Showing posts with label trans Baphomet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trans Baphomet. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Sermon


I won't preach because I've already done that, but here's Tucker via ZeroHedge:

Weltwoche: In general, what gives you hope in a rather worrisome time, looking into the future? 

Carlson: That the stakes have suddenly gotten so high that smart people are rethinking their assumptions. I see it all around me. I see people all around me asking themselves, “I used to believe this. Is it still true? Was it ever true? What is the truth?” People are focused on questions of truth and falsehood, I think, much more deeply than they ever have been, and that's a good thing.

I also see an awakening of spiritual awareness and religious faith in the United States that I think is great. Not everyone is reaching the same conclusions that I'm reaching, but that's okay. It's better than thinking that Amazon's going to make you happy, because Amazon is not going to make you happy, actually. That's not true. That's a lie. And more and more people seem to be concluding that it's a lie, and I think that's a great thing.

There's this idea that somehow the main threat to our happiness is from religious people. That's absurd. The main threat to our happiness is from people who think they're God. They're the dangerous ones. If you think that you're God, there's no limit to what you'll do because you think you're the final arbiter, you're the final judge, you're all-powerful. That's terrifying.


The main threat to our happiness is from people who think they're God. They're the dangerous ones. If you think that you're God, there's no limit to what you'll do because you think you're the final arbiter, you're the final judge, you're all-powerful. That's terrifying.

Yes indeed, and while you may not agree with everything Tucker says in this interview I'd argue he's right on target in the above. The people who have convinced themselves of their power, that they have no God but themselves, are the ones to be feared.

You'll note and Tucker highlights this, that they are liars at every level, as is their agitprop mouthpiece which was once a free Press and now exists as a satrap Quisling of unholy, demonic power.

I tell you, their Leader is the Father of Lies and a murderer from the beginning.

Stand Firm,


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Flag Day


Day late and a Krugerrand short, but I hope everyone had a great Flag Day and celebrated in fine patriotic style. Here at the Compound things got busy, in a good way, with renewed energy at Mission #1 where we're heartened to learn of enterprising schoolchildren trashing pride propaganda in Massachusetts.

On June 2, Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington MA held a special "Spirit Day" to celebrate rainbow degeneracy and promote it to children. The school was decorated with rainbow streamers, the universally hated Pride flag and signs which read  “Why it’s not ok to say ‘That’s so gay,'” 

Excuse me, "Spirit Day?" Just what Spirit are we talking about here? Surely not trans Baphomet. Theology in mind, brave young people tore down the school's gay streamers, posters and signs while others chanted,  “USA are my pronouns.” 

This enraged Burlington Rainbow Groomer adults in charge of teaching children, with the school's Principal stating, “When one individual or group of individuals’ beliefs and actions result in the demeaning of another individual or group, it is completely unacceptable.”

Wow, you utter doublespeak hypocrite groomer posing as an educator. Pride flags, gay slogan agitprop and the whole celebration of rainbow degeneracy from the White House on down demean, offend and exclude orthodox Christians, Muslims and Jews, to say nothing of any other group.

Your views, Principal, and those who have authority over you from below are unacceptable, they offend against the Word of God. Read this and mark me well:

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.


That in mind, well done those children, keep up the fight.

Over the Rainbow,


Sunday, May 7, 2023

A Sunday Hypothetical


Here's a Sunday hypothetical for all you gentlemen and gentlewomen to reflect upon in the vesper light. Imagine a person comes up to you and announces they've left denomination X because of its ludicrous and risible slide into rainbow malfeasance.

"Good," you reply, "come to us, we're not about about the rainbow." They nod and ask, "But I'm a Democrat, is that OK?" You answer, "You do know, don't you, that the Democrat party is 100% rainbow and abortion?" Their eyes go out of focus and look into the distance, they typically change the subject. So what's going on?

Clearly their minds are bifurcated, one half Democrat, the other half Christian, and when the two systems collide their synapses shut down and the poor conflicted person goes into a kind of mental stasis. But what does this mean? I called Canada for expert advice.

