Showing posts with label national socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national socialism. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Is Taylor Swift A Nazi?!?

Some see singer-songwriter pop legend, Taylor Swift, as the hottest performer to ever grace the recording studio. Others think that the millionaire songstress has migraine-inducing eyes and a mean little face. But whatever your opinion, shocking new evidence has emerged showing that the super-talented diva is, in fact, a Nazi.

According to one expert, "It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world. Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump's son, and they will be crowned American royalty."

The remarkably talented star has been hailed as anti-communist icon and even has a Facebook page, Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe, which has over 18,000 likes. 

"Only through the destruction of Marxism can Europe be restored to its former glory, and only fascism can ensure this destruction," stated one Swift fan.

However, the musical genius' lawyer insists that Swift is not a far-right Nazi:

The association of Ms. Swift with Adolf Hitler undisputedly is 'harmful,' 'abusive,' 'ethnically offensive,' 'humiliating to other people,' 'libelous,' and no doubt 'otherwise objectionable.' It is of no import that Ms. Swift may be a public figure or that Pinterest conveniently now argues that the Offending Material is mere satire or parody. Public figures have rights. And, there are certain historical figures, such as Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson and the like, who are universally idocententified in the case law and popular culture as lightning rods for emotional and negative reaction.

Taylor Swift, Nazi icon or innocent pop genius. You, the reader, be the judge.

Quo Vadis,