If you want a vision of the future, Winston, imagine a rainbow wellie stamping on a human face forever.
Last week we heard that a black student, Felix Ngole, was kicked out of Sheffield University for daring to criticize homosexuality on Facebook. This week the U.K's Pink Jackboot claimed another victim, Christian magistrate, Richard Page.
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This Wonk is Called Michael Gove |
Page was fired by the U.K's Lord Chancellor, Michael Gove, after a BBC interview in which the magistrate stated that he felt children should be adopted by male and female parents.
"My responsibility as a magistrate, as I saw it," said Page, "was to do what I considered best for the child, and my feeling was therefore that it would be better if it was a man and woman who were the adopted parents."
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Richard Page, You're Fired |
That's right, Richard Page had the audacity, the sheer, brazen, hate-filled bigotry to say on national T.V. that it was better for children to be raised by a mother and a father. So he was given the pink slip for his stiff-necked effrontery, after 15 years of service. Here's what the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) had to say:
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The U.K. Flag |
“The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice found Mr Page’s comments would have caused a reasonable person to conclude he was biased and prejudiced against single sex adopters; they considered this to be serious misconduct which brought the magistracy into disrepute.
“They have therefore removed Mr Page from the magistracy.”
Page's offending statements were given in the course of a program focusing on Christians being pushed out of public office.
This stuff is truly demonic. The evil one loves to tear families apart and to steal the children. Gay-friendly regulations make that so easy as kids are just bullied into behaviour that destroys them in the end.
I think it is too, Julie.
This type of thing magnifies the big lie of same sex marriage, which never considers the children. It is a selfish, immoral, and nihilistic philosophy that is now destroying lives.
Gays are the new blacks. Transsexuals are the new gays. Post op is the new Pre op. Please adjust your cultural bookmarks accordingly.
I'm glad that you fled from Texas, LSP.
Thanks, Infidel. Everything's in order now.
The Unicorn waxes ascendant in the Old Country, LL.
How does Parliament define what it takes to make a baby? Is it no longer a sperm and an egg in the UK? And when it comes to a family, I don't think that two pederasts and a baby can be considered a "family".
How awful. Homosexuals (not all, but most) are very vicious mean-spirited people.
Nothing narcissistic about an, ahem, Pride parade, Euripides...
How does Michael Gove define anything, LL? I'd be interested to know if Page would've been fired if he was Muslim.
It's the attempt by a crew of functional atheists to play God that gets me, Adrienne. Hubris is surely not too far behind.
The moral to the story is that if you want to keep your job in the UK, you need to become a Mooselimb immediately! When you think about it, you can behead at will because the voices told you to do it. And when you are martyred, you get those 72 virgins that are standing by for your arrival.
I think it helps. The voices are calling.
It is worse yet. The magistrate made his comments in a BBC interview discussing Christianity in public life, so the State run broadcaster invites him to express his opinion but when he does the State sacks him from his job! Looks an awful lot like a set-up, as it almost unheard of to sack a magistrate, but to sack him for expressing his traditional Christians views?
Well we can't have that, Anonymous, can we.
Interestingly two of the right wing papers in the UK (The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph) are running this story story but not allowing an opportunity to comment. The same with the liberal Guardian newspaper and the Left are silent (the whole same-sex marriage having become a snare for the left and many British young people to put their heads into, convinced it is on a crusade for 'equality').Normally the Lord Chancellor never sacks a magistrate in such a way - the judiciary are meant to be independent of Government - so the whole issue raises a constitutional issue and one of free speech. Those who have come out in favor of Minister Gove on those online sources which still permit comment are focusing on the religious beliefs of the magistrate and ridiculing them. Gove has given the green light to these elements to spew their bile attacking a man who gave years of public service dedicated to protecting children. He is not being sacked for anything he did or is believed to have done, simply expressing his honest views. Sadly, it reminds one of the start of the persecution in Germany in 1934-35 when the dictatorial Nuremberg laws sought to segregate Jews from "Aryan" society abrogating their political, legal, and civil rights,and removing from office many Jews who had given years of public service to the society which had turned on them.
I'd say it's all a bit pink jackboot and let's not pretend that its champions don't want to destroy Christianity, which they really, really hate. They won't succeed but things might get a bit difficult in the interim.
Interesting constitutional point.
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