Showing posts with label sheeple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheeple. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2023



Imagine if a vaccine you gladly took to give you immunity to a disease with a what, 0.01% fatality rate, didn't actually give you immunity to the not-so-deadly disease. And you justified this in your mind because Science. Smart or what.

Which fabled cleverness told you, yes, you can get the disease even though you're vaxxed, but it won't be fatal. Because vax immunity isn't a vax but it is a vax and the vaxxed will live and somehow protect other vaxxed people, because Science. 

Weird, isn't it, how scientific goal posts keep changing on this, to say nothing of what spike proteins do to your body. Whatever.

And right, it's all academic and pub friendly until your kid or your pal gets myocarditis or a stroke from the universal salvation vax. Then maybe you start to wonder. I mean as if, Big Pharma putting profit before people? 

Surely not and how totally absurd. Perhaps you've forgotten Thalidomide in your rush to embrace Government and its lab coated satrapy as your friend.

Stay safe,


Friday, May 28, 2021

And Now You're Dead


BBC reporter Lisa Shaw died after taking the miracle cure Covid shot, she was 44. My eldest son, 21 years old, was only in ICU for a week after taking the J&J shot. Good thing only one of them died.

I'll leave it at that.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Good Shepherd Sunday Sermon


I am the good shepherd says Jesus, who lays down his life for his flock in contrast to the hirelings who run from the wolf who scatters and devours the sheep. That in mind, consider the gang of rapacious frauds, hucksters and mountebanks who lead us. Hirelings, in it for themselves as opposed to the people they supposedly represent. Who pays them?

We can get down in the weeds, zoom in and go microscopic on the various pay to plays which fund our betters' mansions, and what a stenching mass of corruption it is. But zoom out and ask who really pays these people, who do they really work for, consciously or otherwise. Well, it's not God, is it.

Yea, though I walk through the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil. Pray for the grace to follow the true Shepherd and Bishop of our souls who leads us, yes, to the Cross but from there to the Resurrection and eternal life, to the green pastures and still waters of paradise. 

Here endeth the lesson, and behold, I haven't mentioned sheeple or mask zombies once.

God bless,



"The Shepherd whose voice we listen for always wants to draw us to him, to make us more fully his own. For the sheep, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: get it wrong, and you find yourself responding to the hired hand, or the thief, or the butcher. For us, too, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: to hear and respond to his voice is to live into the abundant life he promises. To ignore it shuts us off from the life and love for which we are made. ‘My sheep hear my voice’, says Jesus. ‘I know them, and they follow me’. The sheep follow because they are known; because the shepherd is trustworthy. For even when we get it wrong: when we listen to the wrong voices, or fail to discern the voice of the shepherd, he will come and find us and call us home. For nothing can snatch us out of his hands." (Br. Dominic Austin, Oratory of the Good Shepherd)

God of peace, you raised from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant. Help us to know him as our Lord, to listen to his voice, and to follow him wherever he leads; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I am the Good Shepherd

Jesus tells us in today's Gospel that He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, unlike the "hireling" who runs away from the "wolf."

I waxed fiery during the sermon about the apostate hirelings who have either run away from the demonic beast or sided with him in order to lead the foolish sheeple to perdition. Western Anglicanism serves as a handy case study. Under its current gang of heretical pagans pastors The Episcopal Church (TEC) is losing 50,000 annually and its lesser cousin, the diminutive ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada), well, where is it? Mars?

some kind of joke?
After the first Mass we discussed the text a little further over coffee, noting that Christ is both sheep and shepherd, sacrificial victim and eschatological Lord. This prompted the following:

Countryman 1:  "I used to raise sheep, Father."
LSP:                 "Ah hah."
Countryman 1:  "They're dumber than a box of hammers."
Countryman 2: "I was showing a sheep and it ran right off into a  moat. I had to use a lariat to haul it out."
LSP:                  "I see."

Here endeth the Lesson.