Showing posts with label pay to play. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pay to play. Show all posts

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Good Shepherd Sunday Sermon


I am the good shepherd says Jesus, who lays down his life for his flock in contrast to the hirelings who run from the wolf who scatters and devours the sheep. That in mind, consider the gang of rapacious frauds, hucksters and mountebanks who lead us. Hirelings, in it for themselves as opposed to the people they supposedly represent. Who pays them?

We can get down in the weeds, zoom in and go microscopic on the various pay to plays which fund our betters' mansions, and what a stenching mass of corruption it is. But zoom out and ask who really pays these people, who do they really work for, consciously or otherwise. Well, it's not God, is it.

Yea, though I walk through the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil. Pray for the grace to follow the true Shepherd and Bishop of our souls who leads us, yes, to the Cross but from there to the Resurrection and eternal life, to the green pastures and still waters of paradise. 

Here endeth the lesson, and behold, I haven't mentioned sheeple or mask zombies once.

God bless,



"The Shepherd whose voice we listen for always wants to draw us to him, to make us more fully his own. For the sheep, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: get it wrong, and you find yourself responding to the hired hand, or the thief, or the butcher. For us, too, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: to hear and respond to his voice is to live into the abundant life he promises. To ignore it shuts us off from the life and love for which we are made. ‘My sheep hear my voice’, says Jesus. ‘I know them, and they follow me’. The sheep follow because they are known; because the shepherd is trustworthy. For even when we get it wrong: when we listen to the wrong voices, or fail to discern the voice of the shepherd, he will come and find us and call us home. For nothing can snatch us out of his hands." (Br. Dominic Austin, Oratory of the Good Shepherd)

God of peace, you raised from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant. Help us to know him as our Lord, to listen to his voice, and to follow him wherever he leads; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Criminality And Vice


OK, imagine you're really powerful, like the Vice President of the United States of America. But you're on this pitiful six figure salary which doesn't even cover boarding school fees for your kids, much less Ivy League and a mansion. So whaddya do?

Get out there and grift for all you're worth, which is a lot because you've got a super VIP pass to the ear of the most powerful politician in the world, POTUS. So you set up pay to play schemes with China, Russia, the Ukraine, wherever, using your crackhead kid as a bagman.

You get rich. The kid gets rich, kind of, even though he's a trainwreck who gets wasted with hookers, his underage neice(?!) and assorted foreign malfeasants. Well, dammit, you're the Big Guy and you've done your best for the kid.

Then you run for President, even though no one likes you, they don't even bother to turn up to your fakey little "rallies." How embarrassing. Even the lowest of low info voters sense the deceit and corruption which hangs over you like a poisonous cloud. 

Yes, you know all this, but you have to do it anyway. After all, that Chinese cash came with a price, your paymasters demand it. Then the cloud bursts, the djinn's out of the bottle, and your skulduggery and malfeasance is laid bare, literally for Hunter, for all to see. 

What a nightmare, but there it is, despite the best efforts of Big Tech and your bought and paid for media shills to censor it. Surely they're not part of the ponzi too. Yeah, so whaddya you do?

Deny everything and hope that too many people are compromised, at the highest level, to let the sordid story of your corruption grow legs, walk and run. Good call, Big Guy, but the toothpaste's outta the tube.

All the world knows, Tucker blew the lid off it last night and got over 7 million views, a cable record. He's on again tonight, and 45's playing Hunter cinema verite to tens of thousands of people a day. It's out there. Sorry, fella.

How this sordid tale of enrichment on the public dime, of taxpayer funded criminality and vice plays out at the polls remains to be seen.

For what little it's worth, I don't see it going well for Creeper, anyway you cut it, bad PR. And in the meanwhile, Philly BLM's decided to actively campaign for Trump. 

According to Forbes, Joe's wealth stands at a paltry $9 million, not much for a progressive socialist.

Good lookin' out,


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Clinton Foundation Loses Big

Recent tax records show the Clinton Foundation operating at a combined loss of almost $33 million for two years running, 2017 and 2018. That's because contributions to the, ahem, charity plummeted when Hillary was destroyed at the polls by Trump in 2016, dropping from a massive $300 million when she was Secretary of State to a risible $30.7 million in 2018.

Here's a helpful infographic for the visually inclined:

What a disaster and a sad contrast to the whopping $1.1 billion in revenue pulled in by the Clinton Foundation during the Obama presidency. Why the loss, could it be that in the absence of play no one's prepared to pay?

The Clinton Foundation's famous for philanthropy in Haiti and its close friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who didn't commit suicide because everyone chokes themselves until their neck bones break.

That aside, we have to ask. In the face of devastating financial loss, will Hillary return to the polls in a crazed bid to set the balance sheet right?

We can but hope,


Saturday, November 18, 2017


Briefcases full of money , bribery, kickbacks, extortion, shady non-disclosure agreements, Russian agents. And no, this isn't another page in the Weinstein scandal or even a campaign snapshot from Trump's successful bid for the Presidency. It is, allegedly, all about Team Obama and Hillary Clinton.

As all the world now knows, Team O and Hillary's State Department OK'd the sale of a Canadian company, Uranium One, to Russia's Rosotom, giving Russia a 20% interest in US uranium production.

Well, so what. So a lot, given that Uranium One owners donated a nifty $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. And why would some eight other US agencies, besides the State Department sign off on the deal, and how could it be that the Podesta Group had Uranium One as a client?

For that matter, why would AG Loretta Lynch, who notoriously never met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton, authorize an NDA shutting down an FBI informant who witnessed... yes, you guessed it, briefcases full of cash, courtesy of Russia.

So many questions; obviously pay to play doesn't come cheap. By the way, the informant in question, William Campbell, has videos of this corruption in motion, apparently, and is due to testify before Congress next week. 

Hillary, who is known by her handlers as CRONE and OLD BOOT, vehemently denies all knowledge of the deal. Of course she didn't know anything about it, I mean to say, how could she?

In the meanwhile, Hannity's fired off another tweet, hinting at an avalanche of swamp draining activity and who knows, maybe AG Sessions is on the case.

The clock is ticking, Hillary.



Sunday, October 9, 2016

#NeverTrump, the Anthem

And here it is, the official #NeverTrump GOP anthem and please, no untoward comments about Elizabeth Warren or the, ahem, Corrupt Old Crone Maiden herself. 

Who, by the way, is the undefiled champion of oppressed women everywhere and isn't part of a globalist pay-to-play elitocracy because that's a conspiracy theory anyway.

Rock on,


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Lesbian Trump Supporter Slams Mook

Just when you thought that American politics couldn't get any more theater of the absurd, out comes this, Lesbian Trump Supporter Slams Gay Clinton Campaign Manager.

And she does, drawing attention to the fact that Team Clinton's received millions of dollars from Muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, that take a rather, ahem, low view of rainbow riders. Who kill them, in fact.

I'd say she has a point, which would make Hillary's chipper little Mook a top level malfeasant.

But you be the judge.


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bye Bye, Republic

I think that Hillary Clinton would be well served by affiliating with James Comey in an even more official capacity by appointing him to serve as her attorney general or perhaps including him in her run for the White House as her choice for vice president. The pretense at a rule of law vanished and with it the capacity to rely on codified statutes as a guide to conduct. Now, laws change from day to day and hour to hour, so that whether you are punished or vindicated does not depend on what you do, but who you know, or how much you are able to pay.
I'd say that pretty much sums it up, and welcome to the Banana Republic.

Unleash the Monkeys!