Showing posts with label catholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catholic. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Oh Dear


Some people aren't very happy that 45 became 47 and started axing FBI agents, risible pronounery and all of that. They don't like illegal aliens being sent back from whence they came, even as rainbow flags and DEI budget flows came crashing down. They seem to be in a state of, what's the phrase, Shock and Awe. But who are these people?

Witches. They've been hexing DJT for years, asking demons to  get in there and halt his anti-Satan progress. And you know what? At first they seemed to be doing pretty well, see the dropped-on-head-as-infant you're a Russian agent! ruse. The 51 headed hydra Intel Mutiny and, of course, the great 2020 Rig. But now?

Not so much. The witches are reporting that their spells aren't getting through, they're not working. Why? Because 47 has a "shield." According to CBN:

"Therefore he has a shield, a flimsy one of course, but a shield nonetheless (I am trying to figure out a way to create spells that can bypass that, but it's difficult)."

Another posted, "I hate to say this, but don't do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others."



A shield. How very remarkable that one of the boldest, maybe the boldest catholic administrations in recent Western history is protected against rainbow demonism. All you witches take note, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and Abysmal Mengele's performing an operation. And all in the name of tolerance or, if you're really smart, "radical autonomy." Such utter wickedness.

Defende Nos,


Saturday, November 9, 2024

I Believe In Miracles


Do you believe in miracles? I most definitely do, seriously, and this song seems appropriate right about now. Via Adrienne, who ran the excellent and missed Catholic Corner:

Cheers and DFTR,


Thursday, February 10, 2022

On The Road


On The Road. Did you know that infamous Beat author Jack Kerouac was a Catholic Christian? So was Andy Warhol too, but that's a different story. Studio 54 aside, I climbed in the rig, got on the road and headed West to say Mass.

The church was quiet and beautiful in the evening light while Christ came down to earth to lift us up to heaven, O Salutaris, and time stood strangely still as it always does when we worship God, not least in the Sacrament of the Altar. Then all too soon, "The Mass has ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord." Ite Missa Est

Back in the car park the sun was setting over Texas, no small thing, and I sent the record of it to an old friend who finds himself in LA doing something with pop music. "Look!" I whatsapped, "Sunset. Hope your musicians are behaving themselves." 

Apparently they were, "Big empty production stage. Phase 1 rehearsals. Secret location. All chilled here. Easy. STAY FROSTY." Always. Then back on the road to the Compound with the sun filling the rear-view with its golden radiance. I never tire of the vision and thank God for it, seriously, and therein lies a word to the wise.

Try and make a habit, a discipline of thanking God for the beyond reckoning good that he's given us. Perhaps it's easier to see in the countryside, where creation's comparatively less marred by wickedness than in, say, the DFW metrosprawl. But wherever you are the rule applies, and when followed covers a multitude of sins.

Here Endeth The Lesson,


Saturday, March 16, 2019

On The Road

Whoever said life'd be easy? No one, and with that in mind I left the sylvan groves of old Texas for the concrete metrosprawl of the DFW megacity, not once but twice. Why? Because I had meetings in the 'sprawl and duty called.

The first part of the drive on I35W isn't bad, a fairly empty 4 lane highway through rolling farmland, passing by Itasca and Grandview. Then you get to Alvaredo and the pace picks up as you drop into the Fort Worth lowlands.

Metroplex at Night. Yellow Line = Connecticut

There you are in the Metroplex, on a multilane racetrack dreamed up in bowels of Hell. It goes on for miles, 9,286 square miles to be precise, about two thirds the size of Holland and larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. It's growing, too, like a monster.

Well you can't blame people for moving here from socialist hellhole states, but I'd argue you can blame the so-called urban planners who decided that city and 20 lane highway were synonyms. You'd think, after several thousand years of Western civic culture, that we could come up with something better than the 'sprawl. Thank God I live in a road, said no one ever.

It Was Going to be This

Great, readers, will be the fall of it. I know, that'll never happen because the way we live now will go on forever and ever, per saecula saeculorum, but imagine the grid went down, which of course it never will because the grid's immortal, but say for example it did. And you're living in the 'spawl with no water, electricity and before long, food. How would you get out?

