Showing posts with label Moloch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moloch. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2023

No This Is Not Sexy


Those merry satanic pranksters are at it again, this time in Michigan where the Satanic Temple's set up a Baphomet Goat Skull Idol, right in time for Christmas. All very Mr. Rogers festive cheer as Christians around the world get ready to celebrate the birth of Christ, but it didn't take long for a Democrat to get down and dirty on the Horned God.

Democrat staffer Samantha Storka wasted no time kissing the idolatrous Goat Skull Idol (GSI), posting on social media,  “In the name of Satan, I claim the sexy satanic baphomet [SIC.] goat altar at OUR Michigan Capitol. Amen.”

Storka later deleted her Devil Witch post on Elon Musk's X but didn't hesitate to follow up her Baphomet worship with a shout-out to pagans, "Don’t forget to wish a Pagan a happy Yule and a bright solstice."

You'll be utterly amazed to know that Michigan Democrats passed legislation allowing abortion up to the point of birth. Here at the Compound we wonder why they don't advance the date of child sacrifice to birth itself, or beyond. Good pagan practice.

Just remember, kids, it's all a larf until the Wicker man's on fire and you're inside.

Out Demons Out,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cher - Time To Leave


Smash hit super celebrity pop icon Cher, 77, has threatened to finally leave America if Donald Trump is reelected. That's right, no more Cher if El Senor gets back in the Oval Office and Melania's once more in charge of White House aesthetics.

According to Breitbart, the aging singer "almost got an ulcer" when Trump defeated Hillary in 2016 and if he returns Cher will "leave":

“I almost got an ulcer the last time [Trump was elected],” Cher told the Guardian in an interview published Wednesday, adding, “If he gets in, who knows? This time I will leave [the country].”

Megastar Cher famously supported Joe Biden in his hugely successful run for President in 2020 and even reworked a song for his campaign, the mass hit, "Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe."  However, even though Old Joe won the Presidency, Cher still wasn't happy.

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, massively popular Cher rode the doomsday clock, declaring that  SCOTUS would be “responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of American women.” Yes, a veritable female slaughterhouse because biological women wouldn't be killed in the womb.

Unsurprisingly, the talented singer songwriter of classics like the Shoop Shoop Song and Heart of Stone was outraged by Texas' recent pro-life legislation, shouting on social media, “WOMEN WILL DIE” and “DEMOCRACY WILL WITHER & DIE, & DICTATORS WILL THRIVE.”

Is Cher a Moloch worshiping, Illuminati Devil Witch with a whopping socialist net worth of $380 million or a simple pop genius with a social conscience? Either which way, she's out if 45 becomes 47. 

Here at the Compound and by way of serious analysis, we wonder if this isn't reason enough to vote for El Senor. Not that voting actually seems to matter much, but still.

Time you left, Cher.


Thursday, March 2, 2023

Not Scared? Maybe You Should Be


Ferocious VWE (violent weather extremism) after SOTC (Stations of the Cross); beating wind, slashing rain and zero viz on the road, broken only by eerily incandescent illumination rounds of lightning. Scary? Yes, but maybe not as scary as the FBI infiltrating spies into Catholic churches.

Thanks to a leaked FBI Richmond Office memo, we know that America's secret and not so secret police are targeting RTCs (radical-traditionalist-Catholic) on suspicion of RMVE (racially motivated violent extremism), especially against Jews, Rainbow Riders, immigrants and the present commie Pope.

To counter this egregious threat, just imagine all those 1964 (sorry, 1962) Latin Missal waving terrorists, FBI Richmond recommended "exploration of new avenues for tripwire and source development." Behold corporate jargon stasi speak for we need to get some spies into those churches.

Sen. Josh Hawley summed it up at yesterday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, grilling our repellent Attorney General Merrick Garland:

“How many informants do you have in Catholic churches across America?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t believe we have any informants aimed at Catholic churches,” Garland responded. “We have a rule against investigations based on First Amendment activity, and Catholic churches are obviously First Amendment activity. I don’t know the specific answer.”

