Showing posts with label GAFCON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GAFCON. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2023



The local chapter of the SSC (Society of the Holy Cross) met today in Fort Worth and there we were, in the Church of the Holy Apostles on the western border of Cow Town, worshiping God. Great result and you'll be amazed to know there was no interpretive liturgical dance set to the dismal beat of guitars, pan pipes and foot stomping priestesses.

No, none of that, just the Mass and that sung with quiet dignity and reverence, beautiful, well done. After the sacred mysteries we moved next door to the church hall for a Chick-fil-A box lunch and I took the opportunity to admire the church's attractive "Garth," which means "enclosed quadrangle" and glowing stained glass in the church itself.

Uplifting, on both counts, and the Chick boxes weren't bad either, nice. Then, lunch over, we heard a presentation on the recent goings on at GAFCON and I, for one, was left wondering if the Global South Primates have the mettle to squeeze the trigger and declare themselves formally out of communion with Justsin Welby.

Justsin, you may recall, has joyfully embraced the rainbow while pretending not to, and this has enraged our dusky heteronormative brethren. Quite right too, let's see if African sound and fury equates to actual thunder. If it does, I'm prepared to be amazed. Watch this space.

Then, business over, I wandered down to the stream at the bottom of the churchyard, overgrown with riotous spring growth. And there was the water, untouched, it felt, by the march of time. I wanted to fish it but didn't have a rod, maybe next time.

God bless,


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Same Old Rock

Backyard Mexicans are playing New Country, peacocks shriek and Blue Fowler's after a chicken that's hiding under the back deck. You can't blame the bird for trying to escape the music, fortunately the dog's not lithe enough to get at the feathered asylum seeker.

Speaking of which, the wall's still not built and a few hundred thousand illegals cross the border every month, overwhelming towns like Uvalde. Democrats don't seem to mind, they see votes, while others wonder if the refugee asylum seekers should be bused to sanctuary cities. If you want it, pay for it, sort of thing.

Who knows, maybe Trump's threat of tariffs will scare Mexico into securing its border, we can but hope and wonder. Meanwhile, our Big Tech Commie Overlords are busy censoring everyone into oblivion. 

But surely the toothpaste's outta the youtube and all the sadly deplatformed unpersons will move to other media. Then Whatsapp can try and sue them for hate speech like trannies going after a baker. Good luck with that.

On the religious front, Rome's produced a document affirming biological gender. This, according to the Vatican, is a God-given fact of biology. Men are, well, men, and women are women, as opposed to being gender fluid sexless drones of the NWO hivemind. And of course the venerable if shrinking Diocese of Durham and ACoC disagree, they're busy celebrating the rainbow.

Unlike the Anglican provinces of Uganda, Kenya and Nigeria who obstinately refuse to bow to Illuminati cash and attend the godless Lambeth Conference next year. Who knows, they're doubtless scared of being gored by the vicious horns of Canterbury unicorns, to say nothing of the thudding varicolored hooves of the ACC.

In related news, a Church of England Vicar had to resign from a school board for objecting to trans sex-ed by, ahem, "Mermaids," and a couple of Brazilian lesbians killed their son because he was a boy. They tried to transsexualize the unfortunate 9 year old first, and you can read the whole disturbing thing here.

Perhaps you think that somehow wrong because you're shackled to oppressive, patriarchal, fascist ethical theory. Not to worry, you can pinpoint the problem and work on a solution with this useful Intersectionality Score Calculator. Check it out. I scored a rather respectable 8. You have a go!

Over the rainbow,


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lies, Fraud, Illegitimacy And Skullduggery

It's been a tumultuous couple of weeks for the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC). Kevin and George get into the detail on Anglicans Unscripted, giving us the run down on: The Kenyan Forgery, the Episcopal Church's ongoing attempts to subvert African provinces and bishops, the 815 Terminations and, last but not least, Justin Welby's, ahem, hazy family background.

If you get confused watching the first part of the video, which goes into the skullduggery, deceit and power plays evidenced at the Anglican Consultative Council in Lusaka, don't be surprised, it is confusing. Just bear in mind that the Episcopal Church is trying to get the Anglican Communion to go along with its gayness, and doing a pretty good job of it so far -- sanctions and discipline against them have gone nowhere.

However, the Provinces and Archbishops of the Global South and the GAFCON movement have a limited amount of patience with TEC's persistent flouting of the mind of the overwhelming majority of the Communion. And for that matter, Christianity in general. 

Laughing All The Way To The Bank

I fail to see how this will end in anything less than formal schism, no matter how much money and influence rich, white, rainbow libs in America, Canada and England funnel into the hands of mountebanks like Desmond Tutu, and other corruptibles.



Thursday, February 18, 2016

Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion Update!!

There you are, scanning the perimeter at first light, ears wide open for the slightest noise, which is an utter waste of time because of the sheer din of hundreds of birds roosting in the trees. ISIS could launch an assault on the Compound and you wouldn't hear it coming. Thanks a lot, birds. Then there's there's the dogs, the roosters and the peacocks. Get some peace and quiet in the countryside, that's what they said. Right.


Speaking of peace and quiet, some of you may remember the Worldwide Anglican Non-Communion (WANC) and its recent Primates Meeting, sorry "gathering," in Canterbury. That disciplined the egregiously heterodox Episcopal Church (TEC) for a period of three years, declaring that the rich but shrinking denomination wouldn't be allowed to represent WANC or vote in its councils.

