Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Chrism Mass 2017

Every year the clergy of the Diocese of Fort meet in Holy Week at St. Vincent's Cathedral in Bedford, Texas, for the diocesan Chrism Mass. Thanks for the photo, Fr. C.

But guess what, there's no liturgical dance and there aren't any clowns goofing off in the cathedral. Perhaps, in your book, this disqualifies the event as a meaningful worship experience. I find it a relief, but that's just me. 

Goofing Off in Church

This year's sermon had its moments too, including a quote from Evelyn Underhill:

God is the interesting thing about religion, and people are hungry for God. But only a priest whose life is soaked in prayer, sacrifice, and love can, by his own spirit of adoring worship, help us to apprehend Him.

I felt judged, and rightly so, by that.

God bless,



LL said...

It sounds as if the mass was an uplifting and enriching experience. The absence of high priests of Mephistopheles, clowns and a marching band was a good thing -- though that may have been present at the service presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Anonymous said...

How have clowns brought people closer to God? That's what I want to know. Talking of clowns. A new film about the Episcopal church is coming out. It's called "It" and it's a horror. (No shock there)

LindaG said...

Not sure how to respond to this; but as I commented to Reverend Paul, Thank you, Lord, for being strong when I am weak.

God bless you all, Parson.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

You said "Liturgical dance."

I must now retreat to my safe space.