“You don’t know the specifics of anything, it seems,” Hawley said. “But apparently on your watch this Justice Department is targeting Catholics, targeting people of faith, specifically for their faith views. Mr. Attorney General, I’ll just say to you, it’s a disgrace.”


So how many informants does Garland have in American churches, you know, just in case those Christians get out of hand. He doesn't know, it could be a few, it could be a lot or maybe even none. So rest easy, there's no specific answer to how many Government spies there are in your church.

That in mind, you might want to be careful at coffee hour after worshiping God instead of Mammon or Moloch. One foolish RTC slip of the tongue betwixt donut and warming beverage and there it is, a SWAT team kicking down your door at 4 am.

Some of you may remember how we justly took pride in our freedom of religion, as opposed to the unfortunate people living under Soviet oppression. My, how that worm's turned.

Sursum Corda,


Thursday, December 22, 2022

UK Woman Arrested For Thought Crime


UK pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested this month outside of a Birmingham abortion mill. Her crime? Praying silently in her mind near one of the United Kingdom's new censorship zones, which protect abortionists by criminalizing "any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including “verbal or written means, prayer or counselling…"

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was spotted by a satanic informer an onlooker who suspected her of praying and reported the heinous crime to police who searched, interrogated and arrested the activist. Released on bail, Spruce is charged with four counts of breaking Birmingham Council's Public Space Protection Order, which forbids silent prayer outside abortion facilities.

According to Anglican Ink, the pro-life thought criminal found her treatment "abhorrent:"

It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind. Censorship zones purport to ban harassment, which is already illegal. Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.


The UK's rulers in Parliament are currently weighing up legislation to nationalize censorship zones around abortion businesses, making it illegal to influence, advise, persuade, inform or occupy space within 150 meters of the profit centers.

You can read all about it here, here and everywhere else. But question. How insecure can these people be when they feel the need to ban prayer, in a person's mind, outside of their euphemistic "clinics." Apparently very, at least in the UK. And we have to ask, where does this end?

I think we all know, in the gulag or worse, witness our J6 political prisoners held without trial for a solid two years. In the meanwhile, if you live in the UK, don't you dare criticize the anti-sacrament of abortion, even in your mind, unless you want to get cuffed and taken into custody.

The Rainbow, my friends, is a vicious, murderous beast, to say nothing of Moloch.

Your Pal,


Friday, December 3, 2021

I Love The Country

If you'd said, twenty years ago or so, "LSP, you'll be living in a small asset-stripped town in North Central Texas," I'd have laughed. But the joke would've been on me, just think of the benefits.

Clean air, friendliness, people wave to you on the back roads; a sense, even now, of community. And guess what, most are Christian, they worship God as opposed to Moloch. OK, I'd like to see a few mass conversions from the Methodees, but you get the point.

All this to say nothing of the freedom to walk the fields and brush, gun in hand, under the free sky of Texas. Even better when you can ride it, which I haven't done in a few years because of a mad Arab and a busted hip. But still, it's there.

And guess what. No one, hardly, feels the need to wear weird masks and go full panic, follow the, ahem, science, obey your rulers autism, unlike in the cities. Why? Because no one's actually dying any more than they usually do. There's a degree of common sense running around in the country and people sense a lying, powerplay Democrat snake. They say no to it. Will they crush its heel?

Possibly, and the Left hates this and fears the country. Quite right too, how will their cities feed themselves if the hateful two gender extremists stop hauling food? Just a thought.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Archbishop Vigano Calls It


Unlike the rest of the hierarchy, Italian Archbishop Maria Vigano's no stranger to speaking truth to power. Here he is, via Gateway Pundit:

Archbishop Vigano: It now seems clear to me that we are facing a siege on both the social and religious front. The so-called emergency pandemic has been utilized as a false pretext to impose the vaccination and Green Pass in many nations of the world in a simultaneous and coordinated way… They support them in this wicked plan and go so far as to condemn those who do not accept being subjected to inoculation with an experimental gene serum, with unknown side effects, that does not impart any immunity from the virus, to say nothing of the moral implications related to the presence of genetic material derived from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is a more than sufficient reason to not receive the vaccine. We are at war, a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same… The alliance is not between state and church. But it is between the deep state and deep church.