Gay "We're Going to Lusaka" Jennings

I say disciplined, but the sanction was really more of an unspecified threat. Don't represent or vote and if you do we'll do... something. Unsurprisingly, TEC, which is richer than a trainload of Nazi gold but smaller, has decided to ignore the warning shot and carry on as usual by announcing its intention to take its seat on the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), and vote accordingly.


We know this because the improbably named Bishop Tengatenga, who mysteriously changed his mind about gay marriage and chairs the ACC, has told us. “Are they going to vote? Yes, they are going to vote as it is their right and responsibility,” announced Tengatenga to the Seminary of the South at Sewanee. And the consequences? According to Tengatenga, nothing at all,  “(The) bottom line is that the Episcopal Church cannot be kicked out of the Anglican Communion and will never be kicked out of the Anglican Communion.”

Eliud Wabukala

That's what Tengatenga thinks along with, presumably, the Episcopal Church's leadership. Expect them to turn up at the ACC's meeting in Lusaka next month, business as usual. We should also expect the conservative majority of Anglican primates to add teeth to their agreed sanctions. That's indicated in Archbishop Eliud Wabukala's pastoral letter, which you can read here.

Justsin Welby

Who knows, perhaps TEC will put the train in reverse and simply act as an observer at the same ACC it's bought and paid for, but don't bet on it. A safer bet by far is that WANC will become even more of a non-communion than it already is.

Good luck, Justsin.


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Primates Meeting 2016

As everyone knows, the Primates of the Anglican Communion are meeting together next week at Canterbury Cathedral in an attempt find a way forward for the world's third largest denomination. 

It's a bold call, because the Communion is home to two irreconcilable points of view, or religions, even. Archbishop Cranmer describes the two factions as Eloi and Morlocks.

On the one hand, there's the libs, who've taken over Western Anglicanism. Their version of Christianity means championing priestesses, gay marriage, abortion, gender transitioning and fighting the Weather. They think Islam is a religion of peace and their leader is the Episcopal Church (TEC), which is richer than a trainload of Nazi gold. They represent a shrinking 20% of the Communion. Gavin Ashenden describes them as cultural Marxists.

Then there are the provinces of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and the Global South, which stand for biblical orthodoxy, at least as far as marriage is concerned. For them, Tracy shouldn't marry Stephani, and Darryl shouldn't leave Paula to shack up with Kevin and become a bishop. These represent 80% of the Communion and are primarily African. They take a dim view of lesbian bishops and want the gay West to repent; if it doesn't, they're threatening to leave the Communion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who's taking time off from hustling for spare change outside Detroit's Cobo Hall, wants to re-imagine his non-Communion in such as way as to allow these two polar opposites to live together. David Virtue doesn't think he has it in him and likens the upcoming Primates Meeting to a battle of Britain 2.0. But what do I think, so-called "LSP"? 

For what it's worth, I think the fight within Anglicanism, which mirrors that in society at large, will be overtaken by three things: militant Islam, the visceral hatred of secular left nihilism, and financial collapse.

Is that alarmist? I hope so, and in the end, there will be one church, visible and militant against the enemy. I doubt that will be based out of Canterbury.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Zombie Communion, Archbishop Welby Calls a Primate's Meeting

It's happened, the moment we've all not been waiting for, when the head of the world's third largest denomination, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, calls a Primates meeting. It's going ahead, the letters are out, and the Primates have been invited to meet, face to face in Canterbury, June, 2016.

So what's it all about? To find a way forward for worldwide Anglicanism to somehow exist while holding irreconcilable differences within itself. Here's Welby:


"Our way forward must respect the decisions of Lambeth 1998 (which upheld Scriptural teaching on marriage)... recognising that the way in which proclamation happens and the pressures on us vary greatly between Provinces. We each live in a different context.

“The difference between our societies and cultures, as well as the speed of cultural change in much of the global north, tempts us to divide as Christians: when the command of scripture, the prayer of Jesus, the tradition of the church and our theological understanding urges unity."


Roughly translated: The Anglican Communion can continue as one big tent provided everyone agrees to disagree and by the way, to break unity with the big tent is against Scripture, Tradition and the will of Christ himself. So take that, trads. If you split from us and our lesbian bishops, you're being disloyal Christians, and anyway, take a pill, it's all contextual anyway.

The GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) Primates weren't slow to answer:

"It is on this basis that the GAFCON Primates will prayerfully consider their response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s letter. They recognize that the crisis in the Communion is not primarily a problem of relationships and cultural context, but of false teaching which continues without repentance or discipline."


False teaching which continues without repentance or discipline? Right on, and Welby's way forward doesn't seem to envisage much of that, if any at all. But it's a moot point; the Anglican Communion hasn't been a communion since the 1970s, when women were ordained and the orders and sacraments of its various provinces were no longer mutually recognized.

At best, Anglicanism since then has been a fellowship of Churches held together by "bonds of affection," but even these have been strained beyond breaking point by the radical liberalism of what Welby refers to as the "global north."

Oh! I have a Barbour! Whatever.

This has resulted in a so-called Communion that exists in name only, a Zombie Communion of Provinces that don't recognize one another's sacraments, orders, faith or morals. In other words, a sham.

House Elf

Welby has dared to call this hollow man together in the New Year. He shouldn't be disappointed if it blows up in his face.

Welby is known variously as Dobby, Sharkey, House Elf, and Chino.