Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Down With The Eagle


Here we are, cheering on an incoming administration dedicated to ending centralized Fed tyranny. And what a tyranny it was, billions of dollars of your tax money funneled into NGOs, the MSM and wherever to squash you like a bug in PR world. Think on it. You pay the Feds some stupid percentage of your earned money, and they use it to fund Mengeles who'll trans your kid. Or the war in Ukraine.

Did you vote for the Ukraine war? Did you vote for your kid to have trans surgery? No, you did not. So why is your money paying for both.. This garbage has gotta stop. The leftist slush fund, paid for by you, has got to end. And it will. In the meanwhile, all the recipients of USAID billions are howling, weeping, choking on their tongues and crying out for retribution.

Sic Transit,



Beans said...

The US government, especially under the control of the Democrats, hasn't and mostly doesn't give a tinker's dam about what the people want.

People keep pratting about how the Democrats used to be the party of the people. No. Not at all. They've never been the party of the poor or middle class. They've always been the party of elitist snobs who hoodwink people into believing they're going to do right for them.

Like, sure, Democrats in the South. Were land-owners and factory owners and business owners. And... slave owners. Had to be rich to own slaves. Had to be rich to own land and have the time to vote.

Then the Republicans and, sadly, the evergrowing federal powers, that cracked that mold.

Then the Donks styled themselves as the party of the farmers (The Grange) and the workers (The Unions) while basically stealing all the money from the various associations to fund whatever they wanted.

So, yeah, there's two sides to the American Civil War of Northern Aggression and Southern Independence to end Slavery.

The Donks are the ones who truly weaponized the bureaucracy, during King Woodrow Wilson's reign of terror and then FDR's Great Leap into National Socialism. The Donks under Kennedy who screwed up in Cuba. The Donks under LBJ who basically bought ignorant black votes by saying they'd be wards of the state forevermore. Donks in Congress who screwed South Vietnam over. And so forth and so on.

I'm not saying that the Republicans have been any better. Reagan was, so was and is Trump. But for the most part the entrenched Republican congresscritters have overwhelmingly underperformed.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Terrible! Imagine all the people who will need to find a real job. What are their qualifications?

LSP said...

Mr. Beans, looks like their slush funds/supply chains are threatened. RICO, anyone?

LSP said...

A terrible and awful tragedy, WSF.

Beans said...

If they aren't qualified to work a job, then why are they 'working' for the government?

Seriously, once the initial phase of eliminations occurs, then pull a jobs-skill qualification system. If they can't meet or exceed an actual test of what their job position qualifications says they should meet or exceed, well, Buh-bye.

It's also the way every school teacher should be treated. End of this year, make every public school teacher take proficiency tests. If they can't meet the requirements of at least 1 grade above what they're teaching, in math, science and English, then, well, Buh-Bye!

Seriously, testing. Lots of testing. Can't meet minimal standards, Buh-Bye!

LSP said...

Totally agree, Beans, but hope we're proved wrong.