But Ended up This

Dirt bikes, on foot? Apocalypse aside, the meetings were good, though it seemed strange to be in the city. Back in the country, Mexican music's in the air and with it the delicious aroma of slow cooked carnitas

This makes fasting difficult and speaking of roads, Jack Kerouac was a catholic.

Drive safe,


Monday, December 25, 2017

Melania Mondays! Christmas Special

Christmas, Monday, Melania. All of these words fit together which is why we're delighted to bring you a Melania Mondays! Christmas special. 

America's popular and glamorous First Lady is a devout Catholic but went ecumenical last night by attending an Episcopal church for Midnight Mass, Bethesda-by-the-Sea. The Rector, a former Navy Chaplain, preached about Nelson Mandela.

Undaunted by the sermon, the congregation gave Melania and her husband a standing ovation and who can blame them? The presidential couple are all about giving everyone a Merry Christmas instead of the miserable NWO "Happy Holidays."

After the service, Melania returned to Mar-a-Lago, which serves as a "Winter Whitehouse," where she spoke to children on the phone who'd called NORAD to locate Santa Claus. Melania is well known for her love of children.

Speaking at a Toys for Tots event at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling earlier this year, Melania said, "It is my hope that during this holiday season, people will remember it is not about gifts - it is about family, service and gratitude. We must continue to look out for, and help each other.”

Thank you, First Lady, for looking out for our country and doing your part to make America great again. MAGA.

Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Liturgical Dance Is The Best!

The best thing about liturgical dance is that it's so very, very awesome. It wasn't allowed until the Church reformed its liturgy to make worship more popular.

Liturgical dance has been a rip-roaring success, like all the other liturgical reforms which filled the pews.

Except that they didn't.

Not dissimilar, come to think of it, to the priestesses and now the trannies. You know the powerful argument, "Unless you ordain transsexuals, no one will take the Church seriously."

And male, military age Muslim immigrants are "warriors of hope." Hope of what, Francis? Submission to Allah? Globalist labor rates that make our transnational, globalist elites even more satanically rich than they already are?

Or to put it another way, why are we committing cultural and spiritual suicide? Serious question.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

If You Meet The Buddha On The Road Shoot It

Taking a leaf out of Mr. Kerouac's book, I got on the road with a view to visiting the sick in Fort Worth and escaping the anguished howls of whining fauxtrage emanating from Hollywood celebs and Lena Dunham over Trump's armed forces trans ban. 

Jack Kerouac

I took the Cadet, by way of company, and explained the situation. "You see, old chap, this woman's on a ventilator and might not get better, so I've got to go. Conscience demands it, to say nothing of the Gospel," all very to the point and thank you very much. "But what if we meet the Buddha on the road?" asked the young 'un, suddenly turning all Cassady. "Oh, that's easy. Shoot it, right through the ****ing swede."

Shoot it

We arrived in Fort Worth without incident, thank God, and I left my interlocutor in the hospital cafe while I went upstairs and administered Last Rites. I pray my friend recovers full health. And here's the thing, Pastors.

You've Got A Lot To Answer For, You Two.

If you feel a pang of conscience, an instinct or intuition that you should visit someone in trouble, act on it, don't delay. Notwithstanding the Buddha, of course, which you're at liberty to shoot on the road. And while we're at it, Jack Kerouac was a Mass going Catholic. So was the freakish Andy Warhol.

Not a lot of people know that.

God bless,


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On the Road

LSP drives into Town

It seems to me that Dallas was faced with a decision, probably after World War II. "How and where do we want to live?" the City Fathers asked themselves, "In a city, or on a road?" City, Road? That was the question and the answer came back emphatically. "Road!" they chanted and roads they got.

It came as a culture shock after England, where people still, I think, walk about their towns and cities. But regardless of the ways of what used to be Great Britain, I find myself spending an awful lot of time on the road. 

Speaking of which, Jack Kerouac was a Mass-going catholic, as was Andy Warhol. Apparently Warhol was a daily communicant, amongst other less pleasant things. I'd never have guessed.

Drive safe,