Vigano goes on to declare, “The vaccine victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch.”


We are at war, a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same. Yes, a war which is won under the standard of the Cross.

In related news, why are these two kooks in a hospital bed? Because science, which proves men can have babies even though they can't. But they can have paternity leave while the nation's transport system falls apart.

Word on the street is that truckers aren't too keen on delivering to vax mandate devil states. Who knows, perhaps Pete Buttgig and his... wife will learn how to make their own baby formula as the supply chain collapses. I hope so, for the sake of the children.



Thursday, October 15, 2020

Serious Political Analysis - Crack Pipe Edition


What's going on, in politics? Good question and hard to tell because you're wasted on crack the news cycle's moving so quickly, like one of those abhorrent windmills turning at full tilt. Still, here at the Compound we've crunched the numbers and spun up the algos.

Here's the result.

You can vote for deep state pay to play, crack pipe Moloch. Then get millions of dollars and go to Hell. But what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world?

Or you can vote Life and go to Heaven.

Which way will you choose? Think carefully and reflect. This call is all yours and it's all important, what's it to be? Remember, the destination of your immortal soul hangs in the balance.

So call the shot.

No pressure,


PS. Is Hunter in hiding? Asking for a friend.

Monday, February 10, 2020


Can you watch Styx for 10 minutes? I know, perhaps that's difficult, but he gives a good round-up viz. coronavirus. Official reports put infections at over 40k and we know that over 400 million are quarantined/locked down in China. 

Reports from citizen journalists suggest crematoria are operating 24/7, making for a surge in SO2 levels. Point being, this escaped bug factory virus isn't some kind of kung-flu joke. So what to do?

Good question. Move to high ground, get away from the teeming sprawls that are our sh*thole cities, move to the country. While you're at it, ensure water and food supplies; you think I'm joking? In Wuhan, infected people are locked in their houses, do the food math and don't think it can't happen here. Lay in ammo too, if you haven't already.

But all of the above aside, consider this. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, utterly righteous God, who is perfection in Himself, necessity at rest and absolute expansion, why would such Deity allow a culture which kills its children, its babies, to continue?

Of course a people that's so sick as to kill its children is equally capable of killing itself. We stand against that and we will win, the victory's assured. In the meanwhile, prep up.

Live free or die,


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trump Talks Life

Can you imagine a US president or for that matter any leader of a major Western power, unashamedly, brazenly acknowledging their faith in God and the sanctity of human life, speaking out against abortion? Hard to to imagine, isn't it, but that's exactly what 45 did yesterday at the March For Life. He talked life.

For the first time ever a US president addressed the March in person, standing for God and against infanticide. Unthinkable during the last administration, which was notoriously hand-in-glove with Sanger's eugenicist, racist Planned Parenthood, and apparently unthinkable to every other president since the fateful Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973.

So at last we have a leader who's unashamedly pro-life and against the Pink Moloch demon who's infested the culture of what was once Christendom. Does this make 45 a new Constantine, a ruling defender of the faith in the face of today's neo-pagan heathen?

Some say yes, though I'd argue the prize belongs to Putin who champions the Church and is, to boot, a Mass going catholic Christian, Byzantine style. Trump? Something less than that but still, he's nailed his colors to the mast and they're for God, life, and the country he serves.

The Opposition, on the other hand, are precisely against all of this. They hate our country, the West, its spirituality and religion, its life itself. They want to destroy all of this, they are the playthings of the Devil, which is why they gleefully applaud murdering babies at the point of birth and beyond.

