Showing posts with label utterly useless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label utterly useless. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Get Rid Of Turtle


Kentucky, why do you allow a corrupt turtle to rule over you?

Yes, the very same turtle who voted against this:

And lost. Term limits, anyone? Or maybe Kentucky will rise up and eject the turtle from its traitorous, self-serving, establishment elite, anti-American, uniparty throne.



Friday, October 4, 2024

Look What Happens...


When you take a break from the hurley burley, a massive, catastrophic flood streams through Appalachia, destroying towns, houses and, most importantly people. What a total disaster. And what do the Feds do, the very same people who tax you. Nothing or very little. 

In fact it's worse than that. They're actively blocking civilian volunteers from giving aid to the communities and people washed away in the flood. Like no kidding, you fly in there on your private chopper or mule train to help these people, like a citizen, and we're gonna arrest you. Wow, we've sunk really low.

You can read all about it on the internet, while it's still legal in this country. In the meanwhile, don't forget FEMA is outta cash coz it gave all its money to illegal immigrants. Quelle horrible vote winning surprise.

Do you think, dear readers, that our beloved overlords really, really hate us? You know, all the way to the nearest Georgetown steakhouse. Let me put it another way. Do you think our rulers care more for our well-being, here in America, or for money laundering schemes in, say, the Ukraine? 

To help us in this simple thought experiment, ask yourselves which action leads to their, our rulers, enrichment. Some might argue we're dealing with outright traitors to their country and people. Gauge the consequence.



Thursday, December 30, 2021

You Miserable Offender

It started off well, no doubt about it. Morning Prayer on the porch, a stroll to the Pick 'n Steal for coffee, get back on the porch, scan the news, answer emails and then? Stride purposefully to the rig with a view to taking care of business. Turn that key in the ignition and... disaster. The wretched beast wouldn't turn over. Useless.

I knew why, a badly eroded battery terminal connector which I'd been too lazy distracted to replace. So up goes the hood, jig that thing around, turn the key and hope for the best. Fail. Next step. Stare malevolently at the offender, maybe I could scare it into function.

Just then a neighbor pulled up in his daughter's Chevy 1500 Z71, "Need a jump?" No, "Here's the problem." He looked at the malefactor, "You need a new one, I'll drive to Autozone, get the part and hook you up." Which he did, for free, because "you let me park here, least I can do, man."

Good call. He gets to park his monster lifted rigs in the church lot, which is fine by me but offensive to D, another neighbor, who shouts at me from his car, "That dude's panhandln! God will strike him down! Come Lord Jesus and hurry up."

Rural Eschaton aside, I'd say there's a virtue in neighborliness, peace on earth good will towards men, sort of thing. And you never know, they might turn up and fix your truck. Would that happen in the Metrosprawl? 

Not so much,


Monday, July 27, 2020

Read This You Heathen


Do you remember Berdyaev, the Russian philosopher who was influential between the wars? If not, perhaps you should. Here's an excerpt from The Religion of Communism:

The proletariat is the only class that is innocent of the original sin of exploitation. It is the class that produces all the material treasures and goods on which human society lives. It is exploited and crushed: the most disinherited class, deprived of the means of production, living in servile dependence on Capital. But in it there grows up a force, a collective power, that will be revealed when capitalist society has crashed to its doom. The proletariat is a messianic class; its vocation is to be the liberator of all mankind, it is even identified with true humanity, it is already not merely a class, for it is outgrowing the society which includes it as a class. Truth is being revealed to it and it is already introducing justice in virtue of its social position. The messianic concept of the proletariat includes the freeing of the oppressed, that is, the achievement of social justice, and the attainment of might and power by a socially organised humanity. With the proletariat's victory social rationalism will utterly triumph and master the irrational forces of the world. Its victory will bring with it the final rationalisation of life, a final regulation and ordering; everything irrational, obscure and mysterious will be banished from life. The anarchy which Marx perceived in capitalist society will come to an end. The proletariat is clothed in all the virtues.
Now, it is perfectly clear that Marx's "proletariat" is not the empirical working class which we observe in actual life.

Now, it is perfectly clear that Marx's "proletariat" is not the empirical working class which we observe in actual life. Ain't that the truth, and you'll note how today's Left scorns and derides working people in favor of racial and sexual identity politics.

Democrats, for example, no longer platform on workers' wages and employment but on transgender bathrooms, open borders and protected status for ethnic groups. Black, Muslim? Above the law. White, Christian? Not so much.

Given the failure of the working class to supply necessary revolutionary fervor, other classes had to be picked. And so, Cultural Marxism, which we're seeing in full Maoist tilt across several Democrat run cities in America.

But these classes too, such as transsexuals and ghetto thugs, prove just as illusory and unreliable as the original proletariat. No, you're not oppressed because you can't use the womans' bathroom, because you're a man, you shameless mountebank, whatever your chemical surgery. And no, you're not a martyr for resisting arrest after passing fake twenties and being ripped on fentanyl, meth and all the rest.

That's not colonialist, imperialist oppression, it's weird, and the country sees this. By the same token, people get that "defund the police" isn't going to make their lives safer. Unless you're a Democrat in Minneapolis who's just seen their city burn.

Remember, everything the Left effects produces the opposite of its intended result.



Friday, September 12, 2014

Well Done, Woodentop! Or, Kerry Goofs Again.

U.S. Commander in Chief, President Barack Hussein Obama, has launched a new weapon, an artificial intelligence, (AI) in his attempt to build a coalition of allies dedicated to overthrowing the non-Islamic terror group that mistakenly calls itself the Islamic State.

The Commander

Affectionately known to its clandestine DAARPA handlers as "Woodentop", the Kerry AI is a Fast Boat Class, experimental war android.

The Android

Since arriving in Turkey to cement an alliance against the brutal non-Islamic Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the lantern-jawed Kerry AI has stated that fighting an anti-terrorist war against ISIS is not, in fact, a "war."

ISIS Laughs

Instead, Kerry warned that military action against the Islamists that aren't Islamists is"a very significant counterterrorism operation" that will take "some period of time" and "have many different moving parts." 

Moving Parts, Woodentop?

Whether the Kerry AI's cognitive functions are solid state or contain moving parts is classified. After listening to the experimental android's arguments, Turkey has refused to let the U.S. use its airbases to strike at ISIS targets.

Since the Kerry made its "war is not war" statements, the White House has refuted its foreign policy android by announcing that it actually is at war with ISIS.

Confused? Neither are we.

Way to go, Woodentop.