Showing posts with label Liturgical dance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liturgical dance. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

This Needs To Stop


This insane, satanic, child mutilating, Mengele cult needs to be stamped out with extreme prejudice, not least in the Church herself. Here, look at this blasphemy:

But perhaps you're a fan of rainbow liturgical dance? Whatev. In related news, rumors that a US Carrier Group is sailing to  liberate Net Zero Bonkers Britain from venal corrupt asset strippers climate crazies are entirely just that, rumors. So what'd it take to free the Sceptered Isle? USMC could handle the task in days. It's not as though the UK has an Army, Navy or Airforce anymore and its citizens are disarmed, notoriously. 

Maybe the Brits will defeat our Task Force with rainbow flags, hi-viz vests and Pride Parades. So there is that to conjure with. Take note, Lammy, Rayner, Kier et al, we're coming to gitchoo.

Rock On,


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Texas is Awesome Liturgical Dance is Not


It's great to be back in Texas where there's no liturgical dance outside of Austin, just all this big sky threatening rain, yes please, and dusty roads. But maybe this angers you, maybe you want liturgical dance. Here, have a look:

Beautiful, isn't it. Not unlike a Clown Mass, on reflection. Check it out:

And they're wondering why the Church of England is dying, which it is. No wonder, the people in charge of the operation don't believe in the Faith they're paid to promote. Witness subsequent clownshow. Is there a solution? Always.

Years ago, I celebrated a wedding in rural England, just a kid, and some ne'er do wells crossed me afterwards in the churchyard, "We're from the old religion," they said, and I paused, "So you're Roman Catholics? Perhaps you like Chesterton?"

They did, curiously, and we got along just fine, despite their Fuhrer having flicked a dead rat at me over the grave of a county worthy. Regardless, solution?

Return, steadfast to the Faith, regardless of denom, and say NO to the godless NWO. I tell you kids, it's dark v. light right now. Rise to the challenge.

Your Pal,


Monday, May 15, 2023



The local chapter of the SSC (Society of the Holy Cross) met today in Fort Worth and there we were, in the Church of the Holy Apostles on the western border of Cow Town, worshiping God. Great result and you'll be amazed to know there was no interpretive liturgical dance set to the dismal beat of guitars, pan pipes and foot stomping priestesses.

No, none of that, just the Mass and that sung with quiet dignity and reverence, beautiful, well done. After the sacred mysteries we moved next door to the church hall for a Chick-fil-A box lunch and I took the opportunity to admire the church's attractive "Garth," which means "enclosed quadrangle" and glowing stained glass in the church itself.

Uplifting, on both counts, and the Chick boxes weren't bad either, nice. Then, lunch over, we heard a presentation on the recent goings on at GAFCON and I, for one, was left wondering if the Global South Primates have the mettle to squeeze the trigger and declare themselves formally out of communion with Justsin Welby.

Justsin, you may recall, has joyfully embraced the rainbow while pretending not to, and this has enraged our dusky heteronormative brethren. Quite right too, let's see if African sound and fury equates to actual thunder. If it does, I'm prepared to be amazed. Watch this space.

Then, business over, I wandered down to the stream at the bottom of the churchyard, overgrown with riotous spring growth. And there was the water, untouched, it felt, by the march of time. I wanted to fish it but didn't have a rod, maybe next time.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

High Mass - Low Mass


You see, readers, there's High Mass and there's Low Mass. The High can be very high indeed, and the Low can scrape the depths.

It's a thing. The Western world had a liturgy, a rite, a way of worshiping God which stood for at least 1000 years, maybe more. This was disrupted at the end of the Middle Ages, "smash it up" shouted the reformers and so they did.

Fast forward to today. We've had, what, 50 years of liturgical reform in which the "experts" dismantled, defaced and deformed the worship of the Western Church. And all in the name of making it more popular. But guess what, nobody came, and who can blame them.

It's a bit like wymmyn priest figures in the Anglican church, "If you don't ordain wymmyn no one will go to your churches!" shrieked the deformers and lo and behold, no one has even though the deformers did it anyway.

At the heart of this wickedness, whether Roman, Anglican or anywhere else, lies two-faced apostasy, disbelief masquerading as Christianity. Atheism in vestments, if you like. And I tell you this. The purpose of the Church, it's primary mission and objective is to worship God.

Let's reclaim that.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Friday, December 21, 2018

The Feast of St. Thomas - A Helpful Meditation

It's the Feast of St. Thomas today. He doubted, like the Church of England itself but unlike the Episcopal Church, came to great faith.

Thomas scorned liturgical dance

And hated bad vestments

He was against wimmyn bishops, note Gloucester's teeth. And...

He stood for the Faith.

Here's the collect.