It's become, as it's always been, a fight of good against evil, of light against darkness. Go for light and do not waver.

Your Friend,


Monday, February 25, 2019

What Fresh Hell is This?

The Senate did not pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act today, the bill failed 53-44. It would have prevented doctors from killing babies born after a failed abortion, which is apparently legal at the present time. 

Democrats were almost unanimously opposed to the law because they felt it was harmful to "womens health." Several Republicans voted with them and you can read about it here.

There's something stunning, at least to me, about such blatant and unapologetic evil. Hell, if you like, is erupting from the cracks and crevices of the ground we walk on, a ground that used to be Christian and clearly isn't anymore.

The next time someone tells you, "You don't have to be Christian to be good," refer them to the babies that are killed every day with government funding, your funding, right up to the point of birth and beyond. Then watch them twist and turn like a writhing snake in their attempt to justify this horror.

I tell you, Satan openly, brazenly stalks the land. But remember this, the gates of Hell will not prevail against the onslaught of the Church. 

About time she woke up,


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Behold The Grinning Satans

Check out these satans grinning it up as they sign their baby killing law into effect in New York. Just one of some 13 other states getting ready to advocate murdering a baby at the point of birth.

All in the name of what? Freedom, of course, the freedom to be absolute No Gods No Masters in control of yourself and your baby, which you've just murdered. Well you can't get much freer than that; state sanction to kill your kids and throw off the tyranny of biology. 

Go on then, break the chains of oppression, wimmyn, but what will you say when the child you've killed looks you in the face in the timeless instant of eternity? Bad second of forever, but take heart.

Remember the repentant thief and throw the first stone, then go away and sin no more.

Sermon aside, what's with the Dems boosting full Moloch all of a sudden. Is this strategy or Satan overplaying his hand? Serious question.

Your friend,


Monday, February 19, 2018

You Killers

Buried beneath the shocking news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent millions of dollars to indict the grand total of 13 Russian trolls, was this. The US Senate voted down a bill that would have banned abortions after 20 weeks and the baby's ability to feel pain.

As one blogger noted, a "key lobby that opposed the bill banning the practice was the so-called Catholic lobby - members of the Senate who publicly identify as Catholics and receive political contributions on that basis." You can read the list of so-called Catholic Senators who voted against the Bill here.

You would have thought, regardless of your love of abortion or otherwise, that banning it at a late date, when the baby can feel pain as he or she is killed, makes bipartisan, shared moral values sense. No one, surely, in their right mind is in favor of infanticide.

Unless you're a Catholic in the United States Senate. In the wake of deafening silence from cardinals, bishops and priests, we have to wonder at the catholicity of the US hierarchy. Does it follow Christ or some other thing?

If the latter, be assured of this; the Woman will crush the serpent underfoot and its followers will be relentlessly destroyed by the Holy Spirit and the demon that they worship.

Don't say Moloch,


Saturday, May 6, 2017

French Media Makes Pathetic NWO Attempt to Block News

Well, well, no sooner has NWO Illuminati Rothschild stooge, Macron, been hit with a 9 gig email hack than the lying, corrupt, smug, elite media in France has decided to impose a news blackout. You know, in case their candidate doesn't win. Go, Moloch.

Here at the Compound we're standing by the JAMs and for all you French readers, check out the links.

So much for tolerance and free speech, French satraps of the New World Order. But watch out, Moloch, your days are numbered.

Hail Kek.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Russians, Have You no Shame?

Does Russia have no shame? Portraying President Obama as if he were some sort of ape, or monkey? What lengths will they sink to?

Cutting boards?


Mysterious banana gags?

Shocking, isn't it. But consider this, is the current uptick in European Jihad terror an aspect of crazed Neocon power play, a cog in the wheel of bringing Euro vassal states into line against Russia? What a preposterous idea! Unlike, for example, blaming Benghazi on a video.

Consider this, too. When was the last time you saw a Western head of state making anything like a formal act of Christian worship. You haven't? Hunh. Now ask yourself what Gods these people  do worship and hint, Moloch demands infant sacrifice.

