Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awesome. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2025

Melania Mondays is BACK


Yes, Melania Mondays is back, and back with a vengeance as  America's popular and glamorous First Lady takes the stage to assume what's rightfully hers. That being LEAD WOMAN in America and thence the entire world. You'll note the First Lady wore an attractive black coat and elegant black hat, hiding her eyes. Why?

Because, dear readers and most especially traitors, you don't want to see the retribution which flashes from them. Sometimes it's better intimated than fully disclosed. That in mind, do you think Vogue, Vanity Unfair, Tatler, and Himmler Homes & Gardens will decide to feature Melania in upcoming issues?

The vote's out, but I call big money demands it. In the meanwhile, well done, Hon. Col. DLC for looking as awesome as our boys expect. And look at what you missed.

By the left,


Thursday, July 6, 2023



What can I say?  Can you get a better Panzerlied than this? No, you cannot, in my opinion, imo. Big plaudit to LL and VM for the best PANZERLIED ever. Remarkable.



Monday, August 17, 2020

Guerilla Man

Anon, you'll forgive me for embarrassing you by quoting this comment in its entirety. I think it's right on and then some; he writes in response to the bestial, crazed, satanic Bolsheviks slaughtering the Tzar's children. Read on:

It’s endemic to the human condition to ‘other’ those ‘not like me’. Those ‘not like me’ aren’t human, they’re things. It may have originally started as family and tribal but the nation-state did no more than expand the classification a little.
I spent thirty odd years being involved with every conflict The UK was (officially and unofficially) involved in, and … I’ve seen just how common acts like this, and worse (you really don’t want my nightmares), really are. (Out of western first world countries this would probably be seen as ‘just another of those terrible, regrettable, but oh so common events’ …. even now. Don’t believe me? Go to any country in Asia, Africa or South America, get away from the city centres/tourist areas and see just what atrocities constitute ‘normal daily life’ there. We’re still living in tiny island of civilisation amidst seas of barbarity even now).
Why is it that western nations aren’t still this way? One word… Christianity. ‘Only’ Christianity demands that those ‘not like us’ be treated exactly as ‘like us’ (Oh, there are other faiths that suggest others not of the faith be treated reasonably, but … only as prospective members, and they’re still not really seen as equal. Yes, Christianity was interpreted otherwise for a period, whilst under brutal attack, but, even now, try being of a different faith in a majority Hindu, Buddhist or, worst of all, Islamic area).
The past is mirrored in the current ’political’ behaviour. Christians view those of other faiths as, at worst, uninformed/misinformed but genuine and worthy of respectful treatment. Islam, as the most blatant example, views those of other faiths as evil to be converted at the point of a sword, or wiped out. Marxism (and its current incarnation of socialism/progressivism) follows islams model.
Our societies, and the mores and laws which govern them are based, exclusively, on Judeo-Christian values. Which is why I despair – the very people who demand more and more rights (without all those icky responsibilities of course) are the very people attacking, tearing down, banning the fundamental, foundational basis for those very rights. I still can’t decide whether it is ignorance, malicious intent, blind wishful thinking, or a self-destructive mindset on their part to deliberately destroy that which protects, specifically them, from destruction (witness ‘defund the police’, ‘BLM’, Feminists and gays for islam, etc.).
The average person has little idea just how much they owe to the Anglosphere hegemony (Britain now The US) 'forcing' its values on the world. Imagine a world with where it was Belgian (think their behaviour in the Congo), Russian, Chinese or (Lord forbid) Islamic values were the norm. We, in our relatively safe, civilised nations look at this atrocity as just that. Others, elsewhere, see it as the same 'because' we insist they do. If China becomes Hegemon?

An ally and friend from the UK who blogs here said this, "If the US and the UK go down, we're finished. It's that simple." Well said.

Ride hard, guerrilla. The fight is by no means lost.



Friday, March 31, 2017

Putin is so Awesome

“If we were to use traditional measures for understanding leaders, which involve the defense of borders and national flourishing, Putin would count as the preeminent statesman of our time.

“On the world stage, who could vie with him?”

Good question.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Light Shines Brightly

And why's that, LSP? Because the evil Witch Crone Harridan, (WCH) Hillary, has been squashed like a roach. So we're celebrating at the Compound with crystal, fine wines, weighty silver, and guns.

Cupcake Crybaby

Make that deadly assault rifles, like the Old Crone was going to ban, but can't because she's been pasted by Trump. Some crybaby cupcakes aren't too happy about that. Too bad, losers, a new Sheriff's in Town. 

You Lose This Round, Satan

The light shines brightly.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Why is Melania Awesome?

I'd have thought that was obvious, but maybe you're not convinced. Consider the alternatives. 


There's the genius of Yoko.

Huma, it's not true!

Huma "Bad Choices" Abedin.


Or even the Old Saxophonist himself.


And let's not forget the outgoing First "Lady."

So let's hear it for Melania and no more of this attacking her for making a good speech nonsense. Unless you want to get into it with the bikers.

Iron Horse,