Showing posts with label the sheer evil of Planned Parenthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the sheer evil of Planned Parenthood. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trump Talks Life

Can you imagine a US president or for that matter any leader of a major Western power, unashamedly, brazenly acknowledging their faith in God and the sanctity of human life, speaking out against abortion? Hard to to imagine, isn't it, but that's exactly what 45 did yesterday at the March For Life. He talked life.

For the first time ever a US president addressed the March in person, standing for God and against infanticide. Unthinkable during the last administration, which was notoriously hand-in-glove with Sanger's eugenicist, racist Planned Parenthood, and apparently unthinkable to every other president since the fateful Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973.

So at last we have a leader who's unashamedly pro-life and against the Pink Moloch demon who's infested the culture of what was once Christendom. Does this make 45 a new Constantine, a ruling defender of the faith in the face of today's neo-pagan heathen?

Some say yes, though I'd argue the prize belongs to Putin who champions the Church and is, to boot, a Mass going catholic Christian, Byzantine style. Trump? Something less than that but still, he's nailed his colors to the mast and they're for God, life, and the country he serves.

The Opposition, on the other hand, are precisely against all of this. They hate our country, the West, its spirituality and religion, its life itself. They want to destroy all of this, they are the playthings of the Devil, which is why they gleefully applaud murdering babies at the point of birth and beyond.

It's become, as it's always been, a fight of good against evil, of light against darkness. Go for light and do not waver.

Your Friend,