before the Harvard Genius Patrol. And thank Gaia this result is in an alt timeline.

Your old Battle Buddy,


Sunday, July 2, 2023

What A Good Sunday!

What a good Sunday! Spirited attendance in the Missions and, from me, an aggressive attack on John Lennon. Do you remember John Lennon, King of the Hippies and his song, Imagine? 

Look, here's a verse:

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Yoo hoo

Yes, quite, it's all fine and dandy, disregard that vicious monkey until you awkwardly persist in those things worth dying for. Viz. God, Country, Family, Home. 

we're giving billions USD to this freakshow, wtaf

Stand up for that and be prepared to be crushed by transnational Rainbow Zelensky Moloch as if you were a bug. All in the name of tolerance and peace, obviously. 

That's why we're loading mags and cleaning weapons.

Your best pal,


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

ISIS Laughs While Britain Sleeps?

The fanatical Muslim savages who went on a knife Jihad the other day were apparently known to the police, one of them even appeared on a BBC jihadimentary. But nothing was done and now people are terrorized and dead.

Also, strangely, it seems that Muslims who leave Britain to go on Holy War in Syria are free to return to the U.K., where they're left in peace to plot further Mohammedan mayhem. How many of these head-chopping maniacs are there? No one seems to know, some place the figure at 850.

Well that's alright then. A mere 800 or so crazed Muslims who fought for ISIS are alive and well and building up a head of murderous steam in the United Kingdom. What happens when they decide to go Allah and cook-off? More candlelit vigils, John Lennon songs and people dead, obviously.

Then there's the 3000 Muslims of "special interest" and a further 20,000 Muslims of "some interest," interest being the intent to kill, murder, maim and terrorize the people they hate, namely anyone that isn't part of their brand of pure Islam.

A Jackass

So what's the response, how to deal with the threat? Well that's easy, first you tell yourself it isn't a threat, then you remind the world that it's nothing to do with Islam as you chalk up a peace sign while laying flowers on a coexist placard, all to the tune of Imagine. And then you convert to Islam.

Or, and this is a solution favored by veteran members of the intelligence community, you hold DrawMo (Draw Mohammed) competitions across the country. When the Jihad inevitably arrives you shoot them. Problem? Solution.

On the other hand, simply removing the known "special interest" group with special expedition might work too, to say nothing of those 20,000 "some interest" jihadis-in-potential.

Perhaps that sounds callous but consider the alternative. A massive backlash against all Muslims regardless, and devil take the hindmost. Europe's proven itself more than capable of that course of action and it grows closer with every Islamic outrage that's perpetrated under the gaze of Lennonist muticulturalism.

Remember this, too. Pretty much everything the progressive left proposes, produces the exact opposite of its intended result. 

Apply that to the calculus of candlelit vigils, John Lennon and Jihad. But in the meanwhile...

ISIS laughs,


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Munich Jihad

The dust had barely settled from the Nice truck outrage when another Muslim cooked off, this time in Munich, where David Ali Sonboly murdered 9 people and wounded 21 with a Glock 17. The Glock was unlicensed, unlike Islam, which is encouraged in Germany.


Stay tuned for teddy bears, peace signs and candlelit recitals of John Lennon's greatest hits as ISIS rolls about on the floor laughing. And in case you missed it, Ali was shouting Allahu Akbar as he killed women and children.

There You Go

Allahu Akbar, God is Great. For sure, but what God are we actually talking about? Why, the peaceloving God of the Muslims, of course. That God directed Ali to invite people to his ambush on Facebook.

Herr Chancellor

So go on Germany, invite more Alis and Mohammads into your country and stand in awe as it becomes as peaceful as the Religion of Peace itself. 

Well done, Merkel. You have blood on your hands.

By the beard of the Prophet,


Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Way of The Axe

You can ride your unicorn over the rainbow as you listen to Give Peace a Chance, like a thieving two-bit hippy, or you can get down to business and get an axe, a hand axe, from one of the local pawns. I chose the latter option.

Note #4 -- Finish The Project, LSP

It was an old Stanley, lying there nonchalantly amidst cast off socket sets, broken hacksaws and rusty screwdrivers. Sure, the axe was beat up, but right away I knew it could be restored to fighting glory. A few minutes and a couple of bucks later, You take cash? Yessir, we do, the axe was back at the Compound.

Getting There

After Mass, I sanded it down with 100 grit paper, applied some cold blue and polished the beast up with gun oil and steel wool. It seemed appropriate to do that alongside a Lee Enfield project; wood and steel.

Good Result

So there it was, one axe back in business, and you never know, maybe this hatchet will come in handy in these dark and barbarous times. 

Dedicated Family Man?

In related news, you might like this, about the holy martyr, Philando Castile.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Europe at War?

The prescient Rod Dreher comments on Europe's response to being attacked by Islamic terrorists, and though he doesn't mention rousing choruses of Imagine, he might just as well have done:

One of these days — sooner rather than later — Europeans will tire of hashtags, candles in the square, and diversity-is-our-strength lectures from their leaders. Then what?

The Jihad Runs From a Peace Sign. In Candles.

Then what. Dreher hints at an outcome earlier on in his blog piece, after hearing a list of potential Jihad targets from an Italian intelligence source:

If those Islamic terror cells activate themselves, Europe is not only going to have to worry about its train stations and airports. This would be all-out guerrilla war, and nobody would be safe.

Get Used to a Lot More of This

With that, the boom would come down on Europe's post-war liberal society, and its freedom, to say nothing of Aleppo coming to a city near you.


One major power, Russia, appears to take this seriously, perhaps because the Jihad's on its borders, but in Western Europe that border's blurred, if it's there at all. And after the hashtags, peace signs and John Lennon songs have bitten the dust, what then?

I'm not a betting man, but I wager the result won't be a whole lot of peace, love and music. You can read the whole thing here.

ISIS Laughs.