ALMIGHTY and everliving God, who, for the greater confirmation of the faith, didst suffer thy holy Apostle Thomas to be doubtful in thy Son's resurrection; Grant us so perfectly, and without all doubt, to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ, that our faith in thy sight may never be reproved. Hear us, O Lord, through the same Jesus Christ, to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and for evermore. 



Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Anglican Church Goes Full Green

The leader of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has launched a bold new initiative to unite the world's third largest denomination against a common enemy, the Weather.

Called the "Season of Creation," Welby's green campaign has solicited "Letters of Creation" from the Communion's leading bishops, asking them to describe the catastrophic effects of global warming and climate change.

Welby has called the battle to stop the weather changing "essential to the life of faith" and an "ethical crisis."

The ethical crisis of climate change is an opportunity to find purpose and joy, and to respond to our Creator’s charge. Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation.

Not to be outdone, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, held a special green worship ritual featuring people on stilts dressed as trees and shirtless liturgical dancers.

The leader of the Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry is vocal in his support of Welby's green crusade.

“We can maintain a vigorous and effective commitment, and empower Anglicans everywhere to undertake bold action to mitigate and reverse climate change," stated Curry.

Whether the bold action called for by Curry, Welby and the Ents of San Francisco will be enough to stop the Weather from changing remains to be seen.



Saturday, April 21, 2018

A Conjuring Trick With Bones

A day late and a couple of decades short but rest in peace, apostate  bishop, David Jenkins, onetime prelate of Durham.

Back when you were alive you mocked the resurrection as a "conjuring trick with bones," and York Minster was struck by lightning and gutted by fire.

Undaunted, a sturdy third of CofE clergy are with you on the resurrection and a solid 50% express the same kind of doubt about the Virgin Birth.

Roll those bones and see if you come out ahead.

God bless,


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Liturgical Dance Is The Best!

The best thing about liturgical dance is that it's so very, very awesome. It wasn't allowed until the Church reformed its liturgy to make worship more popular.

Liturgical dance has been a rip-roaring success, like all the other liturgical reforms which filled the pews.

Except that they didn't.

Not dissimilar, come to think of it, to the priestesses and now the trannies. You know the powerful argument, "Unless you ordain transsexuals, no one will take the Church seriously."

And male, military age Muslim immigrants are "warriors of hope." Hope of what, Francis? Submission to Allah? Globalist labor rates that make our transnational, globalist elites even more satanically rich than they already are?

Or to put it another way, why are we committing cultural and spiritual suicide? Serious question.

Your Pal,


Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Saint Michael's Conference, 2017

Normally I'd be on the staff of the St. Michael's Conference for young people right now, overseeing the liturgical dance, teaching a couple of classes and leading discussion groups on UFOs, Cryptids and Why You Shouldn't Be A Thieving Hippy. But this year I took a break and sent a cadet instead. "I don't want to cramp your style," I told my son.

Still, I miss the event. It's an outstanding, immersive course in traditional catholicism as seen through an Anglican lens. Something like an Anglo-Catholic boot camp perhaps, and a lot of fun for the kids who don't seem to miss guitar playing nuns, wymin priests and all the other skulduggery of unpopular modern worship and watered down belief.  

At the Conference the staff don't peddle that, they do worship and teach according to the Faith which has been handed down to us by Christ through the Apostles. 

There is great, Spirit-filled converting power in this and in the end, when the ersatz versions of Christianity have run their course, it's this Faith which will be left standing against the gates of Hell.

Those, says Christ, won't prevail.

God bless,


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dance, it's Earth Day!

It's Earth Day, and what better way to celebrate than with dance, liturgical dance! Or even an elemental earth healing ritual. If you do, don't forget the Setting:

Set the altar with a bowl of seeds, a cup or muffin cup with soil for each participant, a small glass of water for each participant, wind chimes, and a candle. You will use the soil, water, chimes, and candle during the section “Women Crying out for Justice.” Each participant will plant seeds in the soil as s/he shares during the reflection time, then take them home to plant. You may also want to add Earth Day objects to your altar that are important to you or your group.

Once you've got all that in place you can Call the  Elements, like this:

(Face East, raise your arms above your head.)
Oh Great Spirit of the East, House of Light and the rising sun, May the new life of spring blossom in usSo we may start each day anew, and be renewed.
(Face North, cross your arms in front of your chest and sway from side to side.)
Oh Great Spirit of the North, House of Night and falling rain, May the cold and uncertain winters in our lives strengthen us So we may be ready to welcome spring, and be renewed.

Beautiful, isn't it? And there's plenty more, check it out. But here's a thought, as you're swaying from side to side in front of your womyn's altar. 

It's all a right larf until you wake up in a Wicker Man. And it's on fire.

Gaia Rules,


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chrism Mass 2017

Every year the clergy of the Diocese of Fort meet in Holy Week at St. Vincent's Cathedral in Bedford, Texas, for the diocesan Chrism Mass. Thanks for the photo, Fr. C.

