Just coz.
High on a mountain top? You bet. In related news, I called our Senior Warden after Mass, "Hey, J, I haven't ridden for four years and feel it's time to get back on. Can you recommend someone to give me remedial lessons? You know, leads, asking for gaits the right way and all of that." She thought about it for a second or two, "Sure! Come out this week and ride with us, we'll find you a horse."
Now, pundits, mark me well. This is equivalent to, say, a pub guitarist calling up Jimmy Page and saying, "Hey man, is it OK if I jam with you and Eric Clapton?" You know, to get better on the guitar, and he replies, "You bet, swing by the studio sometime this week, Roy Harper's gonna be there too. He needs help."
Wow, what good people we have in this little country church, where the Word of God is preached and taught and the Sacraments confected. There's hope and no inconsiderable uplift in that and I feel privileged to serve here. Stay tuned for equestrian adventure.
Your Old Pal,
A massively racist 42 ton rock has been moved from the University of Wisconsin Madison's Chamberlin Hill, where it used to sit, oppressing persyns of color with its racism. According to students, the weighty pre-Cambrian glacial erratic would often hurl racist abuse.
"It was really offensive," stated one student, "Like, 'Look at me, I'm a rock. Who's smarter, me or you? Who's in debt for life on account of a pathetic trans theater degree, me or you?' Sometimes the rock would play Dukes of Hazard and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Once I heard it whistle Dixie. I didn't feel safe."
Here at the Compound we're glad the racist rock's been removed. One more monument to oppression gone, and not before time. Juliana Bennett, a senior and a campus representative on the Madison City Council shows zhir relief:
“This moment is about the students, past and present, that relentlessly advocated for the removal of this racist monument. Now is a moment for all of us BIPOC students to breathe a sigh of relief, to be proud of our endurance, and to begin healing.”
Hmmmm. Same Old Hippie
Well said, Julia. Now that the crushingly racist rock's removed we can all begin to heal, and breathe.
Your Buddy,