Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Down With The Eagle
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Stop Trans Genocide
Here's the deal, trans persyns are being genocided, it's a hideous thing. There's hardly a day when you don't see a tranny slaughtered and lying headless in the gutter while zhir gender dystopia drag queens are dragged into cattle cars for extinction events in cis gulags.
Yes, a terrifying reality. Just the other day I was walking by the town square and there was a poor tranny lying face down on the tarmac like a fragment of a broken child's toy. Heartrending and tragic.
The very same day at Milano's Pizza we navigated a veritable heap of dead and dying trannies, just outside the door of the pizzeria where they'd been transmassacred. The sheer trans horror of it all.
So awful, so many trannies dead due to spite, bigotry and Trumpism. It's like the killing fields of Cambodia but oh, so very much worse. Yes, it's here in North Central Texas; piles of dead trannies everywhere, a genocide.
For God's sake, please cut this risible, insane, demonic, Mengele garbage out. And I tell you, there will be a reckoning.
Nuremberg Forever,
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Transgender Empire
Have you noticed how everyone's trans all of a sudden and wondered how this latter day Mengele madness swept through the Western world? This short from Christopher Rufo gives a synopsis of our current, and I'd argue Satanic, Frankensteinian trend:
From Pritzker billions to the slums of Detroit with cultural Marxism at the beginning, middle and end of the Godless project. Imagine the damage, physical and mental, to the victims of this nihilist abhorrence and the mighty profits which accrue from it.
You'd think, in the face of such demonism, that the Church would stand up and be counted but no. Mĕnēʾ mĕnēʾ tĕqēl ūpharsīn, מְנֵא מְנֵא תְּקֵל וּפַרְסִין, you've been weighed in the balance and found wanting. God's writing on the wall has, perhaps the weight of a curse, certainly divine judgement.
Out demons out,
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Trump Arrest Rant
Keen-eyed readers may remember brave GOP stripper Stormy Daniels and her crusade to get restitution from the Russian agent masquerading as a US President. Stormy lost that battle and had to pay a solid $300K to Team Trump, her totally not cocaine-fueled, Formula One lawyer Michael Avenatti ended up in jail.
Trump, presidential candidate and ongoing GRU asset, believes he will be arrested next Tuesday and has called for protests.
OK, enough of that, we can all read the news, such as it is, and it's amusing to reflect on the absurdity of media agitprop in support of our Ruling Elite. But serious question, if Trump was arrested in a fit of kabuki theater leftist posturing, would you protest?
Perhaps not, perhaps you wouldn't welcome that 4 a.m. knock on the door by an FBI SWAT Team. Maybe you wouldn't want to end up in solitary confinement for years without trial. And this raises another question, equally serious if not more so. What have we become?
Nothing good, >30T in debt, not counting all the rest, on the brink of nuclear war, inflation at 6%, an effectively open border, look out wages, and the apparent inability to parse even the most basic math. Viz. What's the difference between a man and a woman. Or, "Hey, let's give our kids puberty blockers while surgeons cut up their genitals. Because freedom." What utter Mengeles.
This is all apparently beyond us, and no wonder. A people that has rejected God will accept his opposite, Satan, a murderer from the beginning and the Father of Lies.
Light v. Dark,
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Butchers And Liars