In the meanwhile, our frenemies, ISIS, laugh.



Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bye Bye, EDS

Do you remember the Episcopal Divinity School (EDS)? You know, the same hallowed hall of ecclesial academe that was headed up by Rev. Katharine "Abortion" Ragsdale? Sure you do, who doesn't.


Well, it looks as though Moloch has frowned upon his willing servant. Via Anglican Ink:

In a surprise move, the Board of Trustees for one of the 10 schools educating Episcopal Church seminarians has voted to cease granting degrees at the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year. It is unclear how Episcopal Divinity School of Cambridge, Massachusetts might continue on, with the board stating that it “will explore options for EDS’s future” in the coming year.

 So what does that exploration look like? The current Dean, Francis Fornaro, fills in the blanks:

Interlocking Oppressions

“A school that has taken on racism, sexism, heterosexism, and multiple interlocking oppressions is now called to rethink its delivery of theological education in a new and changing world,” declared former Washington National Cathedral Dean and EDS Board Chairman Gary Hall in an official announcement. “Ending unsustainable spending is a matter of social justice.”

Quite. Bye Bye.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Texit Time To Go?

Whether you think it's right or wrong to kill babies in the womb, it's probably a safe bet to say that most everybody thinks abortion's a surgical procedure. So, in order to make the procedure or murder safe, it makes sense to force abortion clinics to operate under regulations for "ambulatory surgical centers." 

Well, sense perhaps to anyone but the Supreme Court of the United States, who've ruled along partisan lines to overturn Texas legislation that would have acted to reduce the possibility of Kermit Gosnell-style Houses of Horror occurring in the Lone Star State.

Regardless of SCOTUS' belief that abortion is a constitutional right, really, the framers of the Constitution would have thought that? what's on display here is a radical disconnect between a politicized Supreme Court and what the people of a state believe is right and true.

Nothing, per the SCOTUS majority, must stand against the sacred right of abortion, not even normal surgical center regulations. Texans, via their legislature, think otherwise and at some point there has to be a clash, or constitutional crisis.

The bottom line is this. Citizens should not obey unjust laws and, as a matter fact, people won't obey laws that they don't believe in. Any court which attempts to impose them becomes irrelevant at best, or a touchstone of anger, division and conflict at worst. With this latest ruling, it seems we're on course for the latter.

No wonder Texans are talking about leaving the Union and, in case you wondered, the Lone Star State has roughly the same GDP as Australia and more people.



Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mark of the Beast

Who is the Beast and the False Prophet, and what does the bestial number, 666, signify? Everyone wants to know. But before we get carried away and leap to obvious conclusions, pointing our fingers at Barack, Hillary and Soros, consider St. John's numeric source, namely Solomon, who serves as a type, or forerunner, of Antichrist.

Recall Solomon's apostasy after the departure of the Queen of Sheba, in which he breaks the laws of kingship, multiplying horses, women and gold to himself contrary to Dueteronomy 17: 16-18. How much gold did the Astaroth, Moloch worshiping king amass? We're told in I Kings. 10: 14, "The weight of gold that came to King Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty six talents of gold."

There you have it, the infernal number of idolatrous abomination and a blasphemous parody of 888, which is the number of Jesus reckoned by rabbinical Gematria. But if Solomon serves as a type of Antichrist, how was that played out in St. John's time? Here's Farrer; after discussing the sixfold pattern of divine judgement in the Apocalypse, he writes:

"On the sixth day of the week, and the sixth hour, says St. John (Jn. 19: 13-22), the kingdoms of Christ and Antichrist looked one another in the face in Pilate's court, and the adherents of the False Prophet (Caiaphas) firmly wrote on their foreheads the mark of the Beast, when they said, 'We have no King but Caesar.'"

We have no King but Caesar. How does that differ, in effect, from the present spirit of the age? 

Beware the wrath to come,