Showing posts with label destroy the Illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destroy the Illuminati. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Ferocious Wolf!

Thanks to 357 Magnum we have exclusive photos and video footage of the White Wolf Mine, somewhere in Arizona:

Yes, a terrifying, robotic "monster wolf." Bears, wisely, run from the wolf and who can blame them? Rumors of tailors, Chinese food and open source intel, wisely construed, are just that, rumors.

A typical wolf

Thanks, 357, for the link.



Monday, August 17, 2020

Guerilla Man

Anon, you'll forgive me for embarrassing you by quoting this comment in its entirety. I think it's right on and then some; he writes in response to the bestial, crazed, satanic Bolsheviks slaughtering the Tzar's children. Read on:

It’s endemic to the human condition to ‘other’ those ‘not like me’. Those ‘not like me’ aren’t human, they’re things. It may have originally started as family and tribal but the nation-state did no more than expand the classification a little.
I spent thirty odd years being involved with every conflict The UK was (officially and unofficially) involved in, and … I’ve seen just how common acts like this, and worse (you really don’t want my nightmares), really are. (Out of western first world countries this would probably be seen as ‘just another of those terrible, regrettable, but oh so common events’ …. even now. Don’t believe me? Go to any country in Asia, Africa or South America, get away from the city centres/tourist areas and see just what atrocities constitute ‘normal daily life’ there. We’re still living in tiny island of civilisation amidst seas of barbarity even now).
Why is it that western nations aren’t still this way? One word… Christianity. ‘Only’ Christianity demands that those ‘not like us’ be treated exactly as ‘like us’ (Oh, there are other faiths that suggest others not of the faith be treated reasonably, but … only as prospective members, and they’re still not really seen as equal. Yes, Christianity was interpreted otherwise for a period, whilst under brutal attack, but, even now, try being of a different faith in a majority Hindu, Buddhist or, worst of all, Islamic area).
The past is mirrored in the current ’political’ behaviour. Christians view those of other faiths as, at worst, uninformed/misinformed but genuine and worthy of respectful treatment. Islam, as the most blatant example, views those of other faiths as evil to be converted at the point of a sword, or wiped out. Marxism (and its current incarnation of socialism/progressivism) follows islams model.
Our societies, and the mores and laws which govern them are based, exclusively, on Judeo-Christian values. Which is why I despair – the very people who demand more and more rights (without all those icky responsibilities of course) are the very people attacking, tearing down, banning the fundamental, foundational basis for those very rights. I still can’t decide whether it is ignorance, malicious intent, blind wishful thinking, or a self-destructive mindset on their part to deliberately destroy that which protects, specifically them, from destruction (witness ‘defund the police’, ‘BLM’, Feminists and gays for islam, etc.).
The average person has little idea just how much they owe to the Anglosphere hegemony (Britain now The US) 'forcing' its values on the world. Imagine a world with where it was Belgian (think their behaviour in the Congo), Russian, Chinese or (Lord forbid) Islamic values were the norm. We, in our relatively safe, civilised nations look at this atrocity as just that. Others, elsewhere, see it as the same 'because' we insist they do. If China becomes Hegemon?

An ally and friend from the UK who blogs here said this, "If the US and the UK go down, we're finished. It's that simple." Well said.

Ride hard, guerrilla. The fight is by no means lost.



Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In The Ghetto

This one's for fellow blogger, patriot, journalist and art philospopher, Jules. Sometimes you find yourself in the ghetto. Whaddya do? Climb into the rig and play Elvis' soulful tune at VOLUME as you drive up and down the street, while local PD takes down dealers and confiscates Range Rovers.

Behold Our Urban Shitholes

Speaking of which, a girl once said to me, "I wrote an essay on the ghetto," she was a TA at SMU. After she'd gone a friend commented, "I thought you'd sh*t and go blind." 



Monday, August 19, 2019

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm Sunday 2019

I love Palm Sunday, the gateway to Holy Week and with it the opportunity to follow Christ ever more deeply on his way to the cross and resurrection. Beautiful, and it forces two things upon us, discernment and choice.

Who and what do we love, what leads us, who do we follow? Bread and power, the world, the flesh and the devil who hovers over all, or Christ? Discernment achieved, choose wisely.

That said, half of one of the Missions was missing in action today. Why? Because they'd gone to a rabbit show. That's right, a bunny display.

Well, there's nothing quite like anticipating Easter.

Antenicene Fathers forever,


Friday, January 25, 2019

Winston Churchill RIP

Day late and a Pound Sterling short but yesterday was the anniversary of Churchill's death. You may scorn Churchill because he wasn't a Bolshevik stooge of the NWO. I say he rises, like a hero.



Friday, October 19, 2018

Cooking With LSP Macaroni Cheese

Excuse me, what did you just say? Cooking with LSP? It sounds impossible yet there it is and here's how.

Pull out some heavy metal and melt 4 TBLs of butter in the iron, match it with the same amount of flour. Mix it up and well done, you've made a poor man's roux. Then add 2 1/2 cups of full milk, stir it in and behold the beauty of the thing, Glock optional.

Then add cheese. Grate as much as you like into the pot, your call, there's no "rule." Stir it around until you reach the desired consistency and add more cheese and milk as required. 

Also, don't forget to throw in a teaspoon of dry mustard along with salt and pepper to taste or even Worcestershire Sauce, your call. 

That done, stir away and preheat the oven to 400*. While it's firing up have a glass of wine or 10 and ponder your culinary genius.  There it is, cheese sauce, pasta and everything else, just waiting to come together in union. 

