Showing posts with label Yoko Ono. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoko Ono. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025



Imagine, if you can, that you were in a Club whose members didn't give, and give generously, to the Staff Christmas fund. They don't get tips, you see. So what would you do to those miscreant malfeasants who scrooged out on loyal retainers? I leave you with the sheer, total genius of Yoko.

Out Demons, Out, what?


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Flotsam And Jetsam

Jetsam, noun, unwanted material or goods that have been thrown overboard from a ship and washed ashore, especially material that has been discarded to lighten the vessel.

Flotsam and jetsam, floating wreckage and unwanted goods thrown off the vessel of modern life. There's a lot of it about, in no particular order:

Harvard, Satan's Vatican

Madonna, Queen of Pop

Justsin Welby, titular head of WANC (Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion)

The sheer genius of Yoko

And liturgical dance, which is so very loved by all

Don't get me wrong, this isn't an exhaustive list, just a snapshot. Feel free to chime in.



Sunday, June 12, 2022



Desperate underdog Ukraine needs help to defeat the Russian Bear. It's time, surely, to unleash the fury of our unconventional arsenal, International Cr*p Pop Stars, ICPS, Wunderwaffe if you will.

Try to imagine the appalling destruction of a Yoko unleashed on Moscow. Horrific.

Or St. Petersburg destroyed by Madonna, in an instant, Bono obliterating Donetsk while the Edge beats Berdyansk into total, utter submission.

That's not all, think of Geldof submunitions smashing Guards Tank Armies while Sting blasts Kherson. Brimstone and Treacle? Emphasis on brimstone, a hint? Perhaps.

Not a pretty picture, is it, and we haven't even begun. Picture Putin trembling in shock at a second wave Taylor Swift strike, the sheer force of its migraine inducing eyes bringing the strongest Russian combat units to their knees. 

Horrific? Yes, but such is war.

Peace Out,


Monday, September 27, 2021

Weird As Hell


Don't say eyes wide shut, just remember it's all a larf 'til you wake up and realize a demon's gnawing on your inner thigh. 

No further comment except, "Note gaping pie hole." I'd say that was rather polite, let the reader understand, and thanks, M, for the infographic.

Your Old Pal,


Friday, September 25, 2020

The Sheer Talent of Yoko And Everything Else


Have you listened to the genius of Yoko? She married John Lennon and broke up the Beatles. No, not the ISIS execution squad, but the lovable mop tops from Liverpool who helped define the way we live now.  And what is this way, what's its hallmark?

Abortion at the point of birth, apparently that's OK. People losing their jobs for saying men aren't women because "not hate"? Tick. Sanctifying drug dealing, thug, rapist criminals in the name of civil rights? Rock on. Borders, to a country? How very, very Nazi.

One solutions provider put it well this morning. "LSP, when you get to the point of ripping babies out of the womb at nine months then there's no lid, no cover." Anything goes at that point, there's no longer a moral or ethical boundary beyond self-will.

Hell with the lid off? Let's see how far it goes before God decides to call it a wrap. In the meanwhile, check out Ono's #MillSoc musical talent. Then there's Markle, the People's Princess.

Honi soit,


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Hillary And Yoko

Did Hillary Clinton enjoy a sapphic trist with acclaimed musical art genius Yoko Ono? According to the World News Daily Report the answer is an emphatic yes.

Speaking at a press conference in Los Angeles, Yoko allegedly told stunned reporters she'd had a "fling" with the ambitious presidential hopeful in the 1970s.

“We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970s and became very intimate,” said the musically talented celebrity, who went on to say, "We had a brief romantic fling when I lived with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale, but eventually we lost touch."

Despite the evidence, Hillary denies she's a lesbian. Speaking on the Howard Stern show, the failed presidential wannabe insisted she didn't find women sexually attractive.

“Raise your right hand, if you’ve never had a lesbian affair,” asked the onetime shock jock.

“Never, never, never! Never even been tempted, thank you very much.”

“Unbelievable,” Stern replied.

Well said, Mr. Stern. But more than this, here at the Compound we're tying to figure out how to say My Woman From Tokyo without saying Yoko. It's not easy. Thanks, LL, and if you're inclined to listen to the literal musical genius of Yoko, click this link.