"The problem is spiritual, LSP, they're partially possessed by some demon, they have a satanic mind block. You need to say a prayer of exorcism over them." 

Good call, perhaps the Archangelic prayer, here it is:

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae caelestis, in virtute Dei, in infernum detrude satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo. Amen.

Remember, the Devil, like an English schoolboy, hates Latin.

Out Demons Out,


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Trump Arrest Rant


45, that infamous Russian spy in the pay of the Kremlin may finally be brought to justice by Manhattan's fearless DA, Alvin Bragg. Why? Because the God Emperor had the brazen temerity to send his crooked lawyer, Michael Cohen, a hefty 130K related to Stormy Daniels. We have to ask, was it paid in Rubles?

Keen-eyed readers may remember brave GOP stripper Stormy Daniels and her crusade to get restitution from the Russian agent masquerading as a US President. Stormy lost that battle and had to pay a solid $300K to Team Trump, her totally not cocaine-fueled, Formula One lawyer Michael Avenatti ended up in jail. 

Trump, presidential candidate and ongoing GRU asset, believes he will be arrested next Tuesday and has called for protests. 

OK, enough of that, we can all read the news, such as it is, and it's amusing to reflect on the absurdity of media agitprop in support of our Ruling Elite. But serious question, if Trump was arrested in a fit of kabuki theater leftist posturing, would you protest?

Perhaps not, perhaps you wouldn't welcome that 4 a.m. knock on the door by an FBI SWAT Team. Maybe you wouldn't want to end up in solitary confinement for years without trial. And this raises another question, equally serious if not more so. What have we become?

Nothing good, >30T in debt, not counting all the rest, on the brink of nuclear war, inflation at 6%, an effectively open border, look out wages, and the apparent inability to parse even the most basic math. Viz. What's the difference between a man and a woman. Or, "Hey, let's give our kids puberty blockers while surgeons cut up their genitals. Because freedom." What utter Mengeles.

This is all apparently beyond us, and no wonder. A people that has rejected God will accept his opposite, Satan, a murderer from the beginning and the Father of Lies.

Light v. Dark,


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Cat Woman & Trans Baphomet


One activist woman had too much. She was sickened by the spectacle of a 70 old year member of the local school board putting on lipstick, wearing his deceased wife's clothes and insisting everyone, including children, call him a woman.

What a degenerate freak, more than that, what a crazy. That a school board should expose children, our most vulnerable, perhaps most valuable people to this insanity is beyond outrageous, and all in the name of freedom. 

check out the trans freak on the right, is that a bullet?!?

Freedom to do what, once you've gone under the knife of our medical Mengeles? Freedom to live for the rest of your dysphoric life under the benevolent dictat of Big Pharma. Not cheap, and picture the rainbow CEOs on their private jets. Blood money, if you like.

Regardless, Patriot Barbie turned up at the School Board in trans question in a cat suit and went all Thomist realist on the mountebanks. Here she is:

“I’m a cat. Meow, meow. I’m not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. How many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat?

“How many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one. You’re right.

“Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists. "Discernment is innate and something that we’re wired to have. One look at me and you know this to be true. I’m a woman posing as a cat.”

She continued on Insta, “A board member of this district dresses like a woman and parades around the schools, games, events and believes that he should be able to discuss transgender issues with elementary school students.

“This board has a 70-year-old male member who dresses like a woman and attends the schools, events, fundraisers and sporting events in dresses despite being very very obviously a man.”


There it is. No one, unless they've been driven insane, actually believes their boy or girl is a member of the opposite sex, anymore than they believe Patriot Barbie's an actual cat. Much as we love her.

So what accounts for the insanity? The perverse logic of radical liberal autonomy, good old fashioned sentimentality, nothing else better to do boredom, a dying civilization on its last legs? 

Maybe all that and more, but let's cut to the chase. Baphomet is trans and he was a murderer from the beginning. Look up the suicide stats.

Defende Nos,