Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Warning Order


Do you dare think, for an instant, that the way we live now will not be judged, that our so-called society of grift, scam, malfeasance, self-idolatry, fraud and worse, will somehow go on forever? If so, think again. Such wickedness cannot and will not stand.

Take note, a Day of Wrath is barreling down the pike at us faster than you can say "national debt at interest" or "money laundering crooks." So prep up, and begin with the spirit. Lent is our opportunity to do so.

Dies Irae,


Thursday, September 28, 2023

Well Here We Are


Typical Compound Scene

Have you noticed the accelerating insanity of the present age? Of course you have, we're $33T in debt at interest to a cabal of banksters. POCs are going full chimpout in Philly, young women are cutting their breasts off because "freedom," our southern border's open, a gang of corrupt crooks are in control of our governance and we're funding a proxy war to the tune of billions and on and on.

Oh dear, this is why we can't have nice things

Now here's the thing. This country is majority church-going Christian, so why did we allow atheist satanists to ban prayer in public school (state school, UK bros), Baphomet worshiping nihilists to trans our kids, and Net Zero hucksters to live in our airspace. Oh, and enshrine a blasphemous parody of marriage as some kind of constitutional right.

General Lee, Man of God

Why? Because we've been asleep at the wheel and that's got to stop. Here's General Lee, above.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Sunday Sermon

The Gospel this morning focused on debt, sin and forgiveness in the form of a wicked servant who owed his king the vast sum of 10,000 Talents and was forgiven, only to throw a man into gaol (debtors' prison) who owed him a far smaller sum. The king was justly furious and threw the wretch to the jailers till he should "pay the last penny." This, of course, he could never do.

We get the point of the story on a purely human level, the behavior of the servant "just ain't right." In spiritual terms? How can we,  who owe such a weighty debt of sin to God and have been shown such merciful love by Him, turn 'round in vindictive, merciless fury on people who owe us so much less in comparison.

You don't need to be a world class ethicist to work it out, it just ain't right. And Christ warns us, unless you forgive your neighbor from your heart you'll be thrown into the prison of Hell. That sounds harsh but divine math is clear; a person who harbors merciless, vindictive wrath against another person has no place in paradise. Love and hatred cannot coexist.

So forgive, 70 x 7 or go to Hell. Does that mean we have to like or condone the behavior of people who grievously offend us? By no means, their actions may well be unconscionable and I do not say that lightly. But even so, banish hatred and merciless anger from your heart, it is toxic, poisonous, and utterly incompatible with God and heaven. So hard to do! Especially if we've been on the receiving end of evil, but do it we must. I find this helps, you may too. 

Start with God, reflect or meditate on his person, on his perfection, and on Christ, his character, teaching and, above all, what he has done for us, how he has given his life on the cross that we, utterly unworthy, might be forgiven.

Stand in humility before God, in the humility from which contrition and mercy flow, which in their turn drive out pride, hatred, malice, hardheartedness and a vindictive spirit, all the non-qualities abhorrent to God. Then offer the person or persons who have offended you to Christ, praying that his good will may be done in them. 

Well done, you've made an act of love for the person who's sinned against you and in the process opened yourself up to be a channel of his love in the world.

Having done that, pray fervently that Christ will grant you a forgiving heart. He will hear that prayer, made sincerely, and with it we will be forgiven as we forgive those who trespass against us, and find the gates of heaven opened. Yes, even to us who are not worthy ut intres sub tectum meum .

Here endeth the Lesson,



Postscript, via Kobiessi Letter:

The U.S. Now Has:

1. Record $17.1 trillion in household debt
2. Record $12.0 trillion in mortgages
3. Record $1.6 trillion in auto loans
4. Record $1.6 trillion in student loans
5. Record $1.0 trillion in credit card debt

The average house payment is about to hit $3,000/month for the first time in history.

All as oil prices are up ~40% in 3 months, mortgage rates hit 7.5% and credit card rates are at a record 25%.

Borrowing more debt is not the solution to high inflation.

This is unsustainable.

