Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

In The Ghetto

This one's for fellow blogger, patriot, journalist and art philospopher, Jules. Sometimes you find yourself in the ghetto. Whaddya do? Climb into the rig and play Elvis' soulful tune at VOLUME as you drive up and down the street, while local PD takes down dealers and confiscates Range Rovers.

Behold Our Urban Shitholes

Speaking of which, a girl once said to me, "I wrote an essay on the ghetto," she was a TA at SMU. After she'd gone a friend commented, "I thought you'd sh*t and go blind." 



Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Musical Interlude

Here's a soothing musical interlude to help all three readers of this so-called "blog" get through the jaw-dropping consternation of watching the brazen, murderous machinations of the Clinton campaign.

It's called In The Ghetto, by the late great Elvis Presley.

The King Lives,