Showing posts with label rainbow ponies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rainbow ponies. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

Foreign Legion


No, not the LE (Legion Etrangere), this one's homegrown and it's coming to save us all. That's right, a corps of volunteers who will rescue us from Mad Putler and Nazi Racist Trump. We call them the "Unicorn Brigade" and they're made up of FBI and IRS agents. One well known solutions provider said this:

The FBI Legion could write their names in the Ukrainian history books as they conduct human wave attacks over and over again into the Russian lines in the dead of winter no matter the cost.

Heroes will be made even as they fall to concentrated machine gun fire, anti-personnel mines, artillery and as the bodies are pierced by barbed wire entanglements...but maybe the loss of 35,000 FBI agents and 87,000 IRS agents will be worth it if Ukraine is free?

Of course, the US track record (see Afghanistan) is to accept those losses and then give the enemy $100 million worth of equipment and go home.



Quite. See you at the Club.

Your Best Pal,


Saturday, August 31, 2019

US Navy Ends War On Weather

Was the last post a bit depressing? Well try this. The US Navy's ended its War on Weather by disbanding the Obama initiated Climate Change Task Force. What? You didn't know the US Navy had been tasked with fighting the weather? Think again.

Thanks to the annointed God King Messiah Obama, the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen was told to fight our ancient enemy, the Weather. 

So important for fighting ships to be on hand as glaciers melt, coastlines flood, and millionaire socialists everywhere resort to high ground. Yes, the high ground of their private islands. Except the Obamas, architects of the climatic naval strategy.

They've invested 15 million socialist dollars in prime Martha's Vineyard seafront property. Counting on the Navy to save them? Fond imagining. As the waters rise, look in vain for Littoral Combat Ships to come to the rescue. Or, if the pundits have it right, anyone else.

In other news, the Navy's allowing people who don't identify as trans to enlist. Such fascists.

Senior Service Go Navy,