Who will forgive this debt? God?  The bankers who issued it at interest? But who cares, maybe it'll all magically disappear and everything will be trans unicorn bathrooms and rainbows forever as we live into our stunningly brave new secular utopia where the debtor will never be punished by their bankster gaolers. Sure, go right ahead and believe that, and good luck to you.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Trump Arrest Rant


45, that infamous Russian spy in the pay of the Kremlin may finally be brought to justice by Manhattan's fearless DA, Alvin Bragg. Why? Because the God Emperor had the brazen temerity to send his crooked lawyer, Michael Cohen, a hefty 130K related to Stormy Daniels. We have to ask, was it paid in Rubles?

Keen-eyed readers may remember brave GOP stripper Stormy Daniels and her crusade to get restitution from the Russian agent masquerading as a US President. Stormy lost that battle and had to pay a solid $300K to Team Trump, her totally not cocaine-fueled, Formula One lawyer Michael Avenatti ended up in jail. 

Trump, presidential candidate and ongoing GRU asset, believes he will be arrested next Tuesday and has called for protests. 

OK, enough of that, we can all read the news, such as it is, and it's amusing to reflect on the absurdity of media agitprop in support of our Ruling Elite. But serious question, if Trump was arrested in a fit of kabuki theater leftist posturing, would you protest?

Perhaps not, perhaps you wouldn't welcome that 4 a.m. knock on the door by an FBI SWAT Team. Maybe you wouldn't want to end up in solitary confinement for years without trial. And this raises another question, equally serious if not more so. What have we become?

Nothing good, >30T in debt, not counting all the rest, on the brink of nuclear war, inflation at 6%, an effectively open border, look out wages, and the apparent inability to parse even the most basic math. Viz. What's the difference between a man and a woman. Or, "Hey, let's give our kids puberty blockers while surgeons cut up their genitals. Because freedom." What utter Mengeles.

This is all apparently beyond us, and no wonder. A people that has rejected God will accept his opposite, Satan, a murderer from the beginning and the Father of Lies.

Light v. Dark,


Friday, December 16, 2022

We've Been Conned


A few years ago I flew to Calgary with my eldest son to visit family after Christmas. Because he was/is serving and we were flying AA, the airline upgraded us to 1st class. What a welcome surprise and how pleasant, there we were, flying to the land of the ice and snow with room to breathe, metal cutlery, decent food, glasses made of actual glass and all of that.

Gazing out of the window of the plane in search of UFOs I thought about this and it all came back to me, flying used to be this way, for everyone. But now? You have to be rich to afford yesteryear's standard of comfort and quality.

The same thought flashed across the mental horizon while strolling in Newtown, Edinburgh, earlier this year. All these beautiful Georgian houses which are mostly cut up into apartments, you have to be rich to own and live in a whole one today.

I said as much to barrister pal who lives in Leith and was showing us around, "Yes," he replied, "Only the wealthy can afford the lifestyle of the old middle classes." Again, in beautiful Ludlow, within the orbit of the old medieval city wall you never have to go to a supermarket. There's three butchers, bakers, green grocers, cheese shops, 2 fishmongers and on. 

All of this was commonplace, if not so picturesque, not that long ago but now you have to be well favored to live in a place like Ludlow. You know, maybe here in the States people who live in Martha's Vineyard have that kind of old world luxury.

Point being, all of the above wasn't luxury so very long ago, just the way people lived, and I tell you this, we've been conned. As our part of the world's wealth has increased so too should our standard of living. But no, in many respects it's declined and quite literally; your Dollar doesn't go as far as it used to. And no wonder, it's an instrument of debt at interest to the private consortium of bankers that is the Fed.

They, the people profiting off of the way we live now, are doing very well. They're mostly invisible and can enjoy the storied delights of private islands via their private jets while we count ourselves lucky to get an apartment the staff used to live in. Yes indeed, but what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? 

This isn't a screed against wealth, eye of the needle aside I wish we all had more, but it is a caveat. We've been had, conned, and further complacence will only exacerbate the problem. Churches, I'm looking at you. OK, good luck with that.