While you're at it, resist the temptation to draw parallels with the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion and throw the thing in the oven after grating some cheese on top.

Leave it in until it's getting cripsy and then take it out and eat your scoff...

Like a Warrior,


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Yale Goes Full Rainbow

Yale, once thought of as an ivy-covered hallowed hall of academe has transmorphed into a rainbow riding, PC proving ground. 

Up till now, everyone thought of Harvard as Satan's Vatican but apparently its famous competitor, Yale, is in the running as surveys show that most incoming Yale students are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, plus.

Some, a tiny 9% minority, report themselves as "somewhat conservative." Apparently they think that biological sex has something to do with gender. Such Nazis.

Approximately 0.06 of adults in the US identify as transgender. Before you laugh out loud at the injustice of it all, ask yourself  what does that make Yale, some kind of freakshow?

And listen up. The same Illuminati, NWO, Globalist goons that are trying to enslave you by shipping your jobs overseas are doing the same by erasing your gender, turning you into a sexless non-person, and all in the name of freedom. That's right, a drone, ready to do its hivemind's bidding.

They never thought she'd lose.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Check Your Privilege

There was a time when this simple mind blog was all about shooting and riding, fishing hardly ever got a look-in. That's because I hardly ever fished. Then everything changed.

Perhaps it was the cost, cheaper than bullets, perhaps it was making up for lost time or maybe it was the sheer, addictive, primal thrill of the drag playing out as some leviathan hits your line. And hey, they're all monsters when your setup's light.

Leviathan Hybrid

Today was no exception, 100* heat at a mystery lake in North Central Texas, and the temperature's no obstacle. Out goes the line, a perch rig, thank you very much. And sure enough, it caught a few Bluegill, some the size of dinner plates.


It also caught a monster mudcat, which fought like the force of nature it was. Massive fish on a light hookup, big fight. All of this to say nothing of a largemouth bass and its massive hybrid cousin.

Decent Little Largemouth

Great fun; good work, perch rig. And with yet another encounter with the piscine adversary it was time to head for home and the Compound.


Did I check my privilege? Oh yes, every step of the way.

Fish on,


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fish, You Fool, And The Ghosts Of The Brazos

The sun was shining, the air was crisp and it seemed right to go fishing; Genius Patrol weren't invited, their job was to stay behind and guard the Compound.

A short drive later I was at Soldier's Bluff or Sosebee's Bluff, named after George Sosebee who left Georgia in the 1870s to escape the "odious" Reconstruction Government after the Civil War.
Reconstruction reached its most odious stages in the mid '70's and George Sosebee determined that he could stand no more of it. On the raw frontier, he reasoned, there must exist a place where no Reconstruction Official or carpetbagger would venture.

By 1875 Sosebee had found his frontier, where the Big Rocky Creek tumbled through a limestone precipice overlooking the Brazos river in Bosque County. 

Carpet Baggers

Today, Sosebee's Brazos is gone, inundated by the Corps of Engineers' dam which was built in the 1950s. Still, the tops of his limestone bluffs remain and you can fish from them, sometimes with spectacular results.

With that in mind, the lake was choppy and surging, thanks to a fierce North East wind, and I wondered if the expedition'd be a bust. "How's the action, kids?" I asked a professional crew of youngsters who'd set up on the shore with an impressive array of surf casting rods. They said it wasn't bad, holding up a very respectable Largemouth.

Inspired by success, I cast off with a plastic minnow allied to an earthworm and sure enough started getting bumps and tugs; fish were out there, no doubt about it. But could I close the deal?

It took a while but then, BOOM, a fish was on, pulling out the drag and glinting silver in the topwater. At first I thought it was a Drum but no, it was a decent young Bass around 12". I put him back and reflected on the towns flooded by the dam, including Towash, across the way from the bluffs. In case you wondered, Towash wasn't Cheltenham:

On January 5, 1870, Hardin was playing cards with Benjamin Bradley in Towash, Hill County, Texas. Hardin was winning almost every hand, which angered Bradley, who then threatened to "cut out his liver" if he won again. Bradley drew a knife and a six-shooter. Hardin claimed he was unarmed and excused himself, but claims that later that night, Bradley came looking for him. Bradley allegedly fired a shot at Hardin, which missed. Hardin drew both his pistols and returned fire, one shot striking Bradley's head and the other his chest. Dozens of people saw this fight, and from them there is a good record of how Hardin had used his guns. His holsters were sewn into his vest, so that the butts of his pistols pointed inward across his chest. He crossed his arms to draw. Hardin claimed this was the fastest way to draw, and he practiced every day. A man called "Judge Moore", who held Hardin's stakes of money and a pistol, but refused to give them up without Bradley's consent, "vanished. Later Hardin admitted killing two men in Hill County Texas - Donald Long.

Here's another account, fictional but I'd say on the money. 1865 Towash made a big sign... Texas-style. It boasted the Boles racetrack, which attracted the sports and gamblers from as far away as Hot Springs, Arkansas. There was a hand ferry across the Brazos and close by a grist mill powered by a huge water wheel. Dryer & Jenkins was the trading store. There was a barbershop that did very little business and six saloons that did a lot, dispensing red-eye... raw. Typical of many towns in the Texas of 1867, there was no law except that made by each man with his own ‘craw sand.’ Occasionally the Regulators of Austin rode in... always in large groups... more for protection than law enforcement. 

I reeled in the Bass and cast off for more, while the ghosts of the Brazos lay heavy on the lake.

Tight lines,