But guess what, there's no liturgical dance and there aren't any clowns goofing off in the cathedral. Perhaps, in your book, this disqualifies the event as a meaningful worship experience. I find it a relief, but that's just me. 

Goofing Off in Church

This year's sermon had its moments too, including a quote from Evelyn Underhill:

God is the interesting thing about religion, and people are hungry for God. But only a priest whose life is soaked in prayer, sacrifice, and love can, by his own spirit of adoring worship, help us to apprehend Him.

I felt judged, and rightly so, by that.

God bless,


Thursday, September 22, 2016


They say that at the Mass, or the Eucharist, please don't say "Yewkrist," time and eternity intersect as the sacrificial act of Calvary breaks through into the present moment, uniting us with the redemptive love of Christ. His Sacrifice becomes our sacrifice, however imperfectly, and finding atonement in Him we glimpse, fleetingly for sure, the peace which passes all understanding.

Just Some Goon With his Hand up a Puppet

Of course that doesn't happen at a Clown Mass, I thought to myself bitterly, casting off in search of Behemoth Bluegill. And there's a whole lot of something that passes all understandng when the liturgical dancers kick off, and some priestess goons around pretending to be something she doesn't even believe in anyway.

Nice Little Fryer!

Then the reverie was broken by a fish plowing into my hook and the fun was on. A nearby kid asked his dad why I was catching fish, "Well, he's got worms!" It's true, I did, and after reeling in Leviathan, I gave them a couple and a hook. "Thank you, sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar," said the Father; he was keen for his boy to get a fish, and so was I. He did, too, with a little patience.

You know, I think there's something pretty good about a Father and his son, or sons, out on the water fishing. 

As the sun set, I headed for the Compound, tranquil. And that was that.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Hope And Change

Hide That Paten

No clowns, no gender fluid priestesses, no goofy liturgical dancers, no progleft comsymp tomfoolery masquerading as Christianity, just the Gospel, the Faith once delivered and the our best shot at unleashing the power of the Western Rite.

Don't be a Hippy or a Witch, Kids

That's the St. Michael's Conference Southwest, and the kids love it, a lot. It's a privilege to staff it for a week.

God bless,


Sunday, May 15, 2016


It's the Feast of Pentecost, when our Holy Mother, the Church, celebrates the descent of the Spirit upon the disciples, resting on them likes tongues of fire. I like Basil the Great's exhortation:

The Spirit raises our hearts to heaven, guides the steps of the weak, and brings to perfection those who are making progress. He enlightens those who have been cleansed from every stain of sin and makes them spiritual by communion with himself... Through the Spirit we become citizens of heaven, we are admitted to the company of the angels, we enter into eternal happiness and abide in God. Through the Spirit we acquire a likeness to God; indeed, we attain what is beyond our most sublime aspirations - we become God. 

And note this, all you heretics out there who are busy reading this important mind blog: Basil's divinization, or theosis, in which the faithful participate in God's nature, shouldn't be confused with apotheosis, deification in God's essence. 

Some Crew, Goofing Off in Church

That's an error and a bad one. Like liturgical dance, which is also a bad mistake.

God bless,


Saturday, May 7, 2016

They Were Seized With Madness And Danced

"If you watched a modern interpretative dance... you may well conclude the dancer was having some kind of seizure and perhaps suffering some pain or disease to cause such 
unnatural motions." (Via Adrienne's Catholic Corner)

We like to imagine, understandably, that liturgical dance is a modern phenomenon, brought on by the madness of our troubled age. But that's not true, otherwise normal Christians have been seized by dancing insanity in the past.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, dancing "plagues" gripped whole regions of Europe. Even convents were not immune:

Not long before the Strasbourg dancing epidemic, an equally strange compulsion had gripped a nunnery in the Spanish Netherlands. In 1491 several nuns were ‘possessed’ by devilish familiars which impelled them to race around like dogs, jump out of trees in imitation of birds or miaow and claw their way up tree trunks in the manner of cats. Such possession epidemics were by no means confined to nunneries, but nuns were disproportionately affected (Newman, 1998). Over the next 200 years, in nunneries everywhere from Rome to Paris, hundreds were plunged into states of frantic delirium during which they foamed, screamed and convulsed, sexually propositioned exorcists and priests, and confessed to having carnal relations with devils or Christ.
What causes this "dancing madness"? Is it Satan, mind-altering drugs, or a simple case of mental illness? Whatever the cause, the affliction has resurfaced in our own time. And remember...

Liturgical Dance is not awesome,


Friday, May 6, 2016

Clown Mass & The Prancing Demon

Some clergypersons think that goofing off in a clown outfit will fill all those empty pews.

Perhaps they don't realize that clowns are sinister and frightening.

Satanism and witchcraft are on the rise in America.

Is there a correlation?

You be the judge, and in other news, Alex Jones has called Glenn Beck a "prancing demon." You can and should watch his epic rant of awesomeness here.