Arma Virumque,


Friday, January 22, 2021

Debtstar Rising


Do you remember the debt? No, not your paltry burden, but the US debt, standing at a mighty, earth shattering and climbing 27 Trillion, at interest, and rising every second. It's a vast, almost unimaginable amount of money and, as with all debt, the people who lent it in the first place want their money repaid.

That's the nature of debt. Take out a loan to buy stuff, like votes, how very awesome, but you have to pay it back, it's part of the deal. Now, how do you pay back 27 trillion bucks and climbing?  You can inflate your way out of it and make your money worthless, or you can can blow off the debt, and make your money worthless.

What a conundrum, and I'm glad I'm just an inconsequential kebab vendor on the information superhighway as opposed to the kind of banker who feels forced to throw himself off a balcony at the age of 57 despite being a multi billionaire. But let's get down to brass tacks.

Note Optic

Our money's rotten and waiting to implode, it's a matter of time. When it does, and it will, who's going to pay the soldiers. Seriously, what's going to happen when the people under arms don't get a paycheck? No one's talking about that, and maybe they should.

But no, they're just sending soldiers off to sleep in carparks as they celebrate the political theater of a stolen election. That'll endear you to the soldiery you have to pay to protect you and who, notoriously, voted for you in the last election. Except that they didn't.

Your Pal,


Friday, September 9, 2016

Debt Star

Something cheerful, via ZeroHedge:

Mounting debt generates its own limit: insolvency. Demographics shaped by the transfer state compound the problem. Stealing the fruits of labor penalizes honest productivity and constricts opportunity. Faced with bleak prospects, many of the young opt out of the financial obligations of starting families, rearing children, or even supporting themselves. Birthrates have dropped far below replacement in most developed countries: fewer people to fund taxes and debt just as the number of putative beneficiaries skyrocket. Pension shortfalls around the world are the canary in this coal mine. The mathematics are inescapable. Present arrangements are unsustainable, but will continue until debt markets and taxpayers rebel.
They will face a counter-rebellion by dependency-warped recipients deprived of that which was never really theirs. Those who can but don’t honestly produce are both dishonest and unproductive. Faced with a cut-off, expect chaos and violence.

You have been warned.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Primates Meeting 2016

As everyone knows, the Primates of the Anglican Communion are meeting together next week at Canterbury Cathedral in an attempt find a way forward for the world's third largest denomination. 

It's a bold call, because the Communion is home to two irreconcilable points of view, or religions, even. Archbishop Cranmer describes the two factions as Eloi and Morlocks.

On the one hand, there's the libs, who've taken over Western Anglicanism. Their version of Christianity means championing priestesses, gay marriage, abortion, gender transitioning and fighting the Weather. They think Islam is a religion of peace and their leader is the Episcopal Church (TEC), which is richer than a trainload of Nazi gold. They represent a shrinking 20% of the Communion. Gavin Ashenden describes them as cultural Marxists.

Then there are the provinces of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and the Global South, which stand for biblical orthodoxy, at least as far as marriage is concerned. For them, Tracy shouldn't marry Stephani, and Darryl shouldn't leave Paula to shack up with Kevin and become a bishop. These represent 80% of the Communion and are primarily African. They take a dim view of lesbian bishops and want the gay West to repent; if it doesn't, they're threatening to leave the Communion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who's taking time off from hustling for spare change outside Detroit's Cobo Hall, wants to re-imagine his non-Communion in such as way as to allow these two polar opposites to live together. David Virtue doesn't think he has it in him and likens the upcoming Primates Meeting to a battle of Britain 2.0. But what do I think, so-called "LSP"? 

For what it's worth, I think the fight within Anglicanism, which mirrors that in society at large, will be overtaken by three things: militant Islam, the visceral hatred of secular left nihilism, and financial collapse.

Is that alarmist? I hope so, and in the end, there will be one church, visible and militant against the enemy. I doubt that will be based out of Canterbury.

Your Old Pal,


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spend Like Fury!

No relevance whatsoever to events here in the United States.

Off to purchase a wheelbarrow for stipend.


PS. Thanks to Prats in Power.