Showing posts with label leftist nihilists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leftist nihilists. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Not Happy

Lo and behold, World War III didn't start last night, at least not immediately, so that's all good. But it came dam close. 

Ask yourself this. Are we, and the West at large, in the grip of evil people, people who would destroy what's left of our civilization for the sheer nihilist joy of the ruin. And have these wicked people co-opted our government?

Good question. In the meanwhile, thank God the Russians didn't fire back last night, and I'll be straight-up. I'm not happy about this at all. 

We should be allies with Russia in the face of the twin evils of the Secularist and Islamic Jihad. Nationalist Trump and nationalist Putin should be working together, contra globalists. There's clear commonality.

Has that been hijacked by the Illuminati Death Stooges of the NWO? Don't say House of Saud and...

Don't fear the Reaper,


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Yom Kippur

Via EBL: Israeli Defense Forces rallied, however, and managed to cut off a large portion of the Egyptian army and IDF forces got within twenty miles of Cairo (and the only reason the Israeli army stopped was political, not due to any significant military resistance at that point). The war ended up being settled by a brokered agreement pushed through by Henry Kissinger and the Americans. 

I remember the detritus of that war when I visited friends as a young 'un. One of them had been part of the Entebbe raid. Respect.

Just Some Guys

But look here, leftists. Will you be satisfied when Israel is driven into the sea? No. You won't be satisfied until the West is Muslim and no more.


Remember this, nihilists, that Europe is the Faith and that, per Sobieski and Don Juan, has a habit of rebounding.

Deus Vult,