Music of the spheres,


Saturday, May 12, 2018

UK Goes Full Thought Crime

Or at least it will if new sentencing proposals for provoking online  "hostility" towards people with "protected characteristics" are enacted. 

Offenders could face up to 6 years in prison for posting things on the internet that are hostile to “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

For example, if you were evil enough to post, "Islam is a devil inspired death cult whose founder, Mohammad, was a pedophile, rapist warlord, and transsexuals are blasphemous parodies of women," then you might get in trouble and go to jail.

Or maybe you're hostile enough to tweet, "Hillary is a lame Old Crone who had degenerate sex with Yoko Ono," all the while having the temerity to broadcast Russian infographics of the last President.

Well then, if you were online hostile enough to do that you might end up in the slammer for six years. So much for freedom of speech, and since when was it some kind of Gaia-given right to rainbow ride your way through life without being offended by contrary opinion?

For that matter, who decides who and what's on the list of "protected characteristics", a lesbian theater collective in Dalston and their Islingtonite patrons on the judiciary? And where does thought crime begin and end, what constitutes "hostility"? 

According to several UK police forces "dislike" and "unfriendliness" define the term, neatly criminalizing the entire populace at some point or another. And if you think that sounds Orwellian you'd have a point, and a frightening one.

Then again, the whole tyrannous edifice of trans rainbow utopian orthodoxy might fall apart under the weight of its own absurdity before any real harm's done. 

Like really, you're going to imprison people for saying there's something weird about trannies and pride parades and something violent about a religion that's been waging war against the world since its inception?

Go ahead and try it but don't be surprised if the law's held in contempt. Speaking of which, this internationally acclaimed mind blog has been banned from Facebook and Instagram.

Must be doing something right.



Sunday, October 9, 2016

#NeverTrump, the Anthem

And here it is, the official #NeverTrump GOP anthem and please, no untoward comments about Elizabeth Warren or the, ahem, Corrupt Old Crone Maiden herself. 

Who, by the way, is the undefiled champion of oppressed women everywhere and isn't part of a globalist pay-to-play elitocracy because that's a conspiracy theory anyway.

Rock on,


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why is Melania Awesome?

I'd have thought that was obvious, but maybe you're not convinced. Consider the alternatives. 


There's the genius of Yoko.

Huma, it's not true!

Huma "Bad Choices" Abedin.


Or even the Old Saxophonist himself.


And let's not forget the outgoing First "Lady."

So let's hear it for Melania and no more of this attacking her for making a good speech nonsense. Unless you want to get into it with the bikers.

Iron Horse,


Friday, April 1, 2016

Behold Your Rulers

Look at our rulers. They're responsible for our security, the preservation of liberty and the common good.


Here's the most powerful one. Inspiring, isn't he.

No Comment

And here's Trudeau's boy. He'll make sure Canada's safe from attack.

Now You're Safe

But what about Great Britain? The Free World is safe for gay marriage with Dave!

Nice One, Shillary

Maybe the next Nuclear Security Summit will be hosted by the famous NWO Illuminati Powershill, Hillary Clinton. What can we say, the genius of Yoko?

Kick out the JAMS.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton, Pantsuit Demon

If you Google "Hillary Clinton Pantsuit" you get 487,000 results. Quite a few, and there she is, grinning at you, like a millionaire socialist who's getting ready to privatise the air.

Then, if you Google "Hillary Clinton Pantsuit Demon" you get 534,000 results and a different picture emerges.

Pretty scary, eh? 

Do the math.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Lovers

Who are Hillary's lovers and why isn't the media covering this exciting story of lust and intrigue from inside-the-beltway, asked Matt Drudge not so long ago.

Well, we know at least one. That would be Yoko Ono, the atonal, onetime wife of John Lennon, King of the Hippies.

Yoko Ono, What a Great Singer

This is what Yoko says (tip of the kukri to LL):

“We met many times during the New York Vietnam War protests in the 1970s, and became very intimate. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in. 

“We had a brief romantic fling when I lived with John in Manhattan and Hillary was studying at Yale, but eventually we lost touch. I am amazed how things are going well for her and wish her the best for her campaign.”

Hillary hasn't commented on her old lover's outing, and neither has Huma Abedin. 

Your old pal,