Showing posts with label wake of the flood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wake of the flood. Show all posts

Friday, September 15, 2023



If you live in, say, Wales, Scotland or anywhere else in the UK you might get a bit fed up with rain, "Oh, look, it's raining again, like it always does." True enough, but here in Texas it's a whole different story, we want rain. And sure enough we got some, for two days running. What bliss.

After Morning Prayer on the porch it seemed good to go for a stroll in the deluge, and deluge it was as thunder rolled, dark, low clouds blew in from the West and rain crashed down from the sky. And there I was, grinning under an umbrella on the way to the Pick 'n Steal as day turned to night. 

Typical London Street Scene

The women at the PnS were caught up in the apocalyptic excitement of the thing too, fast-talking Mexican while they made up breakfast burritos on the sizzling griddle of the shop. It was like a party in there, all thanks to the rain, and I loved it.

I would have loved one of those burritos too, cheap and delicious, but settled for coffee in an RTIC 20 oz tumbler, which does the same thing as its Yeti equivalent for a fraction of the price, and headed back to the Compound. In the rain. Beautiful.

The skywater's stopped for now and humming birds hover about trumpet vine while swarms of iridescent green June Bugs fly low over the ground, and all is well. Our Weather Shamans tell us there'll be more rain tomorrow and this too is good.

Wake of the Flood,


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Climate Change Eschaton


This small farming community in North central Texas faced down ferocious storms on Monday, but it was nothing compared to Dallas. Our Old Adversary, the Weather, changed with a vengeance and flooded the Metrosprawl.

Like no kidding. Torrential rain turned suburban streets into raging torrents and shut down the Mix Master, an insane highway complex in the center of town which is a nightmare at the best of times. A woman died in Mesquite, caught in her car as it was carried under by the current. May she rest in peace.

Even the world famous Margaret Hunt bridge was threatened with disaster as the waters rose with primal, apocalyptic fury. Yes, the levees hold, for now. And it's a here and now issue because, apparently, that's not some kind of God-given thing. Work it out, Dallas.

In the meanwhile, Ma LSP's house rests on high ground and I'll be sure to swing by and make sure all's well, safe from marauding hordes of waterborne looters. On that note, smart people are investing in BOATS.

Row Jimmy row,


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cinco De Mayo Apocalypse


Rain lashed down as lightning cracked across a darkening sky and thunder rolled across the firmament like massed guns on the Donbas salient. Terrifying. Of course I set up on the porch and braved the elemental power of the storm while the Compound shook and shuddered with each blast of celestial fury. 

Then it was time to head to the kitchen and make coffee, wondering at the day turned to night. Was this the apocalypse, the Eschaton, brought on by our Old Enemy the Weather? Will there be anything left of this small Texan farming community when the waters subside? Discarded weaves, tamale husks, meth bags? Such is the wake of the flood.

Blue Ahab didn't venture an opinion, being unable to speak as well as blind, but he looked in need of a treat or two, delicious Alpo Variety Snaps, which he loves with fierce abandon. "Have these delicious snaps, my furry Bulgakov," I uttered, giving the faithful protector a couple of irresistible chicken flavor dry biscuit things. Yum. 

Doggerland Utopia

At last the storm's subsided, and this part of Texas still stands firm above the waters of chaos. We have not sunk beneath the flood unlike the hapless DOGGERLAND.

Stay Safe,


Saturday, January 11, 2020

Wake Of The Flood

Everyone's asking, did this pastoral Texan haven survive last night's sound and fury, did it survive the flood? Yes, by the grace of God it did. 

You could see the after effects of the storm this morning. Pecans and the broken debris of modern life lying in the gutter where they'd been swept by the floods. Want a weave or a styrofoam Whattaburger cup? Take your pick, there's plenty.

Regardless, POCs were scavenging the detritus as I walked Blue Eschaton to the Pick'n Steal. Good for them, big money in pecans. And that was that, we survived yet another raid by our Old Enemy, the Weather on the brave Republic of Texas.

I know, you're cautioning against false complacency. A battle won is not the same as a war won and that, all of you ten readers, is why we're prepared. 

Come and take it,


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Flood Pain

The plan was simple, elegant even. Celebrate Easter in Dallas with family then fall back to the Compound to fish and shoot.  What a good plan and phase one went perfectly, great result. Then the wheels fell off the wagon.

Around 3 am, the heavens began to roar and arc as rain crashed down on rural Texas. Sound and fury wasn't in it and the assault continued with unabated ferocity well into the morning. There's a lull, for now, but the sky's dark with menace.

Of course most of this small farming community's been washed away in the flood though the Compound still stands. A miracle? Perhaps, but fishing and shooting are off, phase two's a washout.

So the monkey snarls in frustration, barring its fangs and beating on a Hillary doll while neighboring peacocks shriek in avian rage. Blue Deluge takes it in stride, he knows that one day the rain will cease.

Wake of the flood,


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Mighty Brazos Crests at 54 Feet

The Brazos river crested today at a record breaking 54 feet, leaving homes in the Houston area flooded and whole neighborhoods surrounded by a swirling dystopia of snakes and suchlike waterborne trash. 

Typical Houston Street Scene

What caused this aquatic catastrophe? Failure to pay a carbon tax to our globalist elite overlords; refusal to ride the rainbow and turn the state's schools into a rainbow-riding, trans free for all? Or maybe divine displeasure at Houston's Pink Stasi Mayor?

A Proper Little Fighter

I drove to the Brazos to find out. It was in full flood and I cast off into the torrent via the rain. Three Hybrids and one small Widemouth later, I still wasn't any closer to winning the War on Weather but I was holding my own against the fish.

Shoot The Monkey

In related news, a monkey threatened to kill a child at a zoo and was shot. Some people are calling this "murder." Those people are clearly insane.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Visit The Sick, in Waco

Waco, on Sunday Morning

I have to visit some people in hospital in Waco. Will the town still be there, and how do hospitals operate underwater anyway?

A Couple of Divers, in Waco

That remains to be seen.

Dive, Dive, Dive!


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Come Hell or High Water

What do you do when the lightning fills the sky and thunder crashes like the guns of Kursk, as a mighty deluge of rain pours down from the sky? You can sit at home like some kind of pajama boy in a onesie and cower in your parents' basement sipping lattes and hot chocolate. Sure, you can do that, that's one option. Or you can climb into your rig, crank up the jukebox, and drive through the storm to Mass.

I chose to avoid Hell and brave the high water, which isn't as amusing as it sounds when you're hydroplaning across a flooded country two lane. Slow down, you're of no liturgical use, in this world, if you wipe out and die in the wilds of Hill County.

Slow Down, Fool.

The storm raged throughout the Mass, like Hillary Clinton thwarted of a speaking fee, or Satan, falling to earth like lightning.

Wake of the flood,


Thursday, May 8, 2014


It was just another day in Texas until the clouds rolled in, the air turned green, and thunder broke out like the guns of Kursk.

Rare Paved Road, Still Holding

Deluge followed, overwhelming this town's barely functional drainage system, turning potholed, half-paved streets into torrents of churning, muddy water. 

Typical Pre-Storm House.

Homes have been washed away, leaving their occupants to wander, dazed, through the trash-strewn wake of the flood, as looters pick their way through ripped Walmart bags and broken children's toys. 

Emergency Vehicle Park

The church still stands, a testament to the power of brick. So does the Compound.

We will survive this storm, as